
Chapter 31


Apparently, I laid again some eggs during my sleep.
I was told only fourteen, so it wasn't too straining.


<Didn't you tell me I won't have that for the time being, Kyska?> (E)

<Those were the last my princess. You had them already developed yesterday, so they had to leave your body.> (K)


I try to avoid talking in insect speech nowadays, as my human got better too.
Yet it puts a burden on me to do so.
The insect creaks are simply easier to produce and especially when I just woke up it's quite hard to concentrate enough for human words.
To my dismay, they now feel more natural for me than speaking like a human.

It will soon start, this little adventure into town and I need to get on my way.
First, I go to my stationed family and say bye for today.
I hug everyone and then proceed to the courtyard of Liseti.
She told me she would prepare the escort there and so I have to meet her at this place.
Suki shall still watch here everything for me while Kyska directly follows.


<Kyska, I hope you are aware that you can't do something like yesterday ever again.> (E)

<I know, my princess.> (K)

<Scriek!/Then promise me!> (E)

<Promise?> (K)

<For example an oath or something like this. To bind your words to that what is most precious to you.> (E)

<But that would be you, my princess. How could I do such a thing to you? That wouldn't make sense.> (K)


Urgh, forgot the self-negligence.


<Ehk, scricric!/Sorry, I made a mistake there. Just promise on your own integrity and honor. That's enough.> (E)

<To serve my princess, I promise with all that I am, not to cause her to ever grieve again!> (K)


More I couldn't ask from her.
And I feel those determined pheromones that are emitted around her.


Our destination isn't far from my courtyard, so I enter and find the escort.
Or better the army, as exactly that's what it is.
My interceptors are forming the main force, due to their greater mobility.
Liseti could as their brood mother assemble them, despite giving them to me before.

For the rest, a combination of guardians and workers is there.
However, the number of workers is quite meager.
Apparently, the guardians shall close the lines to me and don't need any workers for doing so.
Those will just be there to perform some tasks if assigned.

Some nurses are also attending.
Those are not as bad, since they don't look very intimidating.


Maybe I should be glad that no hunters are here.
But who knows how fast this town will fill with them should there be an incident.
While the guardians might pose a problem, I am absolutely sure Liseti won't allow any less.
She is capable enough to evaluate the number of necessary forces and understands the situation perfectly.
And she beats me in many ways, regarding leading and logistics.


<There you are! Can we leave then? I guess the human should have finished his own preparations by now as well.> (L)

<I think so. But don't you think that such a big army might look a bit too intimidating?> (E)

<Only fifty interceptors, sixteen guardians, and six workers. I'd rather say I cut it down too much. If this human disagrees, it's his problem. As it was his request. And don't forget to always keep Skiras at your side. He is remarkably capable in comparison to other drones. Some kind of mutation.> (L)


Sounds rather harsh calling him that.
And just now I noticed that he's next to me.
Was he there the whole time?
I often forget about his presence.


<So he is no royal guard?> (E)

<Royal guard? No, no. I don't do such a thing. There is no reason and I'm not into designing my brood and experimenting. Also, breeding those beings would decrease my own capabilities to act in my role.> (L)


Suddenly she comes closer.


<To come up with such a thing right now. Don't tell me you...> (L)


I'm getting distressed and her insect eyes are too piercing.


<You really did! How did it come that you would do something this invasive to your body?" (L)


I answer completely sheepish.


<Kyska said that I wouldn't have to lay eggs for the time being.> (E)

<So you fell for selective information?> (L)


There is a concrete glare to Kyska.


<While I assume that the fact she still stands by your side means you hold no grudge, I need to say that this is unbecoming. A nurse controlling a princess' actions like this isn't tolerable!> (L)


Kyska doesn't dare to speak up.


<I know. I wasn't pleased myself when I heard it. But she promised not to do it ever again. I trust her that much.> (E)

<You need to decide what happens to those assigned to you, but such insolence you shouldn't allow. However, I'm intrigued what kind of royal guard you will bring into existence.> (L)


Like this, we are done and Liseti makes the troops move to the surface, with me in the middle, herself following short behind me.


<Wait! You are coming as well?> (E)

<The risk won't increase by doing so and my proficiency in flight is exceeding yours by far.> (L)


This is right.
I don't believe she will be in any danger.
But this is mostly linked to the fact that there isn't much that could endanger her in the first place.


<Also, concerning the last revelations, I decided we'll do like the humans and charge them.> (L)

<Charge them?" (E)

<The tunnels. If they want to use them they can also partake to help to maintain them. This sounds right.> (L)


I can relate.
Having no real idea how such a structure was built in the first place, you would want to get something back for it when others are benefitting.
Yet, I already get goosebumps from imagining to have to convey this to those people.


<By the way, how should I act there? I mean to represent and such.> (E)

<I suggest as usual. Nervous, timid, and meager.> (L)


That hurt!
And I cannot even say anything against this.


<I-I know I'm not the best to act proudly as a princess.> (E)

<You don't seem to understand. We don't need a proud-behaving princess here. While your demeanor could improve, it isn't linked to your contribution, which is what matters. Yet in this situation, we should ease the other party and a strong presence is detrimental for this purpose.> (L)


It isn't wrong that aggressiveness would be the wrong approach right now, so the opposite might work better.


Next, we are moving back to the surface.
Our meeting point is as we agreed the front of the western gate.
Now we assemble a troop there which looks as if we're ready to invade the town.


<Are you not going to let yourself get carried by the workers?> (L)

<We already talked about this. I can't think straight if this happens. And even more, it would elevate me and make me a better target.> (E)

<If you say so. Might be, might be.> (L)


I'm asking myself how much of a panic I'm causing right now.
I tend to Skiras.


<You know, they might be extremely agitated because of our troop's presence in their settlement. Please make sure that everyone in the escort is as lenient as possible to them.> (E)

<I will try to act in accordance with your request. But the safety of a princess is absolute!> (Sk)

<Especially this is important. Differentiate between them coming close and attacking. Please don't use deadly force just because someone approaches me.> (E)

<Your order will be followed to our utmost capability.> (Sk)

<That is alright. You can stay close to me. But I might interact and even touch some humans directly. Don't harm them in that case. Just look out if they hide weapons to attack. And for god's sake, don't attack the lord!> (E)

<God?> (Sk)


No, no, no.


<Too complicated now! Just do it like this!> (E)

<As you command .> (Sk)


We wait a while calmly in front of the west gate and I can only think about what kind of horror the guards I just can't see are feeling on the other side right now.
After a while, the lord comes out with an escort of his own.


"What are these!!!" (J)


He points at the guardians.

Ah, yes.
He has never seen one of those.


"Ehk, those are guardians. They are... well, guards. Have to be in the escort!" (E)

"When you said you need an escort I thought about something less offensive." (J)

"You see, they simply wouldn't allow any less. They started with a thousand. You can ask Liseti." (E)

"I see. She came as well. But to permit you entrance to the town like this..." (J)

"All of them were told to be lenient. As long there's no one attacking with deadly intent or especially any violence against Liseti and me they will stay calm." (E)

"I guess I have no choice then. But now opening the gates will bring problems." (J)

"Well, most here can fly. So it's not like keeping the gate closed would hinder us much to enter. And then there are the tunnels in addition." (E)

"This is nothing I can tell my people!" (J)

"I guess. But I really have no power to enforce any less. The order to protect us is surpassing everything I need to say." (E)

"It seems I've underestimated that part. Fine, but can I stay close to you, so that the people know that there is no danger from a foreign force." (J)

"Sure, but Skiras here can be easily agitated by fast movements. He is something like a direct bodyguard." (E)


He looks nervous.


"I will keep this in mind." (J)


We are then ready to walk to the gate.
Internally I await that it will close any moment and a rain of arrows will down on us.
Yet, it is rather safe to assume that Liseti has some preparations for this case.
Especially the beings which fly so high above us that they could be considered birds are certainly none.
While we walk the lord turns to me.


"I scheduled a meeting with the most important merchants and the nobles located in this town. A short negotiation might wait for you!" (J)


Great, that didn't help me being nervous in the slightest.
To my surprise, we pass the gate unhindered and the moment I do thousands of eyes are upon me.
It was clear that our little gathering would have been already noticed.
Especially when our lord did his job and gave information to the people.
Naturally, most are looking deeply frightened.
Yet, as it is the curious human nature they still came looking.

Also, a good part of human guards is separating us from the people.
But while they were surely introduced to keep the people away from us, they are mainly turned in our direction.
Yet who could hold it against them?
I am kinda glad I could avoid getting carried by the workers and giving such a weird picture.
My clothing isn't the best and I am terribly aware of that.


Nervously I wave my hand, which might cause some people to pass out, who probably thought I gave the signal for the attack.
However, checking on them isn't really possible at the moment.
To be clear, being accompanied by this small army, which obstructs a good part of the visibility on me is not the slightest bit assuring.


This parade is going for quite a while on this rather big main street.
I still try occasionally to wave a bit at the people to look more natural but my smile is completely stiff with my rising panic.
I hold my shoulders to ease my trembling a bit.

Suddenly Skiras lunges forward to my side.
I get startled as fast and abruptly he came.
A moment later I notice it.

A stone!
He caught a stone that was directed at me.

Promptly all interceptors become agitated.
They have slightly greater intelligence, to understand such a thing, while the workers and even more the guardians are more for direct orders and not so much in catching up with a situation.

The lord instantly loses all color in his face and I find the source.
The child who threw it.
The problem is that the situation is getting out of control.
And I need to react fast.


<Screaaaaahhhk!/Stop!> (E)


This made, for now, all the interceptors go quiet.
Well, and all the people.
I feel Liseti's gaze and am rather sure she wanted to see how the situation turns out.


"Thank you, Skiras. And lord Jorad, I think it calmed down for now." (E)


Since my last order was to stop, everything is now completely still.
Waiting for my reaction.

The boy who threw the stone is already covered by a woman who's supposedly his mother.
A reaction as if I'm going to ask for blood.
Since this is an opportunity I approach them.


"Please, not my son!" (terrified mother)

"Go away, monster! Don't bully my mum!" (kid)


Ouch, that hurt!
Okay, I don't bother with the eyes right now.
But are these and the wings really that bad?


"It's okay. I won't do anything but I need to ask you to stop throwing the stones." (E)

"Please, he is just too young." (mother)

"I know, I too was once young. But this was really dangerous. I can't tell my guards that much when they are deciding to react a little bit excessive. Why did you do this in the first place?" (E)

"Because you are a monster and wants to eat all the people!" (stupid brat)


Now I am dejected and look that part.


"Sigh. No, I'm not. You don't know me. Just because I look unusual it mustn't mean I'm bad." (E)


Well, this could be more believable if the guardians wouldn't make such threatening twitching movements right now.


I go back to my old place and start to walk on, which sets the whole parade into movement.
I tend to the lord.
Maybe someone should discipline that boy but now would definitely be the wrong moment.


"Please don't punish them. It might have been incredibly foolish and dangerous, but it would make a bad impression." (E)


Also, someone might say something about me controlling his mind, as bad as my image is right now.

Fortunately, there are no more incidents during the rest of the way.
Surely for a good part because the guardians are really intimidating and the human guards who are closer to the people now take their job much more seriously and extremely cautiously watch out for further stone-throwers and such.

In the end, most people are against bloodbaths.


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