
Chapter 38


- Erys -


<And this was how it went.> (K)


I am at a loss for words.


<So we barely dodged a large-scale conflict because you and my mother went out shopping for clothes?> (E)

<I don't know about this. Skiras appeared to be sufficiently able to handle the situation!> (K)


There are simply too many things going wrong while I sleep.


<I will show them to you! Please enjoy your meal in the meantime.> (K)


I won't lie, having a ready-made breakfast when you wake up is nice.
Even if eating has now a completely different biological implication to me.

Kyska leaves for a moment, while I eat and returns with pieces of fabric in her four arms.
Then she extends a beautiful gown in blue.
I need to admit that my mother has a great aesthetical sense.

Before I'm going to wear this dress I can finally change my undergarments.
Mum even thought about these.
That I can do this means a lot to me.
I don’t sweat, because of… reasons, but there are other nasty fluids I don’t want to mention.
This makes having another change of clothes quite great.
 Kyska helps me put the dress on and it fits.

Not that I don't value the work the nurses put into fabricating the one in green, but this feels completely different.
And this is not only because this fabric wasn't looted from dead bodies.
There is an apparent gap in skill compared to the work of a true professional.
Even the adjustments are well-done yet I guess for these I have to thank Kyska.
After that, I'm ready and let them guide me outside to the main square.
And it's bustling there.


"Ehk, Kyska? Did they wait for me?" (E)

"Naturally! You are the very reason for this. Of course they wait." (K)


I can see my family and they look like they're doing well.
Then Liseti spots me.


<There you are! Good. Then we can head to the surface!> (L)

<The surface?> (E)

<We have to gather your coach there and meet those humans. Also, I figured you would wish to see the sun once more before we leave.> (L)


This thought is touching.
That she is this considerate towards me is really nice.
We walk a bit and emerge at the same place where we had all the other meetings.
There I find the lord, his entourage, two carriages with people inside, and a small coach.
Jorad heads to Liseti and speaks to her.


"Are you satisfied with the coach? We gave our best to prepare it this sudden." (J)


She glances at it and knocks once with a claw.


"It mieght get stuck, but wiell suffiece. The hull appears to be sturdy, to a degreee. After all, a convenient object. I gieve my thanks!" (L)


Nice of her that she appreciates a human invention.
Yet it is a bit rude how brutally honest she is to a high-ranking noble.
Next, it's my turn.


"I thank you as well lord Jorad. Thank you for your open way of thinking." (E)

"It was a pleasure. Thank you for your cooperation." (J)


And now after the sweet talk, I have to ask a favor.


"By the way, is it fine if my family boards one of the carriages?" (E)


This is more of a pleasantry than actually asking for consent, as he can't really deny my request in this situation.
And it's not like he could control how we travel after we depart.


"Naturally! I'm glad that I can be of help." (J)


I tend to my family and ask one last time.


"Are you sure about this? If you come with me now you might not see the sun for a long time. If you want I can maybe arrange some kind of accommodation here in town." (E)


This is more last-minute panic than anything else.
I am not sure how it will turn out and don't want to force them.
Mother speaks.


"Ery, it's not like we gave it no thought. We decided on this together. Also, I was yesterday involved in quite a ruckus. So staying might not be for the best. You don't need to worry." (F)

"Alright." (E)


I guide them to the carriages.
In the first carriage are obviously high-ranked people from the guilds, as well as this noble lady and the female merchant from the other day.
The second is filled with their assistants and other people who were apparently deemed expendable.
I don't want my family to have to squeeze into the cramped second one.
Yet lord Jorad speaks up to the lady.


"Temia, can these people join you?" (J)

"They look like commoners and it's already full in here!" (T)

"They are the family of princess Erys and like this of high status. Please show them your hospitality. Also it isn't this bad. I'm sure you can make room." (J)

"Fine, it's not like I have a choice." (T)


While she doesn't seem to like it, I doubt this person will be openly hostile.
Yet for that merchant, Olira was it, I am rather sure she is going to talk them deaf as eager as she looks.
When they get in, I see two men who stand out.
Like lady Lorata they look battle-hardened, but surely not noble.
This means they're either escorts for someone in there, even if this would be useless as stupidly outnumbered they are, or they could be the contribution from the adventurer guild.
Whatever it is, I am worried to settle my family next to armed men.
I turn to Liseti.


<Creek, scrac, craa!/Th0se men are fighters. I think we should maybe watch out and stay vigilant.> (E)


I whispered to not attract too much attention.
However, screeches aren't thought to be discreet and my poor attempt was totally suspicious.
In the first place, there was no reason to whisper in the first place since no one would be able to understand.


<Thank you for pointing that out. I am troubled to notice the differences between humans. They look all the same to me. I will make sure to be prepared. Yet I never intended to leave one of them unwatched for even a moment!> (L)


Since we're talking here about Liseti I know she means this.
At least I can be assured that no one will do something stupid.

I give my farewells and head into the coach.
In there I discover that they even thought to place the seats a bit apart from the wall, to make space for the wings.
And following that thought the walls are padded, in case the journey might get rough in there.

I can't complain.
If not for the lack of room since my now-following nurses take place next to me.
Directly Liseti follows.


<Here you have your transportation device. But I need to say the common method would've been more convenient. However! Skreak!> (L)


At this workers free the horses and take their places, leaving quite some folk dumbfounded.
The rest is eventually following behind.


It's an eery feeling to drive this coach below the earth.
I look outside for a moment and see that the people grow as well distressed at this idea.
For security reasons Liseti lets the workers build a wall in front and behind us in the tunnel, scaring like this most of the humans.


It is dark below the earth so that traveling gets harder.
At some point, we even have to change the other horses for workers, as the first ones are too agitated to properly proceed.
Yet I guess Olira is already taking notes to train animals accordingly or simply rent our workers.
The journey takes longer than when I got here.
Yet this is not just because of the coach, but also due to the carriages.
So I don't feel too guilty.

If there is anything that troubles me it would be that I start to feel how my stomach grows heavier and swells slightly from the inside.
In addition, the workers steadily change places, so that those who pull never tire out.
With this, we maintain a decent speed traveling through the tunnel system.


I notice that we are close when the number of passages increases.
Certainty is there when Liseti drops the wall and after passing a giant gateway we ultimately arrive at our destination.
The hive!

Since the passages within the hive won't allow riding them further here everyone leaves the carriages.
We find ourselves somewhere on the midsegment.
It got brighter here, with an abundance of light-stones and also these glowing mushrooms around, so that even without my special eyes one should be able to see the awe-inspiring pillar, which rises in the middle of the even greater expanse around.
Everywhere is motion and all the people stare in astonishment.
At this, I go to my family.


"And? What do you think?" (E)

"This is incredible!" (F)

"I had some expectations, but this surpasses them by far." (R)

"Wow!" (Toris)

"How far does it even go down there?" (F)

"I think it was around fifty floors and even more to the top. At the bottom is the mycelium or in other words the mushroom fields. However, it is more like a forest." (E)

"A forest?" (F)

"Yes, the mushrooms grow as large as trees. They cut them partly and let them regrow." (E)

"So they cultivate their food directly in here?" (R)

"Right. And below there are many more layers. The mushroom is their main source. It is rather nice that they mostly eat plants, I believe!" (E)


The last part I say loud enough for everyone to hear.
Can't harm to do a little bit of advertising.
Especially as I am sure, judging by the looks, that some think they are part of the menu.
I see Liseti gesturing me to her side and walk over.


<Everything is prepared. The humans have their quarters on this floor and Skiras knows the location. They are allowed to move freely within the hive. In consideration naturally, as some areas are restricted.> (L)

<Ehk, wait. You know, this merchant, Olira, and the noblewoman... Maybe we should treat them specially? Olira could be very helpful to establish relations. And the noble is simply a very important person. Putting them together with all the others might be wrong.> (E)

"If you say so. Then you will accommodate them in your district!" (L)

"What!?" (E)

"This is the best way. My own is too secluded and yours was extensively expanded in your absence. So you have vacant rooms and can provide shelter as you see fit. They couldn't find faults in this." (L)


After this, she spreads her wings and flies upwards, followed at short notice by an interceptor escort, leaving me baffled down here.
On the other side, I haven't seen her laying and the journey was long.
She might have forcefully forestalled it and now has to quickly move to her chamber.
I as well start to grow tired and can't wait to get to that place, which I weirdly now call home.
Like this, I can't say much.
Instead, I now have to take responsibility for these people.
Like this, I turn to Kyska.


"Kyska?" (E)

"Yes, my princess?" (K)

"I'm sorry to ask this of you, but I really don't see another way. Those people. It's important that they have someone. No one else speaks the human language as well as you do. I wouldn't know anyone else I could ask to accompany them and attend to their needs. I'm sorry. I know what serving me means to you." (E)

"You don't need to feel troubled my princess. If I can be in any way of assistance to you I am glad." (K)

"Thank you. I would have asked Suki,  but I trust you a little more with managing things." (E)

"Thank you for your trust. Anyways, I will take some of the nurses with me and educate them accordingly. Like this, I will be soon able to return to your side. After all, we have to prepare for what will happen in two days. At this time I must be with you. I won't give in on this matter!" (K)


Oh yes, the royal guard.
How could I forget?
Surprise, I didn't!
My stomach feels tenser with each passing hour.


"Sigh. Anyways, you are no servant to them. Please try to help them on their matters, but don't let them mistreat you. You are in charge, not they of you!" (E)

"I understand my princess, I will act accordingly!" (K)


Kyska is a professional, so I don't really worry that she will do something bad.
If anything it is a problem that I don't have her for the closest time.
But now I have to attend the rest.
First my apparent guests!


"Miss Olira, lady Lorata! I would like to ask you if you are fine with accompanying me to my courtyard." (E)
"What are you planning?" (T)


Aren't we a little too paranoid?


"I just wanted to be considerate. I thought this would be more appropriate." (E)

"This sounds wonderful! Thank you for your invitation! This will pose a great opportunity to develop a mutually beneficial relationship!" (O)


She seems much more eager, while the other party just scowls.
I don't even know if at me or that merchant.
However, I start to feel the weight of that fatigue.
The exhaustion piles up, pressuring me to hurry a bit and get to my quarter, with that creepy tub, which still has great relaxing properties.
I tend to my family at last, which Suki attends.


"We can go then. I could show you the place I've been since we got separated." (E)

"Well, you invited us." (F)

"Then please come with me." (E)


However, I have no real idea of the way, with my total experience consisting of one single stroll.
Instead, I need to awkwardly let Skiras take over.
Looking backward, I see how Kyska along with some nurses and messengers starts to manage the leftover group.
They should be fine.
And naturally, an escort forms around me.
No chance to stroll on my own.


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