
Chapter 42




Fortunately Mum made it back that day without anything happening to her.
Welu said she would come back tomorrow for her.
Judging from mum's expression it can't have been too bad.
I on the other side had a much worse day.
All that I managed was to see her when she came back.
After that, my waist got too heavy and I had to be brought to the tub.
Fatigue overcame me and after a while, I wasn't even able to find the will to want to stand up again.
However, that was nothing in comparison to what the next day had in store for me.


"Aahkrrk!" (E)


I wake up with a groan and realize instantly that I am not in my tub.
The next moment, I find out that I am sitting on some kind of throne in my room.
The attempt to move just shows me how impossible it is to do so.
And when I realize why this is so:




Pure horror!
My belly bloated so much one couldn't believe it.
I fear I might tear, but for some reason, I am not even feeling that much pressure besides a strain.
The moment I notice Miwa I panic at her.


<Screeak!/What is this?! What is going on here?!> (E)


I can't even control my speech, so agitated I am.


<My princess, please be at ease. Everything is as it should be.> (M)

<What is as it should be?! I can't even move!!! And what is this construction?!> (E)

<Your seating is designed like this to help you in your laying session.> (M)

<Laying? You mean...> (E)

<It will soon start. Your seating is designed to provide support during your session. You may not have noticed, but your ovipositor is left free. Like this, the eggs will easier come out by falling down. This is a common facility to assist a princess in her efforts and terribly necessary in this case because of these eggs' greater size.> (M)

<And why... How? When?> (E)

<It was prepared during your sleep. The construction was already requested in advance. You were brought over as soon it was finished.> (M)

<What? Why in advance? And why did I not know about this?!> (E)

<Kyska ordered so. She deemed you might be troubled if confronted with this construction.> (M)


Kyska!? Again?!
How much does she scheme behind my back?
Not that she was wrong with her assumption.
I definitely would have been troubled.
But she really went too far!


"What will happen now?" (E)


I am actually scared here.


<Seeing how much it progressed, you will soon feel the urge and let go. It might be taxing, yet not excessively. The nurses are already waiting to attend to you.> (M)


All I can do now is to wait for the next hours, as well as the surely most traumatic episode in my life, to pass by.

I don't want to.





Why the heck do I have to deal with this?
Just because Lord Hawkspear is fraternizing with these creatures I am forced to stay in this wretched place.
Oversized insects everywhere!

And to call these accommodations sparse is an understatement!
A bed and a table, that's it!
And about the food, I don't even want to get started.
Cooking is apparently an unknown art here.

Nonetheless, I am worried.
Yesterday, I could thoroughly inspect this place and was able to get a hunch of this world.
My conclusion is that the prospects are terrifying.

Alone what I could roughly grasp here makes me shudder.
A war with these things couldn't even be called one.
They can attack at any place they want by digging there.
Even the imperial palace itself cannot be considered safe.
Yet that doesn't matter as they anyway outnumber us excessively, while their supplies are safe in this gigantic structure and they apparently have no further needs which have to be attended.
In addition, their majority is by "nature" battle-ready.
If you can even call this natural.

Alone these workers are something the common soldier would be troubled to face.
With their four legs, they pose basically a cavalry on their own.
Furthermore, they are visibly much heavier than humans.
Such monsters could with little effort overrun our formations.
Not to speak of these so-called guardians.
Walking abominations, made for the sole purpose of mowing through lives.

For the rest, my tour wasn't very impressive.
They have installments that are very target-oriented, but no variety.
No inventions.

Yet what they lack in culture is outweighed by sophistication.
They concentrate extreme efforts just for the sake of keeping this whole organization going.
It seems none of these things has any wishes of their own,
Everything for that swarm.
And well, these princesses.

I've got that they have a fairly high priority.
But the reason eludes me.
The strangest factor is this girl.
She simply doesn't fit in the picture considering everything I've seen here.
Something completely foreign in this system.
Why would someone like this have any rank among such creatures?

And my confusion just grew.
When I came back, I saw how something happened in that girl's room.
Over and over insects dwelled in, carrying earth and some vessels.
When I asked this nurse, which speaks my language she simply refused to answer.
Such insolent behavior towards an ambassador, yet they are in a position of power.

I can understand why lord Hawkspear wants to appease them.
When I visited the quarters of the other people who came along, they looked all well off.
So I don't think they will suddenly become hostile, as they could already have done so long ago.

However, at the moment all that keeps them from killing us all might be the will of the princesses.
One more reason to find out what they're doing in there.
What is it that grants them so much power here?


"Hey Temia, again musing around?" (O)


And this is maybe the worst factor of my current situation.
I am forced to share the same cave with this individual.
She is impudent, never quiet, and she snores!
To top it all she really seems to love being here.
While these things might any moment destroy mankind, she may already think about how she could sell them weapons to do so.
That's the kind of person this money grabber is!


"Don't just address me like this! My rank exceeds yours by far." (T)

"Oh, but aren't these times full of possibilities? If even a peasant girl can become a princess?" (O)

"Those are insects! What value holds such a title?" (T)

"Apparently enough to shake the whole city in its core. So it holds power. Substantial power. And if you knew me, you'd know that I am always in for something substantial." (O)

"You are seriously considering working with them, huh?" (T)

"I even plan to grant them good conditions. Some might not be aware, but this nation might in the future influence everything that is happening above them. Other merchants might just see fast profit in taking advantage of their lacking experience, but the value of a permanent position might be immeasurable." (O)

"What do you aim for with that advertising? Do you think they spy on us?" (T)


Honestly, that could even be.


"Who knows? But until I am back home I'll be in battle mode, and this my battlefield!" (O)


Not able to endure this person any moment longer I leave this hall and move "out" to the courtyard.
How do you even describe the passing from one hole to the next?
I muse how much I would right now prefer to be at home with my family instead of this wretched environment.





An ear-piercing scream rushes through the whole cave and leaves me trembling.
I follow the sound and find myself at the entrance to this girl's place.
Something is clearly happening there.
I can see much movement through the hole that leads in there.
The guards gave way for nurses, who frequently enter and exit.
When they exit they appear to hold something in their claws and bring it into another cave.

I consider following them but am more curious about what is going on in that room.
There was a scream, so it might be something terrific.
I come close, but all of them seem too invested in their tasks to notice me.
I can approach unhindered and take it as an invitation to enter.

Following shortly behind the next entering nurse, I find myself in that room.
There I see a giant throne.
On top of it is that girl, in undergarments, groaning with a strained expression.
Directly below her crouches a nurse at a small hole in that throne.
She appears to wait for something, but I can't see what.




But then I hear a strange sound and the nurse catches something.
She crawls back out and is instantly replaced by another one.
As she comes closer I get a glimpse.
Milky-white. Round. This is...


"I-Is that an egg?" (T)




The moment she sees me her face becomes even redder as it already is from the strain.
She covers herself with her arms while screaming with the same creaks the insects use.
Yet they're much more frightening, clearly agitated.
Maybe I have seen something I shouldn't?

This is at least what I believe when all the creatures now glare hostile at me, while slowly moving closer.
Aside from the nurses who still keep working by crawling below the girl.




Again that sound and the leaving nurse is so focused on whatever she's doing that she completely ignores me while passing by.
The workers do not and threateningly advance.
I think I might die now.


"Creak!" (E)


But with this shout of hers, they stop and move again away.
Then suddenly that talking nurse, which is responsible for the other people comes to me.


"I am sorry, but the princess is occupied. It might be better if you'd leave! Now!" (K)


She is so through with herself that I can see that she wouldn't be able to form words now.



"What is even going on here?" (T)

"Please go." (E)


Her face says that she really has to push herself to keep her act together.
It's not difficult to understand that it might not end well for me if I linger here any longer.
With this, I keep my questions to myself and turn around to the exit.
Just when I want to do so, this other insect that acts as some kind of captain here enters.


"Mye priencess!" (Sk)

"Wh-what is it now?" (E)



She is clearly at her mental limits but gives her all to stay halfway composed.
This insect proceeds, ignoring the emerging eggs in front of him like it's the most natural thing ever.
Wait, that might be the case for him.


"An inciedent occuured." (Sk)

"Wh-what? What kind of incident?!" (E)

"Your motheer." (Sk)

"Mum? What is with my mum!?" (E)


Until now her voice was panicked because of me.
Yet now there's a completely different kind of distress.




And as if triggered by this, another egg emerges.
The insect captain proceeds to make his report.


"Yuuur motheer, was... taken." (Sk)


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