
Chapter 48

I leave, accompanied by Kyska and my stupidly excessive escort.
I mean, just thinking about it.
We are here inside the hive.
Even more within its perfectly guarded center.
This seems so redundant.
Nonetheless, I want to get going.
I have some things on my list for today.


"Kyska, can you show the way to Liseti? I had to ask her something." (E)

"Naturally, my princess. But since we're already here, how about making a small detour." (K)


That's unlike Kyska, making a suggestion that differs even slightly from my ideas.


"For what reason?" (E)

"You see, your brood is close from here. I speak of those which almost matured. It might align with your mother's initial idea to visit them." (K)

"Uh, I have to, right?" (E)

"Naturally not. You are free to decide, my princess. However, it would be a positive gesture for the respective drones. Important for their mental development." (K)


I didn't even know that mentality was a thing for drones.
But if I remember the hunters, they looked very glad that I decided to give them some attention.
It would be wrong to deny the same to the others.


"Fine, I'm going." (E)


It seems our destination lies a little further below.
We pass some stairways, or whatever you would call these tunnels with their rigged edges that provide some kind of footing.
Then we reach a more open space.
Within some kind of earthen pen, I see some creatures.
It's not very bright here, but as soon I come closer I see a number of creatures.

The first I can specify is a classic worker.
The only difference is that this one is smaller.
Also maybe a little softer since the carapace looks not completely developed yet and it's slightly frailer.
All in all, it looks exactly like one would presume the child version of a worker would look.
I wouldn't go as far and say it's cute because... Well, it's still a rather big insect walking on four spikes with mandibles and sharp claws.

Without all my experiences I would certainly have panicked if I had encountered such a creature before.
Yet the way they still walk a little unsteady on their legspikes and just peacefully wander around in that pen is not really terrifying.
Naturally, I am still creeped out by the implication that this creature is something like my child.
When I come closer I see many more of these child workers.
They all have different sizes, which tells me that the insects put the younglings into this crib without separating different stages of age.

At a certain distance suddenly all of them throw their heads in my direction and a moment later rush at me.
It's clear that they noticed the scent.
The oncoming stampede reminds me that I was deep in the hundreds with my eggs.
Thus I am now in front of a small earthen wall with an army of baby workers behind, who focus all their attention on me.
I think I need to say something.


"Ehk. Hello." (E)


Not the best start, but something.
Also, maybe I should use insect speech, but I think they should learn early that I'm talking a little weirdly.
And the pheromones should still properly convey everything.
It seems to work out, as aside from a slight confusion, their attention won't waver.


"Y-you see. It seems like we're related or rather..." (E)


How to say this?


"I-I'm your... mo-...ther. Kind off." (E)


God, was it hard to say that.
If Kyska now tells me that she meant the next pen I'll hit her.


<Scre-cu!/Mo-ther?> (child worker)


One of the bigger ones repeats.
This one must be old enough to have acquired some rudimental speech.
Even if workers are commonly not very smart as they are made to perform simpler tasks.


"Uhh, yes. It seems so." (E)


No way around this.
I gave them life.
Obscuring the facts by calling me princess or broodmother won't change this.







Great, now the bunch grows excited.
Yet it's not like I could take care of all of them.
I lay new eggs faster than I could even get started.


<Order, mother?> (child worker)

"Oh, no. You don't need to. I just hope that all of you can lead a happy life." (E)


Whatever this may entail for a worker.
I haven't seen one of them collapsing from overwork yet.
So it doesn't seem as if the swarm is working them to the bone.


<Happy?> (child worker)

"Y-yes. I mean, I hope that all of you will lead a satisfying life. This is important for me. I don't want anyone of you to be sad that you live. Or more, that I made this happen." (E)


This is the truth.
As creeped out as I am, all of them are innocent beings.
That I am here caused this situation.
So naturally, I wish that none of them has to suffer because I exist.
They all look and feel rather puzzled and stay quiet.
I want to give them at least something.
So I decide to step over that fence.
They all feel friendly and this fence didn't even pose a barrier, to begin with.
There should be no harm in decreasing the distance.







At least I thought so until I get assaulted.
Not in a harmful way, but hundreds of baby workers can still pressure one quite a lot when they fight for your attention.
I give my best to pet as many of them as I can, but the fleshy ocean I'm standing in always brings new ones.
After an, in my opinion, long enough period of time, I stop and climb out of the pen.
While I thought they might be dejected, their initial elation prevails.
They are simply happy and glad that I took that bit of time.
But I have to go now.


"Are you satisfied, Kyska? I really gave my best." (E)

"You were great. All of them won't ever forget this. The moment when their princess blessed them like this and gave them all her wishes. It was... wonderful." (K)


It almost seems as if Kyska is close to her tears.


"Great, then we can go now. That would be fine, right?" (E)

"But what about the others?" (K)

"Others?" (E)

"This was the station for the workers. They just have to be fed and can learn to move here. But the stations for the guardians, messengers, and nurses are still left." (K)

"You mean this?" (E)

"Naturally, my princess." (K)


I know I don't really have a choice.
After I tended to the workers I cannot neglect the others.
That would feel wrong.

While the guardians leave certainly even in their younger stages quite the expression they are gladly not too many.
Still, around twenty, but it could be worse.
They were very careful with me.
Which was necessary, as they're already quite huge and their weapons already developed, which was slightly unsettling.
Yet this made them enjoy much more that I petted them.
It almost got dangerous.
I guess they can't even touch their own bodies without harming themselves.
This means they are dependent on others to receive any comforting treatment.
I can understand that this meant much to them, even if I don't want to get accidentally sliced down by their blades.

The messengers were on the other hand much more civilized.
I think it went rather well.
It was as if I was the teacher of a number of children.
A large number.

And do you remember when I said these insects aren't cute?
Well, I take that back.
At least as far as it concerns the nurses.
So many mini-Kyskas.
I mean they are frail, little girl-like beings.
Also, they are set up to be empathetic of others.
If we had any plant life here I believe one had already brought me a flower crest.
What isn't there to be sympathetic about?
I know, I'm clearly biased and this might make me a bad mum.
But I cannot change the facts.
They're cute.

I know this might be a little unfair to the others.
But it's not like I hate them, and I didn't grant any special benefits, so it should be fine.
Finally, I manage to get done with all the visits.


"You acted so affectionately towards your brood. It was truly magnificent." (K)

"Yes, yes. I know this was important, but the implications weigh still hard on my mind." (E)

"While it isn't too common for a princess to be too close with her brood, especially since she will definitely outlive them, this was certainly beneficial. You are the most important existence for them. They would die for you the moment you order it. Because of this, it's good to grant them a more defined impression of your person. Especially now." (K)


I didn't want to hear this.
Knowing how desperate they are bound to me won't help to reduce my stress, caused by all this responsibility.


"Now? What is now?" (E)

"Haven't you noticed? The hunters should have been an indicator. Many of them are almost matured. It won't take long now and they will leave the nursery. After this, it will be your responsibility to assign them." (K)


I start to hate that word.

Kyska, I just thought that I'm under too much stress!
I know you can feel my pheromones!


"Didn't you say once something about fifteen intervals?" (E)

"We are very close to that. Even if not, they may not be matured but are close enough. So it's fine to assign the oldest ones at this stage." (K)

"How should I do this? You know I have no idea how most of these things work in detail." (E)

"This is no issue. You can always give the order to simply spread them evenly wherever they're needed. There are procedures in place to distribute them in that case. Specialized drones like nurses and guardians are naturally limited in their occupation, but there are many roles a worker can perform. However, there is still another assignment that would have priority before that. This one would use up all the prepared units for the near future and like this grant you a bit of time to decide." (K)


That sounds like something extremely important I should know about.


"Which assignment would that be?" (E)

"Naturally the replacement of all the units in your district my princess. At the moment they all are originating from the queen in her wish to support you. Yet using those completely devoted to you would be the natural choice." (K)


I really don't know how I would feel about always being surrounded by essentially my children.
This could just be weird. Yet Kyska has a point that it's more logical to keep those related to me close to me, instead of foreign personnel.


"So I should assign all the new ones to my place?" (E)


Is this causing trouble for those who have to leave?


"Precisely. Yet the nurses are not experienced enough yet. As I said, the only place for them is the nursery, where they will receive training." (K)


I can already see Mum being completely excited about her new co-workers.


"Okay, I trust you there Kyska." (E)

"Thank you, my princess." (K)

"It seems I will have one more point to discuss with Liseti, regarding this assigning." (E)


Seriously, I don't even know how it's done.


"If you say so. Princess Liseti is definitely experienced on that matter." (K)

"Great. Could you then bring me over to her place?" (E)

"Naturally, my princess. As you wish." (K)


Finally, I could convince Kyska to lead me to Liseti's place.
Hopefully, this will be less strenuous.


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