Fortunate to Have You This Lifetime

Chapter 395 - 395: Bargaining

Chapter 395: Chapter 395: Bargaining

Allen Rivera was taken aback and then smiled, which was quite rare for his usual poker face expression.

“Did I misunderstand? You provided the police with evidence of Rowan Walt selling illegal drugs, and now… you’re defending her?” Allen Rivera thought Purple Summers was joking.

“I provided evidence because I believe there’s room for further investigation in this case,” Purple Summers glanced at Marcel Jefferson, “Mr. Jefferson will be defending Rowan Walt. I’d like to discuss the details of the case with you.”

Marcel Jefferson immediately understood and asked, “Prosecutor Rivera, may we have a chat?”

Allen Rivera looked deeply at Purple Summers and nodded, “Of course.”

It was lunchtime, so the three of them found a restaurant with private rooms on the street.

Marcel Jefferson took care of ordering the food.

Purple Summers didn’t beat around the bush with Allen Rivera and asked directly, “What is the prosecution’s claim?”

Allen Rivera said, “Fifteen years in prison and a fine equal to five times the sales amount.”

“That’s too harsh,” Purple Summers shook her head, “My client is already in her sixties, it’s unknown if she can survive another fifteen years. All her drug sales proceeds have been used to treat her granddaughter’s illness. Even if she sells her house, she can’t afford such a high fine. The prosecution’s claim is neither reasonable nor legal.”

Allen Rivera raised an eyebrow and folded his arms, “What do you think?”

“Two years in prison and confiscation of all illegal drugs,” said Purple Summers, “She also has a bedridden granddaughter who requires care, so I hope to apply for parole.”

“Impossible,” Allen Rivera coldly refused, “According to Article 11 of the Drug Administration Law Implementation Regulations, unauthorized production and sale of toxic drugs shall be subject to a fine of five to ten times the illegal proceeds. If it causes disability or death, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to the law. Rowan Walt illegally sold banned drugs containing tetrahydrocannabinol, causing three deaths. She must be severely punished.”

Purple Summers remained calm and smiled, “Not all drugs containing tetrahydrocannabinol are toxic. As far as I know, some modern treatment drugs also contain such substances. My client Rowan Walt is illiterate, and the drug was unintentionally made by her. She didn’t intend to harm anyone, and the dosage couldn’t cause disability or death. Interpreting this case with Article 11 of the Drug Administration Law Implementation Regulations is highly inappropriate.”

Allen Rivera looked thoughtfully at the silent Marcel Jefferson, and then his gaze fell back on the young woman in front of him.

He suddenly smiled and compromised, “Eight years in prison, a fine of twice the sales amount, and confiscation of all illegal drugs.”

Purple Summers insisted, “Two years, parole.”

Allen Rivera’s fingers gently tapped the table, “Ms. Summers, do you think sentencing Rowan Walt to only two years and parole for three lives might be a bit far-fetched?”

“The illegal drugs Rowan Walt sold did not cause death; she shouldn’t bear the responsibility for those three lives. What we’re discussing now is not a criminal case, but her unauthorized production and sale of illegal drugs without a business license,” Purple Summers replied.

Allen Rivera began to reassess the girl in front of him; she was much more difficult than he had imagined.

“The victims died of tetrahydrocannabinol poisoning, and Rowan Walt’s talismanic water happened to contain tetrahydrocannabinol. As for the dosage issue, maybe it was her carelessness in the manufacturing process that led to the excessive amount of the drug on some talisman papers. Rowan Walt cannot be ruled out as a suspect,” said Allen Rivera.

Purple Summers shook her head again, “No, Rowan Walt reduced the dosage in order to lower costs, never increasing it. Doing so would be a losing business, and although she is old, she is not senile.”

She paused for a moment and continued, “Just now, Jessica Cameron claimed that Cyrus Davis and the other two victims had left the room before the incident, presumably to smoke cigarettes outside. The cigarettes had no brand and were in self-sealed bags. Aren’t you curious about the ingredients, Mr. Prosecutor?”

Allen Rivera was silent.

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