Four Skills for All

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Bai Fan’s equality and trust

Cannes, Bai Fan Barracks.

After he settled in Cannes, Bai Fan began to slow down the recruitment of new members and stopped wandering around.

After he settled down, Bai Fan immediately announced that he would be staying in Cannes for the time being, and everyone could let go of their guards and live together in peace.

In the next few days, Bai Fan announced a few more regulations. Everyone would put down their thermal weapons on weekdays, and they would not use thermal weapons if there was no war.

Assign work to everyone, keep everyone busy, and advocate mutual help.

At the beginning, there was no team leader or group leader, and Bai Fan was responsible for everything. In the future work, those who perform well can manage some things.

With such a rule, all the burdens are placed on Bai Fan, everything is fine, and he takes care of himself.

I have been busy every day, dealing with all kinds of things, because there is no subordinates to help, the communication and management alone have made Bai Fan exhausted.

Let alone lead the team out to find supplies and think about self-sufficiency methods.

However, in the next few days, there was no conflict in the army of more than 10,000 people.

We must know that such an army that gathers quickly is most prone to conflict and chaos.

In the past, there were frequent private fights among the thermal weapons army in Shuncheng.

At that time, it was a big problem, and it was an unavoidable problem. So many people gathered together were prone to confusion and quarrels, and everyone’s emotions were still unstable and insecure.

The ability of Cannes’s army to achieve this level has a lot to do with Bai Fan’s regulations.

At first, Bai Fan asked everyone to lay down their hot weapons and some people were on guard, but after arranging work, these people gradually let go of their guards.

Standing on a high place, Bai Fan looked at the peace in the camp. Everyone was busy, everyone had a fulfilling life, and everyone was full of trust.

Unconsciously, Bai Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth. It was worth doing so much.

The news went back to the Xiangcheng factory.

Mo Xiu smiled at the corner of the intelligence’s mouth.

But Cao Fenglin, who was sitting at the side, felt that this smile was terrible.

Cao Fenglin said: “Mo Xiu, I finally understand that Bai Fan is experimenting. He wants a world where everyone is absolutely equal and fully trusted, but that world does not exist!”

Mo Xiu nodded and said, “Indeed, people are born unequal. How can one say that they are absolutely equal? ​​Everyone has an independent mind, and how can one say that he has complete trust.”

Cao Fenglin said, “Bai Fan’s small system will collapse sooner or later. I know what you are waiting for is that moment.”

Mo Xiu nodded and said: “Yes, but this process is very long, we need to make it faster!”

The two looked at each other and smiled, Yang Qingzhuo on the side looked dumbfounded, what else did they say?

Xiao Hong also took notes very seriously, and marked the key points in this note.

Cannes camp.

It took Bai Fan three days to travel all corners of the camp, and in each area he selected a person with the most supporters as the person in charge.

A person in charge is also selected for each task. This not only improves work efficiency, but also greatly reduces Bai Fan’s pressure.

But Bai Fan didn’t relax at all, knowing that this was a critical moment, and some people were dissatisfied when they took office.

Bai Fan was selected according to popular opinion, and it is also the safest way.

On the day these persons in charge were elected, the entire barracks were in peace.

In the evening, a celebration ceremony was held spontaneously to congratulate those responsible.

“Leader Bai Fan, you are here, join our party and celebrate together!”

“No, I’ll go look elsewhere.”

Like this, Bai Fan didn’t know how many times he heard it this evening.

Seeing the harmony in this land, Bai Fan strengthened his inner thoughts. Yes, it is possible.

Before he knew it, Bai Fan actually left a line of tears, for himself, for the person in front of him, and for Xiaohui and Mumu who shouldn’t die.

Looking up at the sky, Bai Fan had mixed feelings in his heart. Is this kind of world bad?

Everyone must work together to fight against wild beasts and against foreign enemies.

Bai Fan is tired of intrigue, tired of people’s selfish desires, tired of the world’s criteria for judging a person’s success.

This is a whole new world, Bai Fan thought.

Early the next morning.

A person in charge hurried to Bai Fan’s office.

“Chief, it’s not good, the person in charge of the three districts is dead.”

Bai Fan’s heart just relaxed, suddenly lifted up.

“take me!”

Bai Fan came to the scene of the crime. The person in charge of the third district is a 30-year-old elder brother. He is kind and popular in the third district.

But now he was lying on the bed without breathing, and his neck was cut open.

Bai Fan walked over and covered the body with the quilt next to it.


After a light sigh, he walked out of the room.

After pacing back and forth at the door, a decision was made.

The election will be held again, and this time a young man who is young and energetic is elected.

After the election, Bai Fan went straight back to the office, sat in a chair, held his forehead with his right hand, and sat until the evening.

The idea that Bai Fan has instilled in everyone for a long time is to help each other and trust each other.

Therefore, this news cannot be blocked, and the blockade violates this principle.

But as long as the news spreads, the trust cultivated in so many days will disappear.

What you do is wrong, and there is no way to make up for it.

Unless the murderer can be found in a short time, Bai Fan has no help, so he can only investigate slowly, and there is no way to find the murderer quickly.

The biggest suspect is the new head of the three districts, and he can get the most benefits.

Bai Fan thought about it, so he could only wait for a while, and wait for tomorrow to talk to the new person in charge to see if he found out.

Bai Fan tossed and turned this night.

Early the next morning, another bad news came, leaving Bai Fan at a loss.

The new person in charge is dead again!

People in the entire three districts are now in panic, and other districts have also heard the news, and are panicked.

Bai Fan clenched his fists tightly, what the **** was going on?

The person who thought it was most likely to be the murderer also died.

So do you still choose the person in charge? What should I do after being selected? Protect this person? What should I do if this is a murderer? Not protected? What to do if there is another life case?

Bai Fan felt at a loss for the first time.

Thinking about it for another day.

The third day.

Bai Fan once again elected a person in charge of the three districts and announced a new regulation.

Everyone is responsible for being able to wear thermal weapons for self-defense.

This is a helpless move As soon as this rule came out, Bai Fan himself violated the principle of absolute equality for everyone, allowing the person in charge to have more power than others.

On the fourth day, the situation became more serious and a shooting case occurred!

Some people have been shot, and only the person in charge can use thermal weapons.

Is there any person in charge who abused his power and killed people for no reason? neither knows.

Bai Fan was forced to re-select the person in charge. The person in charge this time was someone Bai Fan believed was completely reliable.

This time, Bai Fan violated the principle of everyone’s complete trust.

All fantasies were shattered.

So many days of hard work were all ruined.

Bai Fan gave a painful order, all members can hold heat weapons…

Everything is back to square one! Four skills for all

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