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Ch102- Mito’s New Student

In another room, Kai walked in with Reina in his arms, giggling at him as he played with her puffed stomach. Tsunade and Karin, following him, watched in amazement. Kai they knew could never display such faces. Tsunade saw a few flicker of emotions when she was with him, and ever since he took Reina in his arms, he started to show even more. But Karin had never seen him like that, and she had to admit, Kai was so cool even when he was fatherly.

Mito, upon seeing them enter, got up and walked to Kai. Her eyes glimmered with a soft, affectionate expression, one reserved only for him. "Welcome back," she said, as she went to his side, her voice tinged with genuine warmth.

Kai nodded, his eyes momentarily meeting hers before returning to Reina. The baby girl continued to giggle, fascinated by the rhythmic movement of Kai's fingers as he continued to play with her.

Mito's gaze shifted to Karin, curiosity piqued. She'd never seen the red-haired woman before. Kai, sensing Mito's intrigue, finally spoke, "Mito, this girl is an Uzumaki, and her chakra is similar to yours. You are probably related."

Karin was taken aback, her eyes widening in shock as she stammered, "Mito? Mito Uzumaki-sama? No, she is too young to be her."

Tsunade, noticing Karin's confusion, sighed and began to explain, "Karin, this is indeed Mito Uzumaki. Kai brought her from the past after he and Mikoto traveled in time accidentally."

Karin's mouth dropped open, her mind racing to catch up with the incredible revelation. "I am your cousin's descendant, Mito-sama!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement.

Mito's eyes widened, surprise giving way to delight as she took in Karin's words. She reached out, touching Karin's hand gently. "Is that true? An Uzumaki from the future?"

Karin nodded enthusiastically, her face flushed with emotion. "Yes, Mito-sama. My family spoke of you with the highest respect. You're a legend among the Uzumaki!"

A faint smile touched Mito's lips, her eyes softening. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Karin. Your chakra is indeed very similar to mine. You must have inherited the Uzumaki strength."

Karin's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she replied, "It's an honor to meet you, Mito-sama. I never thought I'd have this opportunity. Thank you, Kai-sama, for making this possible."

Kai gave a brief nod in acknowledgment but said nothing. His focus returned to Reina, his fingers continuing to elicit joyful giggles from her.

"Study with Mito for a while, Karin," Kai instructed, his voice even and composed.

Karin's eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at Mito, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. "What about our team?" she asked, glancing at Tsunade, who was watching the interaction with interest.

"They will stay here for a while too," Kai replied, his eyes on Reina as he continued to play with her, his fingers gently tracing her tiny hands. The baby's joyous giggles filled the room, a sweet counterpoint to the weighty discussion that was taking place.

Karin nodded, her heart racing at the prospect of learning from the legendary Mito Uzumaki. Even though this Mito had yet to attain the wisdom of years, the base of her knowledge was still a treasure trove, and Karin was eager to explore it.

Mito smiled warmly at Karin, sensing her enthusiasm. "I will be glad to teach you, Karin. We Uzumaki must pass down our knowledge and techniques. It's our legacy."

Karin's eyes welled with emotion as she took in Mito's words. The connection to her Uzumaki heritage had always been important to her, and this opportunity felt like a gift. "Thank you, Mito-sama. I'll do my best to learn everything I can."

Mito's eyes twinkled with approval. "I have no doubt that you will."

Tsunade approached Kai, concern etched across her face. "Kai, we have another Uzumaki in the village, Uzumaki Naruto. Do you think?" She didn't finish her question, letting it hang in the air, laden with unspoken possibilities.

Kai searched his memory, remembering the boisterous fool of a boy he had once encountered. "That boy cannot learn seals. No need to trouble Mito with him," he stated, his tone decisive and unemotional.

Tsunade sighed, recognizing the truth in Kai's words. Naruto was a whirlwind of energy and passion, but he lacked the focus and discipline required to master the complex art of seals. Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that Naruto had untapped potential. She decided to keep the thought to herself, hoping to later convince Kai to teach the boy a jutsu or two.

Kai then walked to the living room, his movements deliberate and purposeful, with Tsunade, Mito, Samui, and Karin following him. As he took a seat, Samui and Mito took either side of him, subtly keeping him in touching distance.

Sasuke, who had been deep in conversation with his mother, Mikoto, looked up as they entered. He had long realized that Kai had more than just his mother as a wife, but he chose not to ponder over it. If his mother accepted it, it wasn't his place to question it.

They spent the rest of the evening talking about Kai and Mikoto's adventure traveling in time, finding the Uzumaki Village, meeting Mito, and learning seals. As the conversation flowed, the room was filled with the resonance of voices, questions, laughter, and the occasional bout of intense silence.

Sasuke was the first to question, his curiosity unable to be contained any longer. "Kai, how did you manage to figure out the Uzumaki Seal that sent you back in time? What did it look like, and what were the difficulties you faced in deciphering it?"

Kai paused for a moment, his mind going back to the complex array of symbols and patterns that had formed the seal. "The seal was ancient, a forgotten design known only to a select few. It was not the seal itself that posed the challenge but the information surrounding it."

Mikoto interjected, her voice filled with admiration, "He studied day and night, Sasuke, poring over scrolls, inscriptions, and anything he could find about the Uzumaki Village. The lack of information was the real obstacle, not the seal itself."

"What was it like to meet Mito?" Tsunade asked, her eyes on Kai, trying to decipher the man she knew so well.

Mikoto took the lead this time, her voice filled with wonder. "Meeting Mito was like stepping into history. She was so young but already so wise, filled with the potential that would one day shape her into the legendary figure we know."

Mito blushed at the praise but chimed in, "Kai's understanding of seals was something I had never seen before. I was only beginning to grasp the intricacies of the art, but he saw things I could not. He became not only my student but my teacher as well."

Kai acknowledged her words with a slight inclination of his head, his manner respectful yet reserved.

Samui turned to Mikoto, curiosity in her eyes. "How did you cope with being trapped in the past? That must have been an overwhelming experience."

Mikoto's eyes softened, her hand reaching out to grasp Kai's for a brief moment. "It was terrifying, indeed, but having Kai there made it bearable. We were in it together, and his resolve gave me strength. The Uzumaki Village was fascinating, filled with traditions, culture, and secrets that we could only dream of."

Sasuke looked at Kai, a question burning in his eyes. "What did you learn from the Uzumaki Village? Anything that we can use to strengthen our own techniques?"

Kai's eyes narrowed slightly, considering the question. "I learned many things, but most of them are far too complex to be taught quickly. The Uzumaki were masters of sealing, their artistry unmatched. The knowledge we acquired will take time to understand and integrate."

Mito then turned to Karin, her voice encouraging. "Karin, you will have the chance to delve into this knowledge with me. Your Uzumaki heritage will serve you well in grasping the essence of these seals."

Karin's face lit up with enthusiasm, her eyes shining. "I will give my all, Mito-sama. I know that the knowledge you'll impart is invaluable."

The conversation continued to flow, touching upon the unique culture of the Uzumaki Village, the people they met, the unexpected friendships they forged, and the hardships they faced together. 


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