Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch18- Learning from Scroll of Seals

I want to give a big, shout-out thank you to some extraordinary individuals who recently joined our exclusive club: The unsung heroes, the invisible supporters, the ones who make reading magic happen—Dad, Pierre, Pop, Alireza, Jaylon, and Sage. You are the legends behind the scenes, making dreams come true for readers everywhere. Keep spreading the literary love!

The Chunin Exam continued, and soon, the final rounds began. The battles were fierce, and the determination of the Genin was clear. As the competitors faced off, the tension between Konoha and Suna grew, with both sides keenly aware that they were on the brink of war.

The Hokage watched the battles intently, his eyes flickering between the fights and the Suna Shinobi. He could sense the danger that was brewing, and he knew that they needed to be prepared for whatever Orochimaru had planned.

As the final battle approached, the Hokage called a meeting with his trusted Jounin and the Sand siblings. "We must prepare for the possibility of an attack," he said, his voice grave. "We cannot afford to be caught off guard."

At the final round of the Chunin Exam, a Genin called Sai was about to clash with Gaara. The atmosphere in the stadium was tense, with everyone aware of the precarious situation between Konoha and Suna. Before the battle could commence, Kai approached Hokage Hiruzen and spoke in an urgent tone.

"Stop the battle," Kai commanded, his voice cold and emotionless.

Hiruzen looked perplexed, but heeding Kai's warning, he ordered his Jounin to delay the fight between Sai and Gaara. The Hokage turned to Kai, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Is that Sai, Danzo's person?"

"How did you know?" Hiruzen asked in shock. When he was planning to create the team for Naruto, the Kyuubi's carrier, Danzo suggested planting his ROOT agent as a security measure. At the time, Hiruzen had no one else to put in that team, so he reluctantly agreed. However, only he and Danzo knew of Sai's true affiliation.

"He plans to kill Gaara. Danzo wants to escalate the war," Kai said with a chuckle, disdain evident in his voice. How could they be so naive?

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Sarutobi swiftly ordered the end of the Chunin Exam, as Sai withdrew from the stadium. Sarutobi, Baki, and the Sand Siblings retreated to a conference room to sign a treaty as per their agreement. Orochimaru's plans had been thwarted, but the underlying tension and mistrust remained.

As they gathered in the conference room, Baki looked around, his eyes lingering on Kai for a moment. "I never thought I'd see the day when Suna and Konoha would be allies, especially given the circumstances," he said, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Kankuro, the middle of the Sand siblings, frowned. "We can't trust them entirely, Baki. Especially not that guy," he said, nodding towards Kai.

Kai, ever the uncaring, merely watched the proceedings with his usual cold, detached demeanor. His focus was on the task at hand – ensuring the safety of both villages, regardless of the personal cost for maximum benefit.

Clearing his throat, Hiruzen started to list the items on the treaty. "Despite their plan to attack Konoha, Suna has not caused any damage to our village and has given up on their plans. Due to not wanting to escalate the situation, we, Konoha, will forgo our aggression and will sign this treaty. But in return, Suna will support us when we need help, and they will spare no effort to search for Orochimaru."

Baki and the Sand siblings had no problem with that, as they believed Orochimaru had likely killed their Kage. They wanted nothing more than to find the snake and eliminate him.

"We agree to these terms," Baki said, his voice firm but cautious. "Orochimaru has caused enough pain and suffering for both our villages."

Temari, the eldest of the Sand siblings, nodded. "We'll do everything in our power to help track him down and bring him to justice."

Kankuro, however, couldn't help but cast a wary glance at Kai. "Just remember, we're doing this for our village, not for him," he muttered under his breath.

Kai, who couldn't care what the brat was thinking, did not react to Kankuro's comment, maintaining his cold demeanor. He understood that his power and ability to end a war with simple sentences must have struck a cord in Kankuro's pride. Adding the fact that he lost his father recently, it was understandable for him to act like that.

As the treaty was signed, the tension in the room did not completely dissipate, but there was a sense of fragile unity between the two villages. Hiruzen knew that forging this alliance was a gamble, but he also knew that it was necessary to protect both their people and ensure Orochimaru's capture.

In the days following the signing of the treaty, Konoha and Suna worked together to hunt for Orochimaru. The joint efforts of both villages made it clear that they were determined to end the threat he posed.

One evening, while the search was underway, Kakashi approached Kai, who stood on the edge of the village, staring into the distance. "You know, Kai," Kakashi began, his tone cautious, "you don't have to be alone. We're all in this together."

Kai didn't waver, his voice remaining level. "I have no reason to form attachments or invest in the outcome. The world of shinobi is cruel, and I see no point in forging bonds that can be so easily broken. Humans betray and I haven't seen anything can disprove."

Kakashi sighed, understanding that it was futile to try and change Kai's mind. "Very well. But just know that not everyone is as cold-hearted as you believe them to be, but if you don't let anyone in, you will never feel their warmth."

Kai remained silent, his gaze fixed on the horizon, as Kakashi walked away, leaving him to his solitude.

Finding Orochimaru would prove challenging, as he vanished from his base. Suna found Rasa's body near their village, and it was proven that Orochimaru had killed him. Fortunately, his plan to attack Konoha was thwarted.

Kai, having had nothing to do with any of that, walked up to Hiruzen and asked for his 12 hours with the Second Hokage's scroll. After Hiruzen led him to an isolated room, he watched over Kai as he started to study three Jutsu: Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Edo Tensei, and Rasengan. Twelve hours was too little for anyone else, but all Kai needed to know was how to move chakra in his body. Not even the hand seals. He still kept the pretense and studied diligently.

Kai's request raised eyebrows among the other shinobi, but nobody questioned it. They were all too aware of the tenuous nature of their alliance and the potential danger that lurked in the shadows. They also knew that Kai was a strong, free, a cold and unfeeling shinobi who prioritized the mission above all else.

During Kai's twelve-hour study, Hiruzen watched over him with a mix of curiosity and amusement. It was clear that Kai was unlike any other shinobi he had ever encountered, and the Hokage couldn't help but wonder what drove him. But he was also certain that 12 hours were too little to learn anything.

As the hours ticked by, Kai remained focused and disciplined, his eyes never leaving the scroll. He absorbed the information as quickly as possible, understanding the chakra flow and the hand seals with remarkable speed.

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