Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch20- Orochimaru Seeks Revenge

As Kai and Mei lay on the ground, she hugged his naked body, while he stared at the ceiling. For the first time ever, a hint of emotion flickered in Kai's eyes after their encounter. Mei smiled triumphantly as she laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Although he hadn't really pledged to her or her village, she knew he was closer to her now, at least in some way. She had to accept that she was a lonely woman, and she couldn't deny that their intimacy had felt incredibly satisfying.

Kai, however, remained detached, his thoughts elsewhere. He was acutely aware that this was an act of manipulation and not born from love. In this harsh world, he knew that if a situation arose that they couldn't handle, they would throw him into danger and save themselves, and Mei was the same. This was a ploy to tie him down. Oonoki offered beauties, Mei offered one too. His resolve remained steadfast – he would not allow himself to form emotional attachments or rely on others, yet he couldn't help but feel something... Something he couldn't name.

As they lay there, Mei tried to engage Kai in conversation, hoping to understand him better. "Kai, why do you choose to distance yourself from everyone?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Kai's gaze remained fixed on the ceiling, his voice cold and emotionless. "Emotions are a liability in our world. They cloud judgment and lead to weakness. It's better to be alone and rely on oneself."

Mei sighed, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. "But don't you ever get lonely? Don't you ever crave companionship?"

Kai didn't waver, his voice still devoid of emotion. "Loneliness is just another emotion, one that I choose not to indulge in. I have no need for companionship. I learned in young age that the only company will never leave you alone is loneliness. If you are loyal to it, it will be loyal to you."

Frustrated, Mei sat up, the sheets pooling around her waist. "But you just shared something so intimate with me, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

Kai finally turned his head to look at her, his eyes cold and empty. "What we shared was a moment of physical pleasure, nothing more. I have no desire to form a bond with you or anyone else."

Despite saying this, Mei could sense a subtle change in Kai's demeanor. He was not as cold as he used to be, even if it was just a flicker of something more than emptiness in his eyes. Still, Kai's insistence on remaining detached and unemotional remained a barrier between them.

Mei, determined to break through Kai's defenses, continued her efforts to understand him better. She knew that if she wanted to get through to him, she would have to be patient and persistent. "Kai," she said softly, "surely you must realize that we're not all out to betray you. Some of us genuinely care about our comrades and would never abandon them."

Kai's eyes remained emotionless as he responded. "Perhaps, but I have yet to see any evidence of that. My experiences have taught me that relying on others leads only to disappointment and pain."

Mei sighed, knowing that arguing with Kai was like trying to break through a wall of ice with cold. Still, she was not one to give up easily. "Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I can promise you this: as long as you are in my Mist Village, I will do everything in my power to protect you and ensure your safety."

Kai's gaze met hers, his expression unreadable. "I appreciate your sentiment, Mizukage, but I do not require your protection. I am more than capable of taking care of myself."

Annoyed by his stubbornness, Mei huffed. "Fine. But just remember, Kai, even the strongest shinobi needs someone to lean on sometimes. No one can survive in this world completely alone."

Kai didn't respond, his eyes drifting back to the ceiling. Mei could see that her words had little effect on him, but she couldn't help but hope that someday he might understand the value of camaraderie and trust.

In anger, Mei kicked Kai out of her office. "Leave, and don't come back until you're ready to be a part of this village!" she shouted, her face flushed with frustration.

Kai, after dressing, left the Mizukage's office without a word, his face as impassive as ever. He had hoped to take a mission from the Mist Village, but it seemed that he had worn out his welcome with Mei.

Sighing, Kai decided to travel to the Hidden Cloud Village. It had been some time since he had visited there, and perhaps they would have missions for him. Six hours into his journey, Kai felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere and stopped in his tracks.

Focusing his senses, he could tell that there were two people hiding ahead. "Come out," he ordered, his voice cold and emotionless.

Laughing eerily, Orochimaru and Kakuzu walked out of their hiding place, their eyes locked on Kai. Orochimaru had a personal vendetta against him since Kai had foiled his plans to attack Konoha under the guise of Rasa. Although Kai had alerted Sarutobi, the information was shared with Danzo, which led to Orochimaru discovering that the village was aware of his intentions. He also learned that Kai was the one who had thwarted his plans. Orochimaru knew of Kai, having heard about him for many years as he gained a reputation, but he was still feeling vengeful and wanted to kill him. That was why he had brought his partner from Akatsuki, Kakuzu, who was mostly interested in the bounty on Kai's head, which had been given by Akatsuki itself.

Kai remained unflinching as he stared at the two formidable opponents before him. He had clashed with Kisame and Deidara before, even cutting off Deidara's arm during one of their encounters. He knew that he would have to be cautious and strategic in dealing with Orochimaru and Kakuzu.

Orochimaru grinned maliciously, his voice dripping with venom. "Ah, Kai. I've been looking forward to our little meeting ever since you interfered with my plans. You may have caused me some inconvenience, but now it's time for me to return the favor."

Kakuzu, his eyes fixated on the emotionless shinobi, spoke up. "The bounty on your head is quite impressive. I'm looking forward to collecting it once we're done with you."

Kai, still void of any emotion, responded calmly. "If you think you can defeat me, you are sorely mistaken. I suggest you leave now, while you still can."

Orochimaru let out a sinister laugh. "Your confidence is amusing, but it won't save you in the end."

With a sudden burst of speed, Orochimaru lunged at Kai, his arm transforming into a long, serpentine appendage. Kai narrowly dodged the strike, swiftly countering with a powerful kick aimed at Orochimaru's chest.

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