Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch22- Killed!

Shout out to newest Patron, clap your buttcheeks for! Zain! Thank you! This novels are written by your help!

The Purple Divine Card within Kai's body continued to absorb chakra, granting him an almost limitless supply of energy. As the battle of attrition wore on, it became clear that neither Orochimaru nor Kakuzu could outlast him. Additionally, Kai's ability to see the flow of chakra within their bodies allowed him to anticipate their every move.

As Orochimaru and Kakuzu's desperation grew, so did the ferocity of their attacks. Despite their best efforts, they found themselves unable to land a significant blow on Kai.

"You won't win this!" Orochimaru snarled, unleashing a torrent of poisonous snakes.

Kai's voice remained calm, devoid of emotion. "Your threats hold no weight. I will not be defeated."

Kakuzu, frustrated and exhausted, directed his elemental hearts to combine their attacks. A colossal storm of fire, wind, water, and lightning raged towards Kai. But Kai, ever-resourceful, countered with a powerful Sand Release shield, deflecting the elemental onslaught.

The battle raged on, the landscape around them becoming a testament to the destruction they wrought. Eventually, Kai managed to shatter all four of Kakuzu's elemental masks, leaving the rogue ninja weakened and vulnerable.

Realizing that they were on the verge of defeat, Orochimaru and Kakuzu exchanged a knowing glance before splitting off in opposite directions, attempting to flee. Kai, however, merely smirked as they made their escape.

In an instant, he appeared beside Orochimaru, having used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport. Unbeknownst to his enemies, he had marked both of them during the battle, allowing him to track their movements with ease.

Orochimaru's eyes widened in fear as he saw Kai's emotionless gaze. "How-"

Kai wasted no time, his hand already forming  Chidori . Orochimaru could only watch in terror as Kai completed the jutsu and drove his hand straight through his chest, piercing his heart.

As Orochimaru's lifeless body fell to the ground, Kai turned his attention to the fleeing Kakuzu. Using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu once more, he appeared beside Kakuzu, who stared at him in disbelief.

"How? How can you be so powerful?" Kakuzu demanded, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and rage.

Kai's expression remained cold and detached. "The weak fall prey to the strong. It's the law of this world. You've chosen your path, and now you must face the consequences."

Kakuzu snarled, attempting to launch one final, desperate attack, but it was futile. Kai had already initiated the Chidori once again, and moments later, he drove his hand into Kakuzu's chest, ending his life as well.

Kai stood among the wreckage, the bodies of Orochimaru and Kakuzu lying motionless at his feet. He could sense that there was still someone else lurking in the shadows, watching him closely. His voice remained cold and emotionless as he called out, "Void, you cannot hide from me. Show yourself."

In the next second, Tobi appeared with a swirl, his single eye scanning the battlefield before resting on Kai. He seemed uncertain, the anger over losing two capable allies warring with the doubt about whether he could defeat Kai without suffering significant damage.

"Why have you come here?" Kai asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

Tobi clenched his fists, his tone bitter. "You've killed two of my comrades. Their skills were valuable to the Akatsuki."

Kai's eyes were like ice, showing no remorse or concern for Tobi's loss. "They chose their path, and they faced the consequences. Now it's your turn to make a choice."

Tobi hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. He knew that he could try to fight Kai, but the odds were not in his favor. Finally, he spoke up, his voice calm despite the anger simmering beneath the surface. "Join the Akatsuki. Your power would be a valuable asset to us."

Kai looked at Tobi, his expression unreadable. "You believe that I would join your organization after killing two of its members?"

Tobi's voice remained level. "You have proven that you are a force to be reckoned with. The Akatsuki is not bound by the bonds of friendship or loyalty. Our goal is to collect the Tailed Beasts and create a new world order. You could be a part of that."

Kai stared at Tobi, his expression cold and detached. "My ideals are different from yours. I may be a lone wolf, but I do not harm the innocent. I will not join the Akatsuki."

Tobi's eye narrowed, anger and frustration evident in his tone. "You think you're above us? That your hands are clean?"

Kai's voice was like ice, showing no hint of emotion. "I do what I must to survive. I do not prey on the weak or innocent. I will not join an organization that does."

Tobi clenched his fists, fury simmering beneath the surface. "You killed my comrades, and now you dare to judge us? You may believe you're different, but you're just as ruthless as the rest of us."

Kai's eyes never wavered, his voice steady and unyielding. "I killed them because they threatened me, and they threatened the village I was hired to protect. If you choose to continue on this path, I will not hesitate to kill you as well."

Tobi hesitated for a moment, considering his options. He knew he couldn't defeat Kai, not without risking severe injury or death. With a barely contained snarl, Tobi spoke, his voice laced with bitterness. "You'll regret this decision, Kai. We'll meet again."

With a swirl of his cloak, Tobi disappeared, leaving Kai standing alone amidst the destruction.

Kai continued on his path, hearing whispers of a rumor that piqued his interest. Word had it that Tsunade, the legendary sucker and one of the famed Sannin, was close to his destination. Intrigued by the prospect of learning her renowned healing jutsu, Kai decided to pay her a visit. He had no intention of forging a bond with her; he merely wanted to copy her techniques to further increase his own capabilities.

Upon reaching the town, Kai quickly located the tavern where Tsunade was rumored to be drowning her sorrows. He entered the establishment, his eyes scanning the dimly lit room for any sign of the legendary kunoichi. He spotted her sitting at the bar, her blonde hair a stark contrast to the dark wood and shadows. A nearly empty bottle of sake stood in front of her, and her eyes were glazed with intoxication.

Kai knew that Tsunade would not simply show her techniques to a stranger. He needed to find a way to strike her weak spot and gain her cooperation. As he approached her, he noticed her gambling cards scattered on the table. An idea formed in his mind – he would challenge her to a gamble.

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