Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch39- Kimimaro’s Death

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your laces because we have a special shout out for the one and only Shoelace!  Let's all give a round of applause for Shoelace, the master of stylish steps and a true patron extraordinaire!

Kai, however, remained calm and detached. He studied Jugo for a moment, quickly assessing the situation. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them, grabbing Jugo's arm to prevent him from harming himself or anyone else.

Without hesitation, Kai placed his other hand on Jugo's forehead, repeating the technique he had used on Tayuya. He focused on the abundant Nature Chakra in the air, and with the help of the Divine Purple Card, condensed all the energy he gathered into a fist-sized tattoo on Jugo's back. As the tattoo took form, Jugo's monstrous transformation began to subside, his body slowly returning to its normal state.

Jugo panted heavily, his body still shaking from the ordeal. He looked at Kai with a mixture of awe and gratitude, unable to comprehend how this stranger had managed to help him regain control over his own body.

"How did you...?" Jugo stammered, his voice weak and filled with disbelief.

Kai's expression remained emotionless as he explained, "The tattoo will help you control your ability and gather Nature Chakra, making you stronger. I've used the same technique on another who bore Orochimaru's mark."

Jugo fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he tried to process what had just happened. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of hope and relief, no longer forced to live in constant fear of hurting those around him. He looked up at Kai, his eyes shining with gratitude and reverence.

"I... I can't thank you enough," Jugo whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You've saved me from a life of pain and suffering. I pledge my life to you, for as long as you'll have me."

Kai regarded Jugo impassively, accepting his pledge with a slight nod. He knew that Jugo's newfound loyalty stemmed from a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to repay him for his help. Although Kai didn't require or desire such loyalty, he understood the sentiment behind it.

"Your gratitude is acknowledged," Kai replied simply. "But my primary goal is to find Kimimaro. If you have any information on his whereabouts, that would be of greater value to me."

Jugo hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I know where Kimimaro is. He's at another one of Orochimaru's secret bases, hidden deep within the Land of Earth. I can guide you there."

Kai nodded, his focus now solely on the mission at hand. He reached out and touched Karin's shoulder, preparing to use the Flying Thunder God technique to send her to Tsunade's room. "I'm going to send you to Tsunade. Tell her it was I who sent you, and that your last name is Uzumaki. She will help you."

Karin's eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded her understanding. With a flash, she disappeared, transported to Tsunade's room in an instant.

Kai turned to Jugo, who was now more in control of his abilities. "Let's go. Lead the way."

Jugo nodded, and together they dashed off towards the location he had mentioned. With his newfound control over his bloodline, Jugo could now tap into his body's natural reserves, boosting his speed and even adding Nature Chakra to his movements. The two of them raced through the forests, their pace unmatched by even the fastest ninja.

As they traveled, Kai couldn't help but notice the determination in Jugo's eyes. Despite the years of suffering and experimentation he had endured, he seemed resolved to put that all behind him and start anew. It was a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and Kai respected that.

After several days of travel, they arrived at the hidden base deep within the Land of Earth. The entrance was concealed within a large rock formation, and they could feel the oppressive presence of Orochimaru's experiments lurking within.

Kai and Jugo cautiously entered the base, their senses on high alert for any traps or enemies. They moved through the darkened corridors, the air heavy with an unsettling silence.

As they ventured deeper into the base, they encountered several more of Orochimaru's victims – people who had been subjected to horrific experiments and left to languish in agony. One by one, Kai and Jugo freed them, offering them a chance at a new life.

Finally, they reached the chamber where Kimimaro was being held. The room was cold and sterile, illuminated by a dim, flickering light. In the center of the room, Kimimaro lay on a metal table, his body covered in a series of intricate seals.

Jugo stepped forward, his voice low and filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow. "Kimimaro, it's me, Jugo. We've come to free you from Orochimaru's control."

Kimimaro looked up at Jugo, his eyes devoid of any warmth or compassion. "Orochimaru-sama is my master," he said coldly. "I have no desire to be saved."

Jugo's eyes filled with despair as he tried to reason with his old friend. "Kimimaro, please, listen to me. Orochimaru doesn't care about you. He's using you for his own twisted purposes. You can have a better life if you leave this place."

But Kimimaro's resolve remained steadfast. "My life is limited. My illness will claim me soon. All I want is to be of use to Orochimaru-sama before my demise."

Kai observed the exchange between the two, understanding that Kimimaro was fiercely loyal to Orochimaru and that his mind could not be swayed. He could see that there was no hope of convincing him to leave with them. Instead, he decided to end Kimimaro's misery quickly and painlessly.

In a swift motion, Kai used a powerful jutsu to turn Kimimaro's body into ashes. The room fell silent, save for the quiet sound of Jugo's sobs. Kimimaro's suffering was over, and there was no need for him to endure any more pain.

After that, Kai looked at Jugo, his face betraying no emotion. "You're free now, Jugo," he said flatly.

Jugo fell to his knees, overwhelmed by the events that had transpired. "I owe you my life," he choked out, tears streaming down his face. "I will do anything you ask of me. I will be your servant, your slave, whatever you need."

Kai regarded Jugo impassively. "There is no need for that," he replied. "You are free to live your life as you wish. If I ever have need of you, I will call upon you."


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