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Ch41- Last Uchiha

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The woman's eyes widened in surprise, and the boy's anger seemed to momentarily subside. "How do you know our names?" Mikoto demanded, her voice wavering ever so slightly.

Kai replied, "I once met someone who resembled you both. We became friends, although I didn't know his name at the time. I later learned he was Itachi Uchiha."

Mikoto's eyes filled with a mixture of grief and disbelief. "You knew Itachi?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Kai nodded. "Yes, I did. I heard rumors about Itachi's family who managed to escape the massacre. If what I've heard is true, then you are his mother and brother."

Mikoto's eyes filled with tears as she tried to maintain her composure. "Yes, we are the only ones who survived that horrible day."

Kai's eyes narrowed, recalling how Itachi had given up on his plan to kill his own clan after their conversations. "I was not aware of what happened to your family. Please tell me more."

Mikoto's gaze lingered on Kai, her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she tried to assess the stranger's intentions. Sasuke, meanwhile, was visibly struggling to maintain his composure, his fists clenched and his eyes filled with barely contained anger.

Kai, however, remained unfazed by their hostility. He knew that trust would not come easily, especially considering their circumstances. To prove his sincerity, he decided to reveal some of his power. Without warning, his body shifted ever so slightly, a movement so subtle that even the Uchihas' Sharingan-activated eyes couldn't perceive it.

Mikoto and Sasuke exchanged glances, each questioning whether they had truly seen what they thought they had. Sasuke's anger momentarily subsided, replaced by a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What did you just do?" he demanded, his voice shaking.

Kai pointed at their necks, where a small mark now appeared directly above their veins. If he had wanted to, he could have killed them both with ease. "I mean you no harm," he reiterated, his voice calm and steady. "Itachi was my only friend, and I want to help his family."

Mikoto's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch the mark on her neck. Her initial wariness was replaced by a newfound respect for the stranger before her. Despite his fearsome power, he had chosen not to harm them.

Kai's revelation about Itachi seemed to have a profound effect on Sasuke as well. His anger diminished, replaced by a quiet sadness that spoke of the deep bond he had once shared with his brother and respect for Kai's strength.

Mikoto hesitated for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts, before she began to speak. "Itachi was always a caring and kind child. He had a pure heart, full of love for his family and his village. But as he grew older, the world weighed heavily on him. He saw the hatred, the pain, and the suffering that surrounded us. It burdened him, and it changed him."

Her voice wavered with emotion as she continued, "He was always so distant, even to us, his own family. He joined the ANBU at a young age, and I think that only made things worse. But then, one day, something changed. Itachi started to become more approachable, warmer towards us. I never knew what caused that change, but I was grateful for it."

Mikoto took a deep breath, her eyes filled with sadness. "Itachi came to us one day, explaining that Danzo had asked him to do something unthinkable – to kill our clan. But he couldn't do it. Instead, he wanted to bring the clan and the village together to stop the coup. We supported him, but sadly, it wasn't meant to be."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she recounted the tragic events that followed. "Itachi was ambushed and killed by the Uchiha Elders. In their rage and desperation, they initiated the coup anyway. The village descended into chaos, and the rest of our clan was massacred. Only Fugaku, Sasuke, and I managed to escape."

Mikoto's gaze dropped to the floor, her shoulders sagging under the weight of the past. "After Itachi's death, things escalated quickly. The elders initiated the coup and the village fell into chaos. We tried to escape... but Fugaku... my husband, was killed."

She paused, her breath hitched, as she lost herself in the tragic memory. The room fell silent, allowing her to gather her thoughts.

"Fugaku was a strong shinobi, an exceptional leader, and a loving husband and father," Mikoto continued, her voice a whisper as she forced herself to recount the painful story. "He fought bravely, making sure Sasuke and I were safe."

A solitary tear escaped her eyes as she continued, "He held off a group of ANBU long enough for us to get away. I saw him... I saw him fall. His last breath was spent ensuring our safety."

Sasuke's fists clenched at his sides, his Sharingan spinning wildly with unspoken emotions. His father's death was a memory he wished to forget, but it was forever etched into his mind.

Mikoto let out a shaky breath, "It was then... when I saw him fall... my Sharingan evolved into the Mangekyou."

She paused, collecting her thoughts before she continued, "We escaped that night, but we had to keep moving, hiding, making sure no one found us. The only option for me was to keep my Mangekyou, so I took Fugaku's eyes and awakened the Eternal Mangekyou."

Her voice was raw, but there was a certain strength in her words. A strength that had allowed her to survive, to protect her son in a world that had turned against them.

Kai listened to Mikoto's words, his face an unreadable mask. He felt a twinge of something - perhaps respect, perhaps empathy - for the woman who had been through so much yet remained resilient.

"Since then, Sasuke and I have been on the run. We've been careful, making sure we never stayed in one place for too long. But we've been alone... and that's why we were so surprised when you found us."

There was silence in the room as Mikoto finished her story. The words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the harsh reality they were all living in.


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