Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch46- Who Needs Sharingan?

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

To their absolute surprise, Kai raised a finger and pointed it at the wall across the room. His gaze was steady, intense, the usual calmness in his eyes replaced with an almost frenzied focus. There was no indication of what he intended to do, only the silent anticipation that hung heavy in the room. Sasuke watched with rapt attention, his eyes darting between Kai and the targeted wall. Mikoto, despite her lingering discomfort, turned her gaze to the wall as well, curiosity overtaking her unease.

Kai took a deep breath, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and calculations. The Purple Card hummed within him, the usual ease with which it processed information replaced with a strained energy. He reached out with his chakra, feeling it surge through him in a powerful wave. His finger became a conduit, a focus point for the torrent of energy he was about to unleash. It was an unfamiliar sensation, a raw, untamed process he was not accustomed to. But he held onto it, his determination anchoring him through the experience.

The next second, the wall began to change. The solid structure wavered and morphed, the once flat surface rippling like a calm lake disrupted by a stone. But Sasuke and Mikoto knew it wasn't the wall that was changing – it was their perception.

Kai had done it. He had replicated Mikoto's Mangekyō Sharingan ability without possessing the dojutsu himself. The reality in front of them was manipulated, an illusion indistinguishable from the truth. It was an incredible feat, a testament to Kai's ingenuity and adaptability. And yet, it came with an eerie sense of familiarity, a stark reminder of the power they were dealing with.

Sasuke's eyes widened, a mixture of awe and disbelief written all over his face. He'd heard tales of powerful shinobi capable of extraordinary feats, but witnessing it firsthand was a different matter entirely. His mother's abilities, unique and potent, were now replicated by a man with no visible dojutsu.

"Sasuke," Mikoto said, her voice barely more than a whisper. She didn't need to say anything more. The expression on her son's face mirrored her own astonishment. The depth of Kai's abilities was indeed profound.

For a moment, silence reigned in the room, the trio lost in their thoughts and emotions. Kai finally broke the silence, his voice steady as ever. "I may not have the Sharingan, but I can understand and imitate its abilities to a certain extent."

He turned to Mikoto, his eyes reflecting a sense of respect. "Your abilities, Mikoto, are indeed a formidable asset."

Mikoto nodded, a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes. "You've shown an understanding of our dojutsu that I've rarely seen outside our clan, Kai," she admitted.

Sasuke remained silent, his mind whirring with thoughts. The implications were overwhelming, the shift in dynamics unsettling yet oddly inspiring. He had a renewed sense of respect for Kai, a man who seemed capable of the impossible.

Time seemed to slow down, each second weighted with the magnitude of what had just occurred. Kai had broken through a boundary, crossing into an area thought to be exclusive to the Uchiha clan. Yet, there was no arrogance in his demeanor, no triumphant gloating. He had achieved something remarkable, yet he treated it as a necessary step, a strategic maneuver in the face of the challenges they were about to face.

Kai studied the wall as the illusion faded, the distorted reality he'd created giving way to the unchanging truth. The room returned to its original state, every misplaced object settling back into its proper place. The silence that had followed his demonstration still lingered, the echo of his achievement reverberating in the quiet space.

The silence was broken as Kai turned his attention back to Mikoto and Sasuke, his gaze steady and undisturbed. "Now we can go," he said, his voice devoid of any emotion or triumph, only laced with resolve and firm determination. There was no need for celebration or self-congratulation. What he'd done was merely a necessary measure, a strategic maneuver in the grand scheme of their survival.

"Mikoto," he addressed her, his tone unchanging, "don't use your powers unless it's necessary. I will use them as I don't have any drawback." The implications of his words were profound. Not only had Kai replicated Mikoto's abilities, but he'd also managed to circumvent the detrimental side-effects she suffered, the physical toll that came with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

His words held a reassurance, a promise to bear the brunt of their battle. Mikoto, who had always been wary of her powers and their consequences, felt a quiet relief at his words. This man, this stranger who had entered their lives so unexpectedly, was offering to shoulder their burdens, to protect them without any sign of hesitation.

"I will also teach you how to master them better," he continued, his gaze holding hers. It wasn't a request or a suggestion; it was a plan, a promise. He was offering her guidance, a chance to better understand her own powers, to harness them more effectively. It was an offer she never thought she'd receive, especially from a non-Uchiha.

Mikoto nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over her. Despite the uncertainties surrounding Kai and his motives, she couldn't deny the genuine intention behind his words. There was no deceit in his eyes, no hidden agenda. He was here to help them, to protect them.

Across the room, Sasuke watched the exchange in silence, his thoughts swirling with a mix of awe, confusion, and a newfound respect for Kai. The man had replicated his mother's unique abilities without possessing the Mangekyō Sharingan, without even a hint of struggle. And now, he was offering to teach Mikoto how to better control her powers, to minimize the risks she had to face.

The three of them stood in the quiet room, each absorbed in their thoughts. The silence was not oppressive or stifling; it was a comfortable pause, a moment to regroup and reassess their situation. It was a silence that spoke volumes of the path they were about to embark on.

With Kai at the helm, their journey held a semblance of certainty, a direction they had been lacking. His strength was formidable, his strategic acumen unparalleled. His inscrutable demeanor was a daunting barrier, yet his actions spoke louder than any emotional display. He was a protector, a guide, a beacon of hope in their turbulent world.

As they prepared to leave, Kai's mind was already planning their next steps, considering every possible outcome. The most significant challenge they faced was not an enemy's strength but the lack of information, the secrets and seals shrouded in mystery.

With his newfound understanding of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Kai felt more equipped to face these challenges. The key was not physical strength but an understanding of the intricate systems at play, a mastery over the subtle manipulations of chakra. And he was prepared to do whatever it took to uncover these secrets.


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