Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch5- Oonoki

Kai stepped out of the Kusakage's office, a seal scroll in his hand, his mind focused on the mission ahead. As he left, a vibrant red-haired woman entered the room. She had a vitality-filled body, her cheeks flushed with the natural color of life, and her toned physique spoke of strength and resilience. Her eyes sparkled with respect and awe as she looked upon the Kusakage.

Genzo noticed her arrival and asked, "Are you sure about him?"

The woman, Kurin, nodded hastily. "His intentions are pure and there is no deception. I have never sensed chakra like that."

The Kusakage smiled gently and held her cheek, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, Kurin. You've helped me greatly over the months."

Tears glistened in her eyes as she whispered, "You saved me and my daughter when we were about to die. Thank you, Kusakage-sama."

He chuckled softly. "Call me Genzo. How many times have I told you that?" He leaned down and tenderly kissed her forehead, a gesture of warmth and affection.

Meanwhile, Kai had left the Grass Village behind and was sprinting toward the Rock Village. His thoughts were consumed with the mission he had accepted – a supply-carrying task that would take him through dangerous territory. He knew the Kusakage had been honest about not wanting to risk his own shinobi, but Kai was determined to prove himself capable.

As Kai traveled through the dense forest that separated the Grass and Rock Villages, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation. The mission he had accepted was a perfect opportunity for him to observe Rock Shinobi and their unique earth-based jutsu. He had never encountered anyone who could manipulate earth before, and he was eager to learn their techniques.

As he continued his journey, he became increasingly focused on his goal, his eyes scanning the surrounding landscape for any sign of Rock Shinobi. He knew they were likely to be in the area, given the volatile border between the two villages.

As he approached the rocky terrain characteristic of the Rock Village's outskirts, he felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The earth beneath his feet seemed to hum with energy, and he knew he was getting closer to his destination.

His heart raced as he spotted a group of Rock Shinobi in the distance. They were engaged in combat with a band of rogue ninjas, their earth jutsu being employed with devastating effect. He marveled at the sight – the ground shaking and quaking beneath their feet, rocks propelled through the air like missiles, and earthen walls rising from the ground to provide cover. He used his unique ability to hide his chakra from seeping outside, and watched them secretly.

He studied the Rock Shinobi carefully, observing the flow of chakra in their bodies and the way they harnessed it to manipulate the earth. His eyes could see how the chakra was moving in their bodies to create the Jutsu.

In the midst of the battle, he noticed one Rock Shinobi in particular – a woman with long, flowing black hair who moved with a grace and poise that contrasted sharply with the destructive force she wielded. Her earth Jutsu was unlike anything Kai had ever seen, and he knew he had to learn it.

He focused on her, watching her every movement as she shaped the earth to her will. The chakra pulsed within him, echoing the rhythm of her chakra flow. He could see her energy coursing through her body, and he knew that he had succeeded in replicating her technique.

As the battle began to wind down, Kai sensed that it was time for him to leave. He slipped away unnoticed, his mind racing with excitement over what he had just learned. He couldn't wait to put his newfound knowledge to use, but he knew he had to remain cautious. It wouldn't do to reveal his abilities to the world just yet.

Kai continued on his journey to the Rock Village, the anticipation of what lay ahead fueling his every step. As the village came into view, he marveled at the towering cliffs and massive stone walls that surrounded it. He approached the gate, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.

As he reached the entrance, two stern-faced guards blocked his path. "Halt!" one of them commanded, his voice gruff and authoritative. "State your business in the Rock Village."

He reached into his pocket and retrieved the identity scroll given to him by Kusakage. "I have been sent by the Kusakage of the Grass Village to deliver these supplies," he said, offering the scroll to the guards.

The guards exchanged wary glances before one of them took the scroll, unrolling it and inspecting the seal carefully. After a moment, he nodded and handed the scroll back to Kai. "Very well," he grunted. "Wait here."

As the guard stepped away, Kai couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. He had made it this far without incident, but he knew that his mission was far from over. He leaned against the stone wall, his mind racing with thoughts of the earth jutsu he had witnessed earlier.

Soon, the guard returned with a young Chunin at his side. The Chunin had dark, messy hair and sharp, calculating eyes. "This is Niro," the guard said gruffly, gesturing to the young man. "He will escort you to the location where you will deliver the supplies."

Kai nodded and bowed respectfully to Niro. "Thank you for your assistance," he said quietly, his eyes meeting Niro's for a brief moment.

Niro returned the nod, his expression unreadable. "Follow me," he said simply, turning on his heel and leading Kai into the heart of the Rock Village.

As they walked through the bustling streets, Kai couldn't help but gawk at the impressive stone architecture and the unique earth jutsu on display. He knew he had to be careful not to reveal his true intentions, but it was difficult to contain his excitement.

Niro glanced over his shoulder, noticing Kai's wide-eyed wonder. "This is your first time in the Rock Village?" he asked, his tone neutral.

Kai looked at Niro, realizing he had been caught off guard. "Yes," he admitted, trying to sound nonchalant. "It's...different from what I'm used to."

Niro smirked, an almost playful glint in his eyes. "It takes some getting used to," he said, gesturing to the massive stone buildings surrounding them. "But there's a certain charm to it."

Kai couldn't help but smile at Niro's unexpected warmth. "I can see that," he agreed, his eyes lingering on a group of children practicing their earth jutsu in a nearby courtyard.

As they continued through the village, Niro pointed out various landmarks and shared tidbits of Rock Village history. Kai found himself growing more at ease with the young Chunin, even as he remained on high alert for any signs of danger.

Eventually, they arrived at a large, imposing building that appeared to serve as a storage facility. Niro led Kai inside, the cool darkness of the interior providing a stark contrast to the bright sunlight outside.

"Here," Niro said, stopping in front of a large wooden door. "This is where you will deliver the supplies."

Kai nodded, his hands trembling slightly as he unrolled the scroll and released the supplies. The crates materialized with a faint poof, the seal dissolving into the air.

Kai took another scroll from the person in charge, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, as proof that the mission was completed. He bowed respectfully and turned to leave, but Niro suddenly appeared beside him.

"The Tsuchikage wants to see you," Niro said, his tone serious. Kai's heart skipped a beat, but he managed to keep his expression neutral.

He followed Niro through the winding corridors of the Tsuchikage's compound, his mind racing with possibilities. What could the leader of the Rock Village want with him?

They entered a spacious office, where an old, short man sat behind a large wooden desk. He wore the traditional attire of the Stone Village Kage, and his eyes held a calculating glint as he appraised Kai.

"Ah, the Grass Village messenger," the Tsuchikage said, his voice surprisingly strong for his age. "I understand you managed to complete your mission without any trouble."

Kai bowed. "Yes, Tsuchikage-sama. It was an honor to serve."

The Tsuchikage leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Kai's face. "You don't wear a headband. Are you a free shinobi?"

Kai hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I am."

The Tsuchikage smirked. "Interesting. You must be quite capable if the Kusakage entrusted you with such an important task. I could use someone like you in my village."

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