Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch54- End of the Mission

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As Sasuke withdrew his hand, the body of the Nuke-nin fell to the ground with a dull thud. There was no ceremony, no triumphant yell from Sasuke - only the grim reality of a life taken and a battle won. He then turned, starting the trek back to where he'd left his mother and mentor. But they were no longer there.

With Mikoto still held firmly in his arms, Kai utilized his space-time ninjutsu, displacing them from the battlefield to their original position outside of the hideout. They reappeared in the blink of an eye, the scenery of the hideout replaced by the quiet outskirts where Sasuke had embarked on his mission. Kai said nothing, his icy gaze focused on the distance, waiting for the young Uchiha to return.

Mikoto remained silent as well, resting her head against Kai's chest, her heart still hammering from the adrenaline of the recent battle. Sasuke had won, but the images of the intense fight replayed in her mind - the peril, the fear, the resolve. She glanced up at Kai, his stoic face revealing nothing of his thoughts. But she knew he must have been observing, analyzing everything. His silence was not ignorance, but contemplation.

It wasn't long before the figure of Sasuke appeared in the distance. His pace was slower, his movements more careful, revealing the toll the battle had taken on him. But his head was held high, his eyes gleaming with the shared silent understanding of the lesson learned.

As Sasuke approached, Kai released his hold on Mikoto, stepping back to allow the mother and son their moment. Mikoto rushed towards Sasuke, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Sasuke stiffened momentarily, before gradually relaxing and returning the hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Sasuke," Mikoto whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Sasuke nodded, not trusting his voice. His eyes locked with Kai's. There was no praise, no pat on the back. But the tacit approval in Kai's gaze was more rewarding than any words could ever be. Sasuke straightened up, releasing his mother and turning to Kai.

"Sensei," he greeted, inclining his head in respect.

"Hmm," Kai simply responded to Sasuke's greeting, offering a nod before turning on his heel. His form cut a sharp silhouette against the dimming sky as he started back towards the Daimyo's residence, with Sasuke and Mikoto trailing behind him.

The journey back was silent, a contemplative stillness that hung in the air. Sasuke's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Despite his exhaustion, he replayed the events of the battle in his mind, scrutinizing every move, every decision. Beside him, Mikoto was lost in her own thoughts, her gaze drifting over the distant landscape, her hand gently squeezing Sasuke's in silent support.

Once they reached the grand gates of the Daimyo's residence, Kai paused, his gaze hardened as he took in the imposing structure. He had questions that needed answers, questions the Daimyo might not be prepared to respond to. But Kai was not a man to be denied. It was a harsh world they lived in, and every omission, every deception, could have severe repercussions.

Inside the Daimyo's residence, they were ushered into the opulent main hall once again. The Daimyo, a picture of worry and anticipation, rose from his seat as Kai entered.

"Kai-sama, you're back! Is... is it done?" he asked, wringing his hands nervously.

"The bandits won't bother you again," Kai responded, his tone devoid of any emotion.

Relief washed over the Daimyo's face, but before he could express his gratitude, Kai cut him off. "However, there's a matter we need to discuss," he said, his gaze sharp.

The Daimyo blinked in surprise, his smile faltering. "Oh? What matter?"

"We encountered a Nuke-nin during the mission," Kai stated. The Daimyo's face paled at the mention of the rogue ninja, a sign of his ignorance. "A crucial piece of information conveniently left out of your report," Kai added, his voice icy.

"But... but I... I didn't know..." the Daimyo stuttered, clearly taken aback.

Kai's gaze hardened. "If, as a leader of this land, you cannot even gather such crucial intelligence, it is a concerning reflection on your governance. It's your responsibility to keep your people safe, and that includes providing accurate and timely information to the ones you hire for protection."

The Daimyo could only lower his head, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He was being berated in his own home, in front of his servants, and yet he could not muster a reply. His pride was stinging, and a feeling of shame washed over him, making his cheeks burn. But he couldn't retaliate; not against Kai. If Kai were to refuse his missions, word would spread, and the hidden villages would extort him even more.

"Kai-sama, I... I did not mean to withhold information... I was not aware..." The Daimyo's voice trailed off, a stuttering excuse that did nothing to ease the heavy tension in the room.

Silence hung in the air. Kai's gaze never wavered, a cold, steely intensity that had the Daimyo fidgeting under its scrutiny. It was as if Kai's eyes could pierce through the veneer of authority and respect that the Daimyo surrounded himself with, laying bare the man's insecurities and failings.

"You need to understand," Kai's voice was unyielding, echoing across the hall. "It is your responsibility as the leader of this land to provide accurate information, especially when it comes to the security of your people."

His words hung heavily in the room. Mikoto and Sasuke looked on in surprise. This wasn't typical behavior for a shinobi, not for those affiliated with the hidden villages. Those shinobi needed the Daimyo, needed the nations to provide them with missions and resources. But Kai was different. He wasn't tied down to any village, any nation. He could hold a Daimyo accountable, speak his mind without fear of repercussions. This was true power, the power of independence, of strength.

It was a valuable lesson for Sasuke, one that he silently vowed to remember. Power was not only about physical strength or mastery of jutsu. True power also encompassed freedom, the capacity to stand up for one's beliefs, to question and demand accountability. He looked at Kai, his eyes filled with newfound respect and determination. He would learn, he would grow, and one day, he too would possess such power.

Mikoto was deep in her thoughts as well. The harsh world that Kai was showing them was a world she had known existed, yet had never truly experienced. It was a world where strength was revered, where deceptions were commonplace, and where even the leaders could be called out for their failings. It was a brutal, unvarnished reality that they were slowly becoming a part of.

The Daimyo remained silent, his head bowed, his pride bruised. He had misjudged Kai, had mistaken him for a regular shinobi who would bow and scrape for a mission. He had not expected Kai to demand accountability, to question him so boldly.

"Kai-sama..." the Daimyo began, his voice barely a whisper, his eyes welling up with apprehension. "I... I assure you, it was not intentional... I... I..."

Kai cut him off with a wave of his hand. "See to it that it does not happen again," he said, his tone final. "Now, if there is nothing else, I would like to retire."

The Daimyo could only nod, his face a mask of relief and embarrassment. He dismissed the trio, watching as Kai led Sasuke and Mikoto out of the grand hall, his authority unquestioned and his mission accomplished. As the doors closed behind them, the Daimyo couldn't help but sigh, his thoughts racing. He had a lot to ponder on, a lot to learn from this encounter.


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