Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch56- Trecheous Feelings

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

With those words, Kai guided Mikoto out of the room, leaving the four young ninjas alone. His intention was clear: this was their moment to forge the beginning of their bond as a team. Kai knew this was a necessary step. Sasuke needed more than just training; he needed companionship, camaraderie, the bonds that came from shared experiences.

The four ninjas stood in silence for a moment, the weight of Kai's words settling in. Sasuke finally broke the silence. "I'm Sasuke," he said, his voice clear and steady. "Sasuke Uchiha."

Haku was the first to respond. "I am Haku. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sasuke-san."

Next was Karin. Her voice was soft, but her eyes were determined. "Karin," she said, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Then came Jugo, his voice low and restrained. "Jugo," he said simply.

Sasuke nodded, meeting each of their gazes in turn. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared sense of purpose. They were a team now, and each of them knew what that meant. They would live together, train together, and face any challenges together.

Their new living quarters were bathed in a soft, mellow light, the four young ninjas left standing in the space that Kai and Mikoto had vacated. An air of uncertainty swirled around them. Even with Kai's endorsement, it was clear that forging a bond would not be immediate.

Sasuke took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from one face to the next. "Let's sit," he said, moving towards the low table in the center of the room.

The others followed his lead, each claiming a seat around the table. Sasuke surveyed them all, his gaze calculating, thoughtful. "We've been brought together to form a team," he began, his voice steady, yet firm. "This is a path of growth, for all of us."

Karin leaned forward, her face lighting up with determination. "I agree," she said. "We should start by learning about each other. Our strengths, weaknesses... everything."

Jugo, who had remained silent, gave a curt nod. "It will help us function better as a team."

The group spent the next hours delving into their pasts, their experiences, their goals. Haku talked about his time with Zabuza and how Kai had released him from that life. Karin shared her past experiences as Orochimaru's subject and how Kai had saved her, freeing her from the curse mark. Jugo spoke of his uncontrollable power and how Kai had given him a chance at normalcy. Sasuke, too, recounted his journey with Kai and the lessons he'd learned so far.

It was a unique bonding experience, filled with stories of hardship, growth, and gratitude for the chances they'd been given. Sasuke felt a new kind of connection forming with the three before him.

As they wound down, Sasuke stood up, a new resolve in his eyes. "Starting tomorrow, we set out," he said, a determined edge to his voice. The others responded with nods of agreement, their faces mirroring his resolve.

Outside, under the warm glow of a setting sun, Kai and Mikoto sat in a quiet corner of the inn's open dining area. The scent of grilled fish and simmering broth filled the air, the sounds of chattering patrons creating a lively ambiance.

Kai was silent, his gaze focused on the streets of the Hot Water Country, people moving to and fro. Despite his composed exterior, his mind was at work, thinking about the next step, the meeting with the Daimyo.

Mikoto, on the other hand, was lost in her thoughts. She picked at her food absentmindedly, her gaze drifting towards the direction of the room where Sasuke was. Her son was growing up, taking on responsibilities, ready to face the world on his own. A bittersweet feeling tugged at her heart; the mother in her wanted to shield him forever, but the Uchiha matriarch understood the importance of growth through experience.

"Kai," she started, her voice barely above a whisper. He turned to her, his clear blue eyes meeting her onyx ones. "Do you... do you think he's ready?"

Kai studied her for a moment before nodding, his response calm and measured. "He has the skills and the mindset. And he's not alone. He has a team with him, they'll look out for each other."

Mikoto sighed, biting her lower lip. "I know. It's just... I worry."

Kai understood. He might not show emotions in a traditional way, but he understood her fears. "It's natural," he reassured her, his gaze steady. "But it's part of the path he's chosen."

As the night settled in, Mikoto found herself watching Kai from across the room. With the young ninjas' departure, it had dawned on her that they would be alone. The thought was both comforting and disconcerting; the mother in her relished the quiet, but the woman in her yearned for more.

Her gaze lingered on Kai's silhouette against the window, his features softened by the moonlight filtering in. He was lost in thought, as was his usual state in moments of reprieve. In their quiet companionship, she had begun to appreciate the man behind the legend. Kai was strong and intelligent, yes, but there was an undercurrent of kindness to him, a gentle steadfastness that was rarely witnessed but strongly felt.

But beneath it all, there was a layer of isolation that Kai wore like a second skin. It was something she could relate to, a sort of self-imposed seclusion that they had both opted for, in the face of the tragedies they had endured. It created an unspoken bond between them, a shared understanding of the solitude that came with their roles and responsibilities.

Mikoto's heart fluttered as a thought crossed her mind. She found herself hoping that perhaps Kai had orchestrated this, that he wanted to be alone with her. It was a fleeting thought, one that brought a blush to her cheeks and a tremble to her heart. But as quickly as the thought surfaced, reality dashed it. Kai was not one for such subtle maneuvers. His intentions were always clear, unambiguous. Her hope, however innocent and fleeting, was just a reflection of her buried feelings.

Yet even the act of hoping was a sweet surrender, a soft admission to herself of the feelings she had carefully tucked away. It was a delicate bloom in her heart, a hint of something beautiful yet terrifying. But the prospect of addressing these feelings was daunting, for it meant confronting a reality that she wasn't ready to face.


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