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Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Hey there, dear readers! I hope you're all doing great! Just wanted to remind you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. And hey, if this message makes you cringe a little, well, I consider that a small victory! Now, I've been getting some feedback about repetitive words and phrases in my writing ever since I started publishing. Lately, there have been a few more comments on that, so I wanted to explain something. Currently, I'm working on nine different novels, but only publishing six of them. Can you imagine the diverse settings, tones, and modes I have to juggle? Every main character, side character, and even the less important ones, all have their own unique personalities. When I write, I often repeat certain phrases and words to help me maintain the right mood and tone. During the proofreading phase, I usually switch them up or remove them altogether. But you know what? Sometimes, a few slip through the cracks and end up being repeated. It happens, you know? I hope this explanation sheds some light on the issue. By the way, I absolutely love hearing your feedback, so please don't hesitate to let me know what you think about my novels!

As the dawn rose, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, Mikoto found herself standing by the window, her thoughts wandering to Sasuke. Her son was leaving to embark on his own journey, one filled with challenges and adventures. She could only hope he would come back stronger and more enlightened.

At the same time, her heart ached at the prospect of being left alone with Kai. She was unsure how to navigate her feelings around him, torn between her duty as an Uchiha matriarch and the burgeoning emotions within her.

"Sasuke..." Mikoto's voice was soft, laced with a maternal warmth that tugged at her heartstrings.

The young Uchiha turned to look at her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and uncertainty. "I'll be fine, mom. You don't have to worry about me," Sasuke assured, attempting to put up a brave front.

With Karin, Jugo, and Haku by his side, he was confident that he could face any challenge head-on. He would learn from his experiences and carve his own path, just like Kai had taught him.

Looking at her son's determined face, Mikoto nodded, "I know you will, Sasuke."

After Sasuke and his companions departed, Mikoto found herself left in the company of Kai. His presence, although silent, was a constant reminder of the turmoil that stirred within her. Still, she knew she had to deal with it, whether she liked it or not.

As they left the Hot Water Country, a familiar sense of unease settled over Mikoto. They had ventured into the Fire Country, her homeland, the place she had called home once. However, she hadn't set foot in it since the day she had deserted. She felt a sudden pang of nostalgia, mixed with the pain of desertion, as they walked along the border, the roar of the ocean matching the tumultuous storm of emotions within her.

For the first time in years, Mikoto could see the towering trees of the Fire Country, the landscape so reminiscent of her childhood, her family, and the life she once knew. The sound of the raging ocean waves crashing against the shore echoed within her, an eerie parallel to the chaos brewing in her heart.

Beside her, Kai walked in silence, his gaze steady on the path ahead. His aura of tranquility was like a rock amidst a storm, providing an anchorage in the middle of her turbulent emotions. He did not seem perturbed by the crashing waves or the tempestuous emotions that Mikoto was clearly grappling with. His calm was a constant, a steady reassurance.

Despite the turmoil within her, Mikoto did not voice her thoughts. The reality of their situation did not allow her to indulge in the comfort of nostalgia or the pain of longing. They were fugitives, wanderers without a destination, always on the move.

The strong sea breeze tousled her hair, bringing with it the salty tang of the sea. She looked at the ocean, the vast expanse of endless water stretching into the horizon. The ocean, in all its grandeur and ferocity, was a mirror to her own state. There was a certain kind of poetic justice in the scene before her, a poignant reminder of the whirlpool of emotions churning within her.

Mikoto turned to look at Kai, the man who had become an integral part of her life. His stoic silence was a stark contrast to her emotional turmoil. She wondered what he was thinking, what thoughts ran behind those clear blue eyes. She wanted to reach out, to share her feelings, but she held back, her fears and uncertainties building a wall around her.

The ocean’s roar grew faint as they moved further into the Fire Country. The quiet murmur of the woods replaced the tumultuous crash of the waves. It was a serene silence that echoed Kai’s calm demeanor. His gaze, unwavering and placid, remained firmly ahead, but Mikoto noticed a slight change, a subtle shift that she couldn't quite pinpoint.

His stride faltered for a moment, a minute fraction of a second, but Mikoto caught it. It was as if something pulled him, a distant call that only he could hear. She watched as his eyes flicked to the direction of Konoha, a quick, almost imperceptible glance. A coincidence? She found herself wondering.

As if sensing her scrutiny, Kai turned to look at her. His expression, as always, was impassive, his clear blue eyes revealing nothing. “I need to leave for a while,” he said, his voice as steady as the calm before a storm. “I will leave you somewhere safe. I won't take long."

Her heart clenched at his words, but she nodded in silent acceptance. Fear gnawed at the edges of her consciousness, but she pushed it back, choosing to trust Kai instead.

After a while, they came upon a cave system. It was a sizable complex, carved into the side of a mountain, hidden amidst dense foliage. The entrance was discreet, almost invisible unless one knew where to look. As Kai approached the cave, he stretched out his chakra. It was a display of his mastery over chakra control, his energy expanding outward like a protective membrane, encompassing the entire mountain. He meticulously scanned every corner of the cave system, ensuring it was safe.

After a while, he nodded, satisfied with his search. Walking into the cave, he made a swift hand gesture. It was a technique Mikoto recognized — one he had copied from her Mangekyō Sharingan. Reality shifted around them, the mouth of the cave disappearing from view, replaced by a solid rock wall. From the outside, the cave was completely concealed, an invisible sanctuary amidst the wild.

Once inside, Kai turned to her, his gaze sincere. "Please stay here," he implored, the closest thing to a plea Mikoto had ever heard from him. "I will come back soon."

Without another word, he vanished, leaving Mikoto alone in the shelter of the cave.

The cave was silent in his absence, the only sound being the distant murmur of the woods outside. Kai's departure had left her feeling strangely empty. Despite his stoic demeanor and emotional aloofness, his presence had been a constant in her life. His sudden departure left her feeling like a ship lost at sea.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, she took a moment to familiarize herself with her temporary abode. The cave was surprisingly spacious, with a high ceiling and a broad floor. It was barren and unadorned, but it would suffice as a shelter.

Mikoto leaned back against the cold stone wall of the cave, staring at the flickering shadows that danced across the cavernous interior. Her mind raced with questions. What had called Kai away so urgently?


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