Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch71- Portal

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

As the first rays of dawn began to filter through the clouds, Kai and Mikoto found themselves back on the beach, their gaze trained on the ever-spinning whirlpool in the distance. The constant swirling of the water was almost hypnotic, the sound of the rushing water blending with the soft crash of the waves.

Kai’s expression was unreadable as he stood there, watching the hypnotic pattern of the water. He was silent, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he focused on the whirlpool. There was a certain intensity to his gaze, an unwavering focus that left no room for distraction.

“What are you thinking, Kai?” Mikoto asked after a long silence. Her voice was soft, a mere whisper against the backdrop of the crashing waves.

Kai was silent for a moment before he replied, “I think… I might have an idea of what this whirlpool is all about.”

Mikoto turned to look at him, her dark eyes filled with curiosity. "What do you mean?" She prodded, her interest piqued.

"I think," Kai started, his voice low and careful, "this whirlpool is not a natural occurrence. It is a seal, a powerful one at that."

Mikoto blinked at his revelation, her mind spinning. "A seal?" She echoed, her gaze flickering back to the spinning whirlpool. She had seen plenty of seals in her life, but none that manifested as a natural occurrence. It was an unusual concept, but one that she knew she couldn't dismiss. Not when it was Kai who suggested it.

Kai nodded, his gaze still trained on the whirlpool. “The spinning motion, the constant flow of the water, the energy I feel emanating from it... it's a spatial seal. A sophisticated and powerful one."

His words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the peaceful sounds of the beach. Mikoto took a moment to digest the information, her gaze flitting between the whirlpool and Kai. It was a lot to take in, a revelation that shifted their understanding of their journey. It added a layer of complexity that neither of them had anticipated.

"There are 742 stones carefully placed at the bottom of the sea, each infused with a precise amount of chakra," Kai said, his gaze unwavering from the whirling waters. His voice held a certainty that was hard to refute. "They're using the force of nature to sustain this whirlpool. And if I'm not wrong, it's a gateway to the Land of Uzumaki."

Mikoto blinked, taken aback by the detailed knowledge he seemed to possess about the phenomenon. The whirlpool had appeared like a natural occurrence, a product of the sea's relentless churning. But his words painted a different picture, a veil of illusion covering an intricate setup.

"Only those with a matching seal can traverse through it safely," Kai continued, his tone matter-of-fact. "Anyone else attempting to enter would be crushed to death by the immense force of the vortex."

The enormity of what he was saying struck Mikoto silent. The whirlpool was a lethal trap, camouflaged as a natural curiosity, and a gateway to their destination. The Land of Uzumaki was protected by a formidable barrier, one that could destroy anyone who dared to cross it without the right credentials. The thought was daunting, and it made her heart pound with apprehension.

"But how do you know all this, Kai?" Mikoto finally asked, her voice barely audible over the roar of the sea. Her dark eyes were wide with a mix of disbelief and awe as she stared at him.

Kai turned to look at her, his gaze piercing. "I have special eyes," he said simply, "I can see chakra."

Mikoto's eyes widened in surprise, and she took a moment to process his words. She knew about his ability to replicate any jutsu he witnessed, an extraordinary talent that made him a formidable warrior. But his claim of being able to see chakra, especially faint signatures buried deep within the ocean, was something entirely different.

"That's... incredible," she murmured, her eyes reflecting a newfound respect for Kai. She had witnessed many incredible abilities in her lifetime, but this was something else. Even with her Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, a pinnacle of ocular power, she couldn't copy that feat.

"The Sharingan can see chakra flows, but discerning complex seals at the bottom of the ocean...that's beyond my capabilities," Mikoto confessed, her gaze locked on Kai's. Her voice was a mere whisper, the admission not easy. As a proud Uchiha, acknowledging a limitation wasn't a common occurrence for her.

"I can see faint traces of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu in those seals," Kai mused, his gaze returning to the swirling vortex of water. His voice was steady, echoing with a note of certainty. "The late Second's techniques probably derived from this jutsu."

"Second?" Mikoto's brows furrowed in confusion, her gaze flitting to him. "Isn't the Flying Thunder God Jutsu the Fourth Hokage's technique?"

Kai nodded, his gaze still fixated on the spinning waters. "Yes, it is widely known as the Fourth Hokage's technique," he conceded, "but the original inventor was the Second Hokage. The Fourth Hokage just improved upon it."

Mikoto was silent for a moment, processing his words. As an Uchiha, she had been privy to a vast amount of knowledge regarding the history of the Hidden Leaf, but this was new information to her. She had always known the technique to be the Fourth Hokage's specialty. To hear that it was the Second Hokage's invention was a revelation that left her reeling.

"While the Fourth Hokage's technique uses seals as an anchor in time and space, this whirlpool is fixed," Kai continued, his tone contemplative. "If you have a matching seal, it takes you to the heart of the Land of Uzumaki. But that place is probably protected too."

His words hung in the air, a grim reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead of them. If Kai was right, they were on the cusp of breaking into one of the most fortified places in the world.

"This supports my earlier suspicions," Kai murmured, a cold note creeping into his voice. "The genocide of the Uzumaki clan wasn't a random act. It was an inside job."

"I know the Third Hokage at the time ignored the plea of their sibling village, but now that I think about it, I believe he might have sold them out," Kai voiced his thoughts aloud, his gaze never leaving the whirlpool. The conviction in his voice was unwavering, his tone edged with a hardness that could chill the heart.


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