Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch78- Story Time

For the briefest of moments, Mikoto thought she saw a flicker of something akin to amusement and softness in Kai's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came. Kai was a master of concealing his emotions, an enigma in a world where feelings were often exploited.

Kai sighed, his gaze lingering on Mito as if trying to assess her honesty. He felt a pang in his chest, something resembling regret. He had misjudged her, had allowed his cynicism to paint her in a light she didn't deserve. The world was indeed ruthless, filled with exploitation and treachery. Yet, here was this girl, devoid of any malice, who wanted nothing more than the simple pleasure of stories. He felt his own prejudice sting him.

"How foolish," he muttered to himself, his eyes softening as he looked at Mito.

A rare smile found its way onto his lips, transforming his usually stern features. "I must apologize, Mito," he began, his voice calm yet sincere. "I made a premature assumption about your intentions. It seems I underestimated your innocence."

Mikoto's eyes widened at his words. The stoic, hard-faced Kai she knew was a master at masking his emotions, a man of few words. Yet, here he was, talking, apologizing, and even... smiling?

"But," Kai continued, his gaze steady, "How about I offer you something more? You possess an impressive control over your chakra. I've rarely seen such proficiency. How about, in addition to the stories, I also teach you some jutsu?"

For a moment, the forest around them was quiet, save for the rustling leaves. Mito stared at him, her eyes wide with surprise. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally managed to respond, her voice filled with disbelief. "R-really? You would do that for me?"

Kai nodded, his features remaining impassive despite the generous offer he'd just made. "I would. It's only fair."

Mikoto was in a daze. She couldn't understand Kai's sudden change. Was he doing all this because they needed a place to hide? She shook her head. No, Kai was not that kind of person. Could it be because of Tsunade? He was in a relationship with Tsunade, and Mito was her grandmother. That could be a possibility. Or was he interested in Mito? She was indeed beautiful. Mikoto mentally slapped herself for even considering the last possibility. Kai was not that kind of person.

Mikoto was brought back from her thoughts by Mito's delighted voice. "Oh, thank you, Kai! You're very kind," Mito exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy. The interaction was surreal to Mikoto. This was not the Kai she knew, yet she couldn't deny the genuine kindness she saw in his eyes.

Kindness! The thought resonated within Mikoto, consuming her, as she attempted to make sense of Kai's actions. It was such a simple concept, yet it seemed to answer her muddled thoughts about Kai. His stoicism, his tendency for silence, his emotional remoteness – they were traits that defined Kai, traits that she had grown to love and accept without question.

But now, witnessing Kai’s interaction with Mito, the wheels in Mikoto’s mind began to spin. Kindness was unfamiliar territory for Kai, a foreign language he seldom encountered. In the grandeur of Mito’s innocence and kindness, he found a spark that was strong enough to penetrate the barriers of his carefully constructed façade.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Mikoto couldn't help but feel an intense wave of sorrow crash over her. A torrent of unspoken words and thoughts surged through her mind. How had Kai grown up? What hardships had he encountered that had carved out the person he had become? Her heart ached as she pondered these thoughts, the sorrow twining around her like a persistent vine.

For Mikoto, Kai’s smile was something of an anomaly. Like a flash of lightning in the night sky, it was fleeting yet illuminating. She yearned to see it more often, not just for her sake, but for Kai’s too. His smile was a testament to the warmth that could bloom in him, the kind of warmth that Mikoto believed could heal him.

But, Mikoto was brought back from her reverie by the light in Mito’s eyes, her voice brimming with joy. "Oh, thank you, Kai! You're very kind," Mito exclaimed, her words filling the silence of the forest.

To Mikoto, it was surreal. The Kai she knew was a puzzle, a complex enigma with layers that were intricate and puzzling. Yet here he was, breaking his own rules, responding to the innocent charm of a girl they had just met. Mikoto saw a different Kai, one who was capable of unexpected gentleness and kindness. It intrigued her, perplexed her, but most importantly, it gave her hope.

With that, the air seemed to shift. The rustling leaves and chirping birds filled the silence, while Kai’s stoic presence cast a calmness over the scene. The exchange was settled, their fates intertwined. For now, they had found an ally in Mito. As long as they could keep their part of the bargain, they were safe.

Kai crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the trunk of a sturdy tree. "What do you want to hear first?" His voice was calm, composed, like the steady stream of a river.

Mito thought for a moment, her bright eyes twinkling under the soft light filtering through the trees. "How about the village you're from?" she suggested, her voice laced with genuine curiosity.

Next to her, Mikoto perked up, her usually impassive expression giving way to interest. Mikoto, too, realized that she knew so little about Kai and was eager to unravel the mysteries that shrouded him. The stoic, mysterious Kai was an enigma and every bit of information was like a piece of a puzzle that made up the man he was.

Kai nodded in response, his usual stern gaze softened by the smallest of smiles. "I am from a village at the border of the Fire Country. It's a small, poor village that doesn't follow the Shinobi system. Chakra awakening there is a rarity," he began, his voice steady and clear, cutting through the forest’s ambient sounds.

His words painted an image of a place far from the comforts they were used to. A place where the shinobi world was but a distant dream, and those fortunate few who did awaken chakra were desperate for a life beyond the village’s borders.

“Those rare cases that awaken Chakra, they escape as soon as they can to have a better life, and rarely do any of them return. When they do, they occasionally take on students, but even these students seek the first chance to escape for a better life.”

Mito's eyes widened as she listened, her fascination apparent. “Are you one of those students?” she asked, leaning forward slightly as she awaited his answer.

Kai shook his head in negation. "No, I escaped, but I was never taught by anyone. I learned everything I know by myself."

The gasp that escaped Mito's lips was almost comical. "That is amazing, Kai. You must be incredibly talented." Her voice held a note of awe, and Kai’s admission seemed to earn him a new level of respect in her eyes.

He shook his head again, an almost dismissive gesture, but he didn't respond. Instead, he continued his story, his voice steady but low, like a soft murmur resonating with a tale of struggle and resilience.

"Later, I started to travel from village to village, from country to country, and took on missions. I didn't want to be bound by a single place, a single leader, or a single rule. I wanted to be free from constraints. To be able to pick my missions, refuse those I didn't like. So, I became a free shinobi."

His words hung heavy in the air, charged with the weight of the life he'd led. Mito listened, her expression contemplative, her gaze fixed on Kai. To her, his words painted a vivid picture of a man who sought freedom above all else. A man who held his independence as the most important thing, a lone wolf navigating the ruthless world of shinobi.

For a long moment, no one spoke. The forest around them hummed with life, the rustling leaves and chirping birds offering the only sounds. Mito was silent, absorbing the revelation. She saw Kai in a new light, understanding him a little more. His strength, his resilience, and his independence were admirable, painting a picture of a man who defied the norms.

Mikoto, on the other hand, was deep in thought. This was more information about Kai than she had ever received. She saw him in a new light, his story shedding a layer of the enigma that he was. She felt a strange mix of admiration and sympathy for the man sitting across from her.


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