Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch8- Mei Terumi

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The leader of the team, a tall, battle-hardened man named Takeshi, eyed Kai warily. "You know," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "it's okay to have a little fun once in a while. But then again, I suppose outsiders like you don't have much to laugh about."

The others laughed, but Kai remained impassive. He knew that there was no point in trying to defend himself or engage with them. He was an outsider, and they saw him as little more than a tool to be used and discarded.

During their mission, the team encountered a group of rogue shinobi who had set up an ambush. They were skilled and ruthless, and the Jonin found themselves struggling to hold their own. Kai, however, remained calm and focused, using his extensive knowledge of jutsu to counter the enemy's attacks.

As the battle raged on, Takeshi found himself cornered, his back against a wall. He glanced around desperately, his eyes wide with fear. "Help me!" he shouted, his voice cracking.

Seeing the rogue shinobi leader attempting to escape, Kai made a split-second decision. As much as he wanted to help Takeshi, his primary mission was to hunt down the rogue leader, not to protect. He ignored Takeshi's desperate plea for help and pursued the fleeing shinobi, his expression never betraying a hint of emotion.

Takeshi's eyes widened in shock and betrayal as he watched Kai abandon him. He gritted his teeth, anger and fear coursing through him as he prepared to face the enemy alone.

Kai dashed through the forest, his movements swift and silent as he tracked the rogue leader. He knew that he couldn't afford to let the shinobi escape; he had a job to do, and he was committed to seeing it through to the end.

As he closed in on his target, Kai's mind raced, analyzing the situation and strategizing the best way to apprehend the rogue leader. He had seen enough of the man's abilities during the battle to know that he was a formidable opponent, and he understood that he would need to be both cunning and ruthless to bring him down.

The rogue leader glanced over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Kai in pursuit. He snarled, frustration boiling over as he realized that he couldn't shake his pursuer. With a flash of anger, he turned to face Kai, his hands weaving a series of intricate hand signs.

"Persistent, aren't you?" the rogue leader spat, his voice filled with contempt. "But you're just an outsider, a disposable tool for those cowardly Jonin. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

Kai didn't respond, his cold gaze never leaving the rogue shinobi. He had heard similar taunts countless times before, but they had never affected him. He knew his place in the world, and he refused to let anyone else's opinion sway him.

As the rogue leader unleashed a barrage of powerful jutsu, Kai deftly countered each one, using the techniques he had learned from his various encounters with other shinobi. He could see the growing frustration in the rogue leader's eyes as his attacks were repeatedly thwarted.

Back at the battlefield, Takeshi gritted his teeth, struggling to hold off the remaining rogue shinobi. He felt the cold sting of betrayal, his anger at Kai for leaving him to face danger alone fueling his determination. He knew that he couldn't rely on the outsider to protect him; he had to save himself.

As the fight between Kai and the rogue leader intensified, the other Jonin managed to regroup and join Takeshi. Together, they fought off the remaining rogue shinobi, their teamwork and skill eventually overpowering their opponents.

Kai, meanwhile, continued his battle with the rogue leader, his every movement precise and controlled. He knew that he had to end the fight quickly, as he was rapidly approaching his limits. He couldn't afford to let the rogue leader escape, nor could he allow himself to be captured or killed.

With a final surge of strength, Kai unleashed a devastating combination of jutsu, overwhelming the rogue leader and leaving him battered and unconscious on the forest floor. Kai stood over him, his expression cold and unfeeling as he tied the man up with a length of wire.

The jonin, having defeated their enemies, regrouped and cautiously approached Kai. They stared at the captured rogue leader, their expressions a mixture of relief and lingering resentment.

Takeshi stepped forward, his eyes hard as he confronted Kai. "You left me to die," he accused, his voice low and dangerous. "You chose your mission over saving a comrade."

Kai met Takeshi's gaze, his expression unreadable. "I did what I was hired to do."

Takeshi and the other jonin glared at Kai, their faces twisted in anger and disgust. But Kai remained unfazed, his expression impassive as he turned away and began walking back toward the Hidden Mist Village. The jonin followed him, their eyes fixed on his back, their hatred palpable.

As they made their way through the village, whispers and murmurs echoed around them. News of the Fourth Mizukage's assassination had spread, and the village was in a state of chaos. The tension in the air was thick, and Kai could sense the unease and fear that gripped the villagers.

When they arrived at the Mizukage's office, they found the Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, seated behind the desk. Her gaze was sharp and calculating as she studied the group before her. "You have completed your mission?" she asked, her voice cold and businesslike.

Mei Terumi looked at Kai, her eyes narrowing. "The rogue shinobi you captured was working for me. The mission you were assigned to was orchestrated by Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, who was my enemy. The man you hunted was my ally. You should consider yourself lucky that I am not killing you for this."

Takeshi and the other jonin bristled at the accusation, but before they could protest, several of Mei's men entered the room and quickly subdued them. They were Yagura's loyalists, and Mei needed to ensure their loyalty to her before they were released.

Kai absorbed the information, his face betraying no emotion. After a moment, he nodded. "I understand. If there is another mission I can undertake for you, I am willing to do so."

Mei eyed him for a moment, then spoke. "There is one task that requires someone with your unique set of skills. I need you to track down and bring back a missing shinobi from our village, Zabuza Momochi. He is a formidable opponent, so be prepared."

Kai nodded and turned to leave, his every movement deliberate and measured. He knew that he had to prove his capability to the new Mizukage and could not afford to fail this mission.

As Kai made his way through the forest, he felt the familiar thrill of the hunt. He knew that he was chasing a dangerous and skilled opponent, but his confidence in his abilities and his determination to complete the mission drove him forward.

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