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Ch81- We Are From the Future

Mikoto, caught off guard, choked on her water, a few droplets landing on the burning embers. "What?" She managed to splutter out, her wide-eyed gaze swinging to meet Mito's.

Mito held her gaze, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and determination. She seemed unfazed by Mikoto's reaction, instead, waiting for an answer with an unsettling patience.

Mikoto looked at Mito, her eyes wide with bemusement and amusement. She could see how Mito's gaze lingered on Kai, a softness touching her eyes every time they rested on him. Kai was indeed a captivating presence - handsome, strong, an enigma wrapped in layers of steel and stone. He was a compelling blend of a warrior's tenacity and a scholar's wisdom, and it was only natural that Mito was drawn to him.

She had noticed how Mito's admiration had slowly grown over the weeks, blossoming into something deeper, something more profound. There were times when Mikoto would catch Mito stealing glances at Kai, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush that betrayed her feelings.

Mikoto long realized the budding feelings between Mito and Kai, but she didn't do anything, neither could she, but she knew Mito knew that she wasn't Kai's mother. After all, often, she too would look at Kai with similar gazes. Mito's objective was clear, she wanted to remind Mikoto that Kai was in her age, and Mikoto should let them be happy. And indeed, Mikoto was at the age that she could be Kai's mother. For a while, she couldn't even answer. How could she? What would she say?

It was Kai who broke the silence that had consumed the three of them. "Mikoto is my lover," he said, his voice low but carrying a certainty that reverberated in the quiet of the forest night.

The words echoed in the still air, landing with a finality that shattered the comfort of their evening. Both women gasped. Mito's surprise was palpable, the unspoken hope that had been blooming in her chest suddenly withering in the wake of Kai's admission. She blinked rapidly, as though trying to dispel the words, make them unreal. But Kai's calm demeanor didn't waver, his gaze steady on the flickering fire, acknowledging the truth of his words.

Mito found her gaze drifting to Mikoto, searching her for any signs of denial or surprise. She found none. Mikoto sat frozen, her spoon poised mid-air, her eyes wide and shiny. There was a tremble in her lower lip, an undeniable hint of raw emotion that Mito had never seen in her before.

It was a declaration that Mikoto hadn't expected, a truth she had hoped for but never dared to voice out loud. A lover. Kai had just declared her as his lover. She could hardly comprehend it, a mixture of disbelief and joy churning within her. It was as if the universe had heard her unspoken prayers, her silent desires and brought them to life in the most unexpected manner.

The emotions welled up in her, unshed tears glistening in her eyes. She turned to look at Kai, wanting, needing to see if he meant what he had just said. But his gaze remained fixed on the fire, his face devoid of any discernible emotion. It was as if he had just commented on the weather, not declared an intimate relationship.

For Mito, it was a different kind of shock. Over the past month, she had grown attached to Kai, his wisdom, his strength, his tales of travels and battles filling her days with anticipation and nights with dreams. She saw him not just as a mentor but as someone who could understand her, share her dreams of exploration, and the adventurous spirit. But his words were a reality check, a stark reminder of her place in his life.

She took in a shaky breath, an effort to steady herself. Her heart pounded in her chest, a throbbing ache that echoed the shattering of her dreams. Her gaze dropped to her hands, clasped tightly in her lap. A surge of disappointment washed over her. She had been naïve to think that her feelings might have been reciprocated. After all, Kai was an enigma, his heart more concealed than an unfathomable abyss.

"I-" Mito started, pushing away from the table. "I need to go."

She had barely risen from her seat when Kai's voice, cold but gentle, stopped her in her tracks. "Sit."

It wasn't a request. It was a command, uttered with the authority of a man who wasn't used to being disobeyed. And Mito, for reasons she didn't fully understand, found herself unable to reject him. She slid back onto her seat, her appetite lost, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions. She watched Kai, her eyes wet, and saw something unusual in his gaze. His usual stoicism seemed to melt away for a moment, replaced by a softness she'd rarely seen before.

"Mito," he began, his voice low, "what do you feel from me?"

Mito's eyes widened at the unexpected question. Swallowing hard, she focused her gaze on him and let her senses reach out. "I feel warmth," she started, her voice barely above a whisper, "kindness, love... appreciation." She paused, her brows furrowing as she dug deeper. "There's longing too, and... regret, sadness." She finished, her gaze distant.

A heavy silence followed her words, the air between them thick with unspoken words. "Why are you feeling so many things?" Mito finally asked, her voice shaky, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I will give you a secret," Kai said, his voice barely above a whisper. He locked his gaze with hers, his expression unreadable. "Mikoto and I are not from this timeline. We came from the future."

Mito's heart skipped a beat. She stared at him, her mouth agape, as she tried to comprehend his words. Her gaze flickered between him and Mikoto, searching their faces for any sign of deception. She found none. "Are you... really?" She asked, her voice a mere whisper.

"Yes," Kai confirmed, his voice steady, "In my time, the Uzumaki Clan was destroyed. I wanted to enter the village to research the seals, but when I tried to pass the seal- the whirlpool- it backfired and sent us back in time."


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