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Ch86- Hope!

Then, a new possibility began to dawn on him, a glimmer of hope that was as daunting as it was tantalizing. Was there a timeline where Mito traveled to the future? If their existence had already altered the timeline, then the possibility was not just plausible, but likely.

"But," Mito started, her voice shaking as she tried to understand, "if this isn't the past you know, then what does that mean for us? For me?"

Kai hesitated, not sure how to put into words the profound implications of their situation. "It means that the future isn't set in stone, Mito. It means we have a chance to change it."

It was a stark declaration, one that held a promise of possibility and risk. They were navigating uncharted waters, their future as unpredictable as the shifting sands of time. But there was a certain solace in the uncertainty, a liberation in knowing they held the reins to their destiny.

Despite the gravity of their situation, a soft smile spread across Mito's face. She released a breath she didn't know she had been holding, her eyes gleaming with renewed hope. "Then, I am coming with you, Kai. To the future. To our future."

The raw determination in her voice left no room for argument. Kai could see the resolve in her eyes, the fiery spirit that made her the woman he admired. But as much as he wanted to let her come, to give in to his budding emotions for her, he knew he couldn't. Not yet.

"Mito," he began, his voice stern but soft, "we still have much to learn about this timeline, about how our actions may affect the future. We need to tread carefully."

But Mito was undeterred. "I understand, Kai. But I am not afraid. I am willing to risk it all. For us. For our future."

Kai looked at her, really looked at her, his icy gaze thawing just a touch. He could see the raw determination in her eyes, feel the resolute strength in her grip. He knew then that he couldn't stop her. Maybe he didn't want to.

His lips parted, the words he had been struggling to say finally spilling out. "Alright, Mito. We'll navigate this timeline together."

It wasn't a promise of a happily-ever-after, nor a declaration of love. But it was a step, a commitment to explore the uncertain future together. It was enough, for now.

Mikoto, despite the swirling complexities of time and emotion in front of her, felt a sense of warmth and satisfaction enveloping her. She gazed fondly at Kai and Mito, her smile tender and genuine. The man she loved, the woman who had become a dear companion, were now preparing to face an uncertain future together.

The tangle of time and relationships, of love and heartbreak, had led them all here. Mikoto wasn’t naive. She knew Kai wasn’t a man to be tied down to a single woman, knew he would have more relationships in the future. But seeing him with Mito now, she believed he could offer the fiery redhead something valuable and meaningful, if not everlasting.

Kai turned his attention back to Mito, his expression reverting to its usual stoicism. "Go fetch your father," he instructed her. "We need to talk to him, at least."

Mito’s brows furrowed slightly at his words, a flicker of uncertainty flashing across her face. "You will not leave without me, right? Promise," she asked, her voice carrying a note of vulnerability that she rarely showed.

Kai’s lips curved into a small, rare smile. "I promise," he reassured her.

Mito searched his eyes, probing the depths of his ice-blue gaze for any signs of dishonesty. But her unique ability to perceive emotions told her there was nothing to fear. She could feel his sincerity, as solid and unyielding as a mountain. She felt her worries dissipate, replaced by a warm feeling of trust.

With a smile and a nod, Mito turned and left, her red hair dancing in the wind as she headed off to fetch her father.

Mito returned shortly after, pulling along an elderly man with vibrant red hair that clearly mirrored her own. He looked between Kai and Mikoto, his eyes wide and full of confusion. However, upon studying them more closely, a hardened expression overcame his visage. His fists clenched tightly, knuckles whitening under the pressure.

"What is going on?" His voice was harsh, a grim note echoing in the air.

Mito sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Like I said, father," she started, her gaze steady, "these two are from the future, and I am going with them."

Kai stifled the urge to roll his eyes at the straightforwardness of Mito's declaration. She really was a piece of work. Despite the tension of the moment, he stepped forward, extending his hand towards the older man. "My name is Kai," he began, his voice steady. "And as Mito said, I am from the future. This is Mikoto, she also came with me. We were trying to pass the seal that protects the Uzumaki Clan when it sent us back in time."

The older man interrupted, a hint of accusation creeping into his voice. "So, you were trying to forcefully enter my clan?"

Kai didn't flinch at the tone, remaining calm as he replied. "There is no Uzumaki Clan in the future. It was destroyed."

The words hung heavy in the air. The man's hardened expression faltered, his gaze meeting Kai's, the disbelief evident in his eyes. "What do you mean?" His voice was softer now, the shock apparent.

Kai let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before he began to explain. "Years from now, your clan's existence becomes a threat to the other villages," he stated, his voice low. "Out of fear, they team up against you, and the Uzumaki Clan is no more."

Silence filled the air as Kai's words settled in. The man's eyes widened, his breath hitching as the truth of Kai's statement hit him.

"I..." the man faltered, shaking his head as if trying to dispel a bad dream. He cast a desperate look towards Mito, hoping for some kind of denial. But she only stood there, her face grim, and her silence confirmed his worst fears.


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