From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 27: Every time I meet is a long-lost reunion-although you don't want to see me

   Diagon Alley is a good place. Although this street is old in style, it is the best street in the real magic world.

Countless guests are greeted here every day, such as country witches, house wizards who never go out for ten thousand years, Hogwarts students who have been dropped out, and exotic wizards who come to visit. All kinds of people have brought endless wealth to this street. At the same time, they also Brought countless troubles.

   For example, now.

   "Someone was fighting!"

  The passing crowd began to gather in the direction where the shouts came from, even William was no exception—Azkaban often had fights, and it was the first time he saw people fighting in the streets since he came to the wizarding world.

   Following the footsteps of a tall and thin blue-robed wizard in front, William walked around a corner and saw the crowd that had gradually gathered.

At this moment, it was not the hottest time on the street at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The stores with few customers threw away their business and came out to watch the excitement. Probably because the two sides did not use their magic wands, at this moment, there is not even a rack. People just stared at the two sides who were about to fight each other.

   William looked at it roughly by being a little taller.

Both parties who are pulling the collar and making cruel words are dressed in wizard robes. The white-haired wizard on the one who is gripped is now spreading out his hands trying to explain something, while the one over there is shorter, with a fierce face and fingers on his face. The long beard drew circles in the air with the unwillingness to stop cursing, which looked extremely funny.

   Beside the two of them, a magazine-like book was spread out and thrown on the ground. While cursing, his beard occasionally pointed at the book on the ground, as if something in the magazine offended him.

  Since William came a little late, and the beard was interrupted by the crowd, William could only listen to a general idea.

It took him a long time to figure out what happened in the end—what about the beard, please seem to have been exposed by that magazine. As a result, he just happened to see the editor of the magazine in the crowd today. As soon as he became angry, he simply Grabbing the other party and questioning it.

   Then there is nothing to say-it is a delight to hear that the editor-in-chief of a magazine that catches the wind and catches the shadows.

   After figuring out why he started fighting, William decided to leave—he had something to do when he came out. It can be forgiven for a little delay, but because everyone wasted too much time, he was completely wronged.

   Thinking of this, William glanced at the opposing sides again, and then stopped on the beard's face.

   That beard seems to be crooked?

William stared at the other party, and after confirming that the beard was indeed crooked, he quickly made up the appearance of the other party removing the beard-this kind of disguised goods is mostly wanted, a head of one hundred gallons, the money sent, no Take the white or not!

   "This face is a bit familiar."

   William quickly recognized the voice of the other party, and within half a minute, the other party had already overlapped with the one in his mind.

   is the liar boy!

   When he was released from prison, he brought all the people in his cell to Kanon, and even William suffered a heavy loss!

   Thinking of this, William quickly took out his magic wand. Before the audience had time to react, the spell had already been sent to the opponent.

   "All petrochemicals!"

The    spell passed through the crowd and directly hit the liar who was showing off his might.

   He stiffened all over and touched his wand almost as quickly as possible, but before his hand touched the wand, the power of the whole body restraint curse was far more powerful than he had imagined.

   After shaking in place for a few times, his cheeks plopped and fell to the ground.

   The onlookers around the wizard pulled out his wand almost immediately, and then pointed in the direction of the spell.

   "Everyone, relax, I have met an old acquaintance."

   William stretched out his hands with a smile, signaled that he had no intention of continuing to attack, and then stepped in a few steps along the path exposed by the crowd.

   After quickly pulling out the other party's wand, William smiled and stared at the liar's face.

   The opponent's eyeballs turned quickly, and then showed a look of despair—obviously, he recognized William.

   "Haha, you recognize me, old friend."

   William greeted him with a joking tone, then reached out his hand and began to pull the other's beard.

   In order to prevent the use of magical beard from being exposed, William tore off the beard in a few strokes, and everyone onlookers also put away their wands—you can recognize them with a beard, which Liangzi is estimated to be too small.

   "The curse is solved."

   The wand on the part of his neck was easily lifted by William. William allowed the other person to speak and began to search in the arms of the liar.

   After a short while, he found his trophy—a big bag of Kanon.

   Throw it up, throw it in his hand and measure it. There are about seventy or eighty pieces.

   This guy didn't even spend it all at once?

   "Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw you, old man, it's fine if I left without saying goodbye last time. You got your beard so soon?"

   "Hey, William, it's been a long time since I saw you. I don’t have a beard and I’m old-fashioned. There are so many people who trust me."

   The liar tried to squeeze a smile-neither of them wanted to expose the Azkaban incident in the public.

   You can make more money if you have no money. The Azkaban incident has been exposed. UU reading www. Then I don’t know how long to wait if I want to make money next time.

   "It seems that I haven't made a fortune recently, brother."

   "That's not right, I don't have enough money today, these rights should invite you to drink, I have something else, let's stop playing around like this, next time I have time to ask you to have a good drink?"

   The liar was unlucky in his heart--the one he was most afraid of was William in a chant, but today the other party came to sneak attack without quality, he could only admit it obediently.

  Although his big business is still a gray business, the incident of stealing money from a cellmate broke out, and those who work together will collectively boycott him.

   "Thank you very much, brother."

   William smiled and put away the money bag, and then put his wand in the most difficult place for the opponent to reach, and then he took the wand and unlocked the spell for the other party.

   His account is settled, and it doesn't matter if the rest of the prisoners encounter it or not.

   The liar didn't dare to do anything. He tidily packed his things and flashed directly to the street next to him.

   The crowd of onlookers saw that the excitement disappeared and gradually dispersed. William simply took advantage of this opportunity to get into the crowd and prepared to walk towards the goal.

   Before taking a few steps, he realized that he was being stared at—the man who had just been grabbed.

   "I'm sorry, it's a joke, I'm Xenophylius Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of the antagonist, thank you just for helping me out."

   "Hey, it's no big deal. That guy happened to owe me a sum of money and kept hiding. He happened to meet him this time, and he would settle the account once."

   William waved his hand politely—the editor of an entertainment magazine or something. Although he didn't want to deal with him very much, he really couldn't afford it. In his situation, he didn't know how much trouble he would make if he dug.


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