From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 32: Hagrid: 4 2 belts 2 kings

   The next morning, William got up early to tidy up his appearance, put on his formal clothes, and completely drove the exhaustion brought about by self-study at home, and prepared to visit Hogwarts.

He had asked in the letter before that most wizards visited Hogwarts by means of Apparition, Floo fans, etc., to Hogsmeade Village next to Hogwarts, and then to Hogwarts. In Civic, only students and some professors will take the 9 3/4 train directly to the school.

   Since William had never been to Hogsmeade Village, and he was unwilling to use the Apparition that he had just mastered to travel so far, so he simply chose Floo Fan.

   "Old Tom, is this Floo fan?"

   William asked the old Tom, who was busy wiping the wine glasses by the bar, holding a small basin by the fireplace.

   "Of course, going out?"

   "Well, go to Hogwarts to handle things."

   "Will you prepare lunch for you?"

   "I think Hogwarts should have a cafeteria-how was the food in the cafeteria when you were at school?"

   "It's pretty good, but it's been a long, long time since I went to Hogwarts, and the principal has changed several terms."

  While old Tom was talking, William lit a magic flame in the stove.

   "Well, I hope the Hogwarts kitchen has not been burned down, and it tastes as good as before."

   William shrugged, but Old Tom didn't know that he was making a laugh by that sentence, he couldn't help but laughed, and it took a long time to stop.

   "Then I wish you a pleasant journey."

   "I think so too, this is my first time going to Hogwarts--"

   William threw a handful of Floo powder into the flame, called Hogsmeade Village, and then took a big step toward the flame.

The weird pressure came from all around, and William felt like he was spinning frantically-it would be better to spend a little more money on the Cavaliers bus at the time-the moment such a thought emerged in his head, the spinning speed accelerated, and the green in front of him The flames swiftly revolved with him, and at the outermost end of the flame vortex, countless fireplaces appeared before his eyes.

   Before William could not help but spit it out, the rotation finally stopped. He was directly bounced by the flame into the mouth of the fireplace that finally stopped, and then the whole person quickly fell to the ground.

   He hurriedly crossed his arms in front of his face as quickly as possible, protecting himself for the last time.

   quickly got up, took out the magic wand, and after confirming the surrounding environment, William began to use the magic wand to deal with the dust on his body.

  ‘You should be able to adjust your position just before you pop out, so that you don’t fall over as soon as you come out. ’

  William walked out of the fireplace while looking back at the trip he had just visited—but soon he denied his thoughts.

   Floo powder is far less comfortable to travel than Phantom Shift. If it weren’t for Phantom Shift to go to places he hadn’t been, he would rather not use Floo powder’s torture artifact for the rest of his life.

   As soon as he walked out of the fireplace, he felt that he should not have gone wrong.

  Although I've been to this village named Hogsmeade in the future, there is probably only one place that can open so many shops in one village.

Just around the public fireplace where William walked out, there are four or five places with all kinds of signboards-I don’t know if it’s because of the shopping needs of the students that the villagers opened these shops, or because the students have a strong purchasing power. Shops opened one after another formed a village.

   Before William had a good look at the scenery of Hogsmeade Village, a figure over there who was one body taller than an ordinary person waved his hand here.

   "Is it Professor William?"

   "It's me, thank you for coming to pick me up, Hagrid."

William had already written to him and told him about his itinerary. Naturally, Hogwarts would not let a professor who had never been to Hogwarts find the door of the school by himself-what if the new professor was a lunatic do?

  Especially the lesson of wizard self-defense magic learning itself is hanging. If this year's record-breaking professor is forced to leave his post without coming to school, it is estimated that next year, I will not be able to recruit professors in Azkaban.

   "I'm okay, I was about to come here to collect the rent, so I took over the task with Professor McGonagall." Hagrid smiled and looked at William, and said something that shocked William.

   "Accept the rent?"

"Yes, the entire Hogsmeade village belongs to Hogwarts. From the day the castle was built, this piece of land was owned by the school (Note 1). Dumbledore trusted me, so this job was given to It's me."

   A village as private property—William took a breath.

But think about this school does not charge tuition, William is indifferent, just the rent of the village, for the operation of an entire school, it is estimated that the Ministry of Magic has to allocate a lot of funds to the school every year (Note 2 ).

   Perhaps because there were no outsiders around, the new professor William was taken for granted by Hagrid as his own. Hagrid, who was able to hold back words in the bar, became extremely capable of speaking at this moment.

   "Since I served Hogwarts, the rent here has been collected by me. For so many years no loopholes have been discovered."

   "This is such an amazing virtue."

   William sighed sincerely.

   Judging from Hagrid's clothes, he knew that Hagrid was not very rich, and for so many years he was responsible for rent collection without any problems. It was really rare.

  Especially when William came to Azkaban, where the scum gathered, this kind of virtue can be seen as a saint over there.

   Probably because William's attitude was too sincere, Hagrid couldn't help showing a happy smile, so he simply threw a king and exploded it.

   "What is this money? Dumbledore trusts me and will leave important things to me. For example, last year, I helped Dumbledore bring a Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts into Hogwarts."

Note 1: There may be controversy, because in the sixth book, there is a story about the twin brothers trying to buy the store-but I think it should be subletting the store. After all, it is a hot store on the Hogwarts campus. The twins opened After less than a year of shop, it is almost impossible to buy a storefront house.

   The village was built at the same time as the school, and the subsequent construction of secret roads also proved in disguise that it should be the school industry

   Note 2: Hogwarts does not charge any tuition fees, and William himself did not know the existence of the school board.

But Hogwarts’ daily expenses are huge, the cost of repairing the castle, the depreciation and loss of teaching aids and chairs, the cost of repairing all kinds of antiques in the castle, including armor, students’ meals and a full set of bedding for freshmen, professor’s salary, additional teaching Facilities such as herbal greenhouses, purchase and breeding costs for cherishing plants and animals.

   It is estimated that the school board is to provide funds for the school to gain the right to speak, and considering the Ministry of Magic's control of the school, it is estimated that the Ministry of Magic also bears a large part of the funds.


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