From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Vol 7 Chapter 594: 2nd basin of dirty water

"I actually slept until dusk... Yes, it was almost noon when I returned to school... things like jet lag..."

When Lupin woke up from his room, it was already dark.

He got up from the bed, glanced at the simple decoration in his room, and couldn't help sighing - because of his livelihood, resting in his spare time during the day was really extravagant for him and couldn't be more extravagant.

'It seems to be a little fatter...'

He looked at himself in the mirror and felt a little emotional. Maybe the food at Hogwarts was too good, which caused his weight to be uncontrollable.

There were dozens of letters piled up on the table at the moment, he didn't even change his clothes, he walked quickly to the table, and checked the covers of those letters - the letters were mixed with two disguised not-so-smart ones with messy stuff. Letters, he simply picked them, and happily disposed of them with his wand.

It's so normal. Since it was revealed that he is a werewolf, there will be opponents sending some messy things.

At first, he was still very concerned about those letters, but after being persuaded by Professor William once, he learned to deal with them directly, and now there are fewer and fewer such letters - because just like William As the professor said, after the students' grades came up, there were naturally very few opponents.

'Time to deal with the rest of the correspondence. ’

He looked through the remaining letters, most of them were thank you letters from families who had been helped in the previous plan, but there were also two very obvious children's voices, which made his face unable to help. Come up with a smile.


There was a slight knock on the window, and Lupin, who was at the desk replying to the letter, glanced out the window, put the owl in, paid the money, and unwrapped the special issue—he wanted to see what had just happened. This action, what does the Daily Prophet see.

The Dark Mark is back! 》

Canada's Minister of Magic Attacked! 》

An Important Speech by Fudge, Minister of Magic! 》

The exaggerated titles made Lupin want to laugh a little - they were all realistic, but he still couldn't help laughing.

So he simply stood up, and after confirming that his clothes were neat, he couldn't wait to rush towards the big office, ready to share this rather funny thing with the other two who started.

However, when he came to the office, only Professor William was writing papers, and Moody hadn't come.

"Read the paper, Professor William, it's a mess now."

He handed the newspaper to William with a bit of emotion on his face.

"After all, Fudge knows a little bit in China, and it's normal to have such a strong reaction."

William glanced at the title, and his face was full of smiles—it's really happy that bullying the lack of professionals in the Dark Lord's men and pouring dirty water has been done.

The original Death Eaters must have talents who can deal with this situation. No one else will say, Mr. Lucius Malfoy. If he follows the Dark Lord to the Magic Congress of the United States, it is estimated that the next thing will not be. Well done.

Taking a step back, if the Dark Lord was willing to let Karkaroff's old fox go, then what would happen now is another story.

But it's a pity, no But, the previous Death Eaters were liquidated, and those who were good at handling chores either betrayed the Dark Lord or got killed in Azkaban, and the new batch- The one called the purger, it's okay to fight and kill, but the ability to actually handle affairs, that's what it looks like...

"Look at this first, Professor Lupin, I'm still waiting for newspapers from other countries to arrive here..."

William smiled and handed Lupin a copy of what he had just written, "I am eager to know how the US Ministry of Magic can clarify these remarks."

Clarification is useless, he dares to make up this lie is justified - the other party can't stand the investigation.

The Dark Lord has not yet brought the entire United States Ministry of Magic into his own banner, and this messy situation can't keep many secrets at all.

If the previous investigations in other countries were messed up like a headless fly, now they have a stable object to investigate.

It is strange to solve the problem with the answer, or to solve the problem with the correct answer.

The second pot of dirty water is ready. If the other party really can't handle it, then he will be welcome.

As for the third terrible thing, he is still thinking about it, and he has already made up his mind, but there are still a few details.

Just as William was thinking about it, Lupin's eyes widened after reading what William wrote.

"Did we hear such a horrible thing yesterday?"

He glanced at the thing in his hand, and wondered if his memory was confused after a night's sleep.


An Auror from the U.S. Ministry of Magic began to secretly investigate because of his inner moral sense after learning that he might serve the mysterious man. After a period of investigation, he finally discovered an amazing fact.

You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters and Purifiers are actually conducting appalling experiments, they are experimenting with wizards!

In order to prove their ridiculous pure blood supremacy, they took advantage of the previous chaotic period of the American wizarding world to kidnap a large number of half-blood wizards and pure-blood wizards who were confirmed to have so-called 'wizard blood' and families in decline, and extracted their blood and the rest An organization believed to have magical powers conducts secret experiments.

They tried to artificially extract this 'wizard bloodline' to strengthen their pure-blooded power and rebuild his terrifying Death Eater organization faster.

The project was led by the Dark Lord himself, and the main researcher was Bellatrix Lestrange, the great black magician who had previously escaped from Azkaban. It is reported that the laboratory was established in Ilvermorny. , let the school that was supposed to teach and educate people become a cover for their **** research...


Intelligence analysts have noses and eyes. UU reading made Lupin feel a little scared when he read the report.

"Are they really doing this kind of thing?"

"No, I made it up..."

William spread his hands, very calm.

Too much fake news will make everyone suspect, so he is going to use a limited number of smears to cause the greatest damage.

Attract pure blood? Ok - now your lesser known purebloods are getting caught for experimentation and fuel for someone else, dare you?

Since you say there is something noble about your pure blood, isn't it normal for the Dark Lord to make pure blood more noble?

Bella is not showing up now, and she is confirmed to have escaped. Then she is in charge. If you have the ability, let her come out to refute the rumor!

He is playing the basic game, killing people and killing hearts!

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