From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 320 Prepare for the gallows

At the same time, in the throne room.

Madame Du Barry, who was in a state of despair, was kneeling in the center of the hall, while four royal guards stood ready to monitor her every move, waiting for the courtiers and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to come and announce the final disposition of this sinner.

"Is this the end of the road?"

Madame Du Barry collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud, as if the last bit of strength in her body had been drained away.

After witnessing His Majesty the King vomiting blood and falling into coma, Madame Du Barry herself knew that she was about to face the most painful moment in her life.

"What on earth are they going to do to me?"

At this moment, Madame Du Barry's heart was filled only with fear and extreme regret.

She thought with great regret, since when had she been destined to end up where she was today.

Countless scenes flashed through Madame Du Barry's mind like a revolving lantern, and she racked her brains to recall why the noble Countess Du Barry had fallen into this state.

Was it doomed when you made the bet with the Corsican? Or was it the royal banquet before Christmas? Or was it the day Jean Du Barry disappeared?

No, it should have been earlier. Madame Du Barry painfully searched for memories, key points flashed back in her mind quickly, and even her expression gradually became ferocious involuntarily.

But in the end, she couldn't find the answer to this question at all. There was no clue or clue at all, as if the violent storm that was coming towards her had risen from the ground.

Madame Du Barry looked up to the sky in despair and sighed, murmuring in exhaustion:

“Is it possible that when I first heard the name Laurence Bonaparte, it was all doomed?”

If she was given another chance, Madame Du Barry vowed that she would stay far away from that damn Corsican, and she would never get involved in the party dispute between Richelieu and Choiseul.

Being a wealthy and luxurious countess in peace and stability is already a gift from God to a street prostitute like herself. Why should I provoke him? !

"What have I done...?!"

Thinking of this, Madame Du Barry burst into tears uncontrollably, and the tears gushed out soaked the dirt on her face, turning into brown tears streaking down her beautiful cheeks.

If she could see herself a year ago, the first thing Madame Du Barry would do would be to slap her with all her strength and ask that stupid and greedy woman what she was thinking.

But it is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and she has no room for regret at all. What is in front of her is only the cold and cruel reality.

Although the surrounding royal guards kept expressions on their faces, when they saw the once noble Countess Du Barry kneeling in the throne room and crying, their hearts were filled with the incredible disparity. Feeling.

As the rosy Madame Du Barry ended her howling, silence returned to the empty throne room.

Madame du Barry was still sobbing softly, brushing away the tears from her face with her dirty sleeves.

After venting her emotions in a rude manner, Madame Du Barry also regained her composure.

Although she was still desperate, she still clenched her fists and began to think about her current situation:

"A turning point. Can all this turn around? They will definitely imprison me. Is there anyone who can help me?"

One name after another appeared in front of her eyes and disappeared quickly. Madame Du Barry looked for her last straw among these names blankly.

At this moment, Madame Du Barry suddenly thought of something, and a gleam of hope immediately bloomed on her ashen face:

"Wait a minute. Duke Richelieu and Duke Aiguillon, they will definitely not give up on me. I know the truth of all this. They will definitely still need me. Even if they use me, I will still have a chance!"

At this last moment, Madame Du Barry thought of her original big client and supporter, the Duke of Richelieu.

Although it is almost impossible for Madame Du Barry to regain any interest in the Duke of Richelieu after losing her aristocratic status and official mistress status, Madame Du Barry knows very well that she still has the last bit of value:

That is, he has completely experienced the entire process of the riot, and can completely confirm that all this is a conspiracy planned by Laurence Bonaparte and Justice Maupp, and that he was even kidnapped by Bonaparte's men to the Palace of Justice .

As long as he can cooperate with Duke Richelieu to investigate the evidence that the riot was controlled, then there is a possibility of reversing all the situations.

After the incident was completed, even though she was in prison, Madame Du Barry believed that the noble Duke Richelieu would remember his old relationship and find a way to release herself so that she could leave Paris and live the rest of her life in peace and wealth.

As for the damned Bonaparte and De Mope, they will definitely be tortured to death for deceiving the emperor and treason!

"Yes, that's it, there's still a chance!"

Madame Du Barry recalled her plan as if she had found a treasure, and even the corners of her eyes showed a bit of joy. She had even begun to plan how to contact the Dukes of Aiguillon and Richelieu in prison:

"I just need to find a way to bribe the guards and let them send the message. Anyway, I still have a lot of hidden property. It may not even be that troublesome at all. If the Duke of Aiguillon is smart enough, he will definitely send someone to contact me. Yes! It must be so!”

As the plan in her mind became more mature, the smile on Madame Du Barry's lips became stronger.

Although it is impossible to return to the noble countess she once was, in the current situation, as long as she can successfully revenge Bonaparte and De Moppe and spend the rest of her life richly, Madame Du Barry will already feel great satisfied.

And just as Madame Du Barry was excitedly brewing and polishing the plan in her mind, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the throne room.

Madame Du Barry knew that this was the return of those hypocritical and ignorant beasts.

But this time, there was no fear on Madame Du Barry's face.

Because she knew in her heart that all this group of people could do was throw herself into prison.

And the consequences of doing that will only fulfill your own plan.

Lawrence walked at the forefront of the courtiers and came directly to Madame Du Barry. After squinting for a while and observing the smile on Madame Du Barry's lips, he said condescendingly:

"Jeanne Bequ, I'm a little surprised that you can enjoy yourself here."

"Shut up, you sly Corsican bumpkin!"

Madame Du Barry cursed mercilessly. After formulating a perfect revenge plan, her expression became much firmer than before:

"Do you think your insidious deeds were perfect? ​​Although His Majesty the King did not see your true face for a while, as long as I am alive, I will never let a cunning villain like you continue to do evil!"

Hearing Madam Du Barry's shouting like a shrew, all the courtiers, including Prince Louis, couldn't help but feel surprised. They didn't know what this woman was thinking about to change from the humble and absentminded to the confident one. .

Dean Edmund obviously couldn't stand Madame Du Barry's arrogant attitude. He frowned and stepped forward to scold:

"Sinner Jeanne Bequ, you have no right to make noise here!"

"Shut up! Are you an old fool qualified to teach me a lesson?"

Madame Du Barry pointed at the tip of Abbot Edmund's nose and cursed:

"You are just Choiseul's dog. I really don't know how you can lose face and target me together with De Mope. Oh! I know. It must be because Choiseul also wants to murder me, so you This lackey also has to put aside his past feud with De Mope, doesn’t he?”


As the controller of the Paris High Court, Dean Edmond had never suffered such a vicious humiliation in his life. His whole face was red with anger, and he waved his cane and was about to step forward to argue with Madame Du Barry.

But Lawrence immediately reached out to stop Dean Edmund, smiled slightly and whispered:

"Your Excellency, Dean, it seems that this lady and I thought of going together."

Dean Edmund was stunned for a moment, but after understanding Lawrence's words, his anger immediately dissipated. Then he glanced at Madame Du Barry with a sneer and whispered:

"Hmph, it seems that this woman is not that stupid. At this time, she has realized that she is still useful to Duke Richelieu. No wonder she is so arrogant."

As he spoke, Dean Edmund took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and praised sincerely:

"But having said that, your judgment is indeed extremely wise."

"I'm just more thoughtful."

Lawrence smiled humbly. If he didn't have this kind of judgment, he might still be catching thieves on the streets of Ajaccio.

Seeing the two people looking calm and chatting and laughing, Madame Du Barry on the ground was stunned and did not react for a long time:

"You guys"

Dean Edmund then turned to look at Madame Du Barry, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice:

"That's enough, Jeanne Bequ. Your farce of escaping from the Tribunal of the Palace of Justice should be over. Now, please follow me back to the Île de la Cité."

Although she was a little confused by the abnormal expressions of the two people, Madame Du Barry still curled her lips and sneered:

"Isn't the game of house between you and De Mope over yet? Didn't you even issue the verdict? Let's save ourselves some trouble. I will sign the verdict directly and you will send me directly to prison. "

Lawrence on the side shook his head with a half-smile, took out the verdict from his arms, and waved it in front of Madame Du Barry's eyes:

"You mean this one? I didn't expect you to be quite satisfied with the High Court's decision."

"Stop talking nonsense, you hypocritical liar, bring me a pen and ink!"

Madame Du Barry glared at Lawrence with disgust, and as she spoke, she reached out to take the verdict, preparing to sign her name directly on it to execute the revenge plan in her mind.

However, just when Madame Du Barry's slender fingers were about to reach the verdict, Laurence took it back.


Under Madame Du Barry's astonished gaze, Lawrence slowly but forcefully tore the official document of the High Court into messy shreds on the floor.

At the same time, Dean Edmund took a step forward and scolded in a deep voice:

"Sinner Jeanne Béqué, it was precisely because of your absconding in fear of guilt at the Inquisition that tens of thousands of mobs outside surrounded the Tuileries Palace, putting His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in danger. It's like this How can the High Court turn a blind eye to this heinous crime?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dean Edmund waved his robe, and then solemnly announced:

“In the name of the President of the Paris High Court, I declare that the previous judgment issued by Justice Maupp is no longer sufficient to punish Jeanne Bequ’s crimes and is now invalid. The High Court requires Jeanne Bequ to return to the court immediately. Accept re-conviction.”

Dean Edmund's majestic voice echoed in the throne room, and Prince Louis in the crowd couldn't help but nodded, approving of the actions of Dean Edmund and Lawrence.

Just before entering the throne room, Lawrence informed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in advance of his request to execute Madame Du Barry, and received direct support from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Crown Prince Louis no longer cared about his grandfather's feelings at this time. His heart had been touched by what Lawrence had just said - for the sake of the kingdom and his subjects, he must get rid of the moth Madame Du Barry. Even if it hurts dear grandpa.

Madame Du Barry's pupils shrank violently, and there was only one thought in her mind:

A more severe punishment than life imprisonment? Wouldn't that be all that's left?

Crown Prince Louis did not give Madame Du Barry much time to react. He waved his hand cleanly, and four royal guards immediately stepped forward and tied up Madame Du Barry, and at the same time stuffed the woman's mouth with a cloth strip again.

Seeing Madame Du Barry being completely controlled, Lawrence turned back and looked at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and said seriously:

"Then, Your Highness, I am returning to the Île de la Cité with Dean Edmund. It will be safer for him to ride in my carriage."

Prince Louis reached out to lift Lawrence's coat, and his right hand stayed on Lawrence's shoulder for a while longer. Then he nodded cautiously and said in a low voice:

"Just do it, Lawrence."

Under the escort of a Swiss Guard, Lawrence's carriage drove slowly and steadily away from the gate of the Tuileries Palace.

The tied-up Madame Du Barry followed the carriage on foot under the escort of guards. She was whimpering in panic, and her mind was filled with the image of Lawrence tearing up the verdict just now.

What does this Corsican madman want to do? ! Does he really dare to do something to himself? !

And when the anxious people saw Madame Du Barry appearing in front of them again, they immediately became excited:

"It's that beastly bitch! She's out!"

"As expected of Monsignor Bonaparte, he really brought Madame Du Barry out."

"Thank you, His Majesty the King! Indeed, even His Majesty can no longer stand the evil deeds of this bitch!"

"Go to hell! Disgusting Jeanne Bequ!"

The overwhelming insults were directed at this woman. If it were not for the protection of Swiss mercenaries, Madame Du Barry would have been torn to pieces on the spot by the extremely angry citizens within a minute.

The citizens followed closely around the carriage and walked together towards the Palace of Justice. This time, they would never tolerate any more mistakes in the trial of Madame Du Barry.

This huge flow of people walked through the streets of Paris with great momentum, and soon they returned to the Palace of Justice on the Île de la Cité.

Justice Maupp had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Lawrence's carriage entering the Palace of Justice, he immediately led a group of judges to come forward. Before Lawrence could get out of the car, he asked anxiously:

"Your Majesty Bonaparte, what was the situation in the palace? How did His Majesty the King deal with Madame Du Barry in the end?"

Lawrence took a deep breath. The situation in the Tuileries Palace couldn't be explained clearly in one sentence, so he sighed and ordered directly:

"Prepare the gallows, Lord Mopu."

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