From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 328 I want to follow the example of Tsar Peter

"Hey, what should I do next?"

In a spacious and bright large suite in the Tuileries Palace, Crown Prince Louis stared blankly at the white snow outside the window, sighing one after another.

Naturally, the only thing that can make His Royal Highness the Crown Prince worry so much is the extremely heavy state affairs.

It can be said that a few months ago, Crown Prince Louis was a carefree and innocent sixteen-year-old boy who could spend a lot of time hunting, making locks and overeating. The only thing that gave him a headache Of course, there may only be Latin and history homework assigned by the tutor.

The kind and kind grandfather was like a reliable mountain, blocking all troubles for himself, making Prince Louis think that this leisurely and leisurely life could last forever.

However, Crown Prince Louis's idea is destined to be just a beautiful illusion.

In the nights of the past few days, looking at His Majesty the King who was unconscious on the bed, Crown Prince Louis also completely woke up from the carefree dream of the past.

He seemed to realize in an instant that he was the first heir to the throne of France, not a leisurely and ordinary rich young man. He was bound to ascend the throne one day in the future and accept the surrender of his ministers.

However, for Crown Prince Louis, what power brings him is not the addictive pleasure, but the heavy pressure that makes people breathless.

Although Lawrence had told himself that his grandfather would not be in danger of his life in a short period of time, when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at Louis XV's haggard eyes and sallow face, he still felt a throbbing in his heart.

Crown Prince Louis was almost anxious when he thought that he might sit on the throne at any time, wear a crown, govern a kingdom of 22 million people without knowing anything, and deal with political, diplomatic, military and economic affairs without knowing anything. Had to stay up all night.

"How on earth should I govern this country? Do I really have the ability to rule tens of millions of subjects?"

Prince Louis scratched his hair distractedly and kept asking himself questions that had no answers at all.

When Prince Louis was in a daze with extreme anxiety, a servant cautiously reported:

"Your Highness, Monsignor Bonaparte is here. Do you want to see him now?"

Prince Louis quickly smoothed his messy hair and ordered impatiently:

"Ah, Lawrence, come quickly, let him come!"

A moment later, Lawrence walked into the suite and saw the frustrated Crown Prince.

"Lawrence, alas"

Crown Prince Louis waved his hand and dismissed the other servants in the room, and then sighed, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

Lawrence pulled out his chair and sat down. He glanced at the frustrated expression on Prince Louis's face. Even if he didn't need a superb ability to observe words, he knew that His Royal Highness was worried about something at the moment:

"You seem to be worried, Your Highness."

"Oh, it's true, my friend." Crown Prince Louis held his forehead in despair and confided to his trustworthy friend:

"We got rid of Madame Du Barry perfectly, and my grandfather did not pursue the death of that woman to the end. I should be happy, but I didn't expect that my grandfather would be so ill."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Your Majesty is very likely to suffer from this disease." Lawrence shook his head and said.

According to Louis XV's romantic and lustful living habits, it was almost destined that he would contract the disease.

Even in history, the reason why Louis XV contracted smallpox and died in 1774 was because he felt that Madame Du Barry could no longer satisfy him, so he spent several spring nights with an unknown civilian girl, but Unexpectedly, the girl was infected with smallpox.

Prince Louis lay on the table and sighed again:

"But when that day really comes, I have to wear the crown. To be honest, my friend, I don't think I can be a wise king at all. I secretly looked at my grandfather's news reports and found that I don’t even know how to handle the important state affairs above.”

Before Lawrence could respond, Prince Louis confided everything on his mind:

"Including the appointment of the regent today. I know that the Duke of Orleans does not want to hold this position at all, but my grandfather told me that he is the only candidate. My grandfather also owes the Orleans family a favor for this. Alas, I was thinking at that time, if I My ability is outstanding enough, so I can be the regent, so there is no need to go to such trouble. What a pity!"

Hearing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince open his heart so much, Lawrence also understood that Crown Prince Louis had great doubts about his abilities.

In fact, this is completely normal. Not to mention the 16-year-old Crown Prince Louis. Even the 20-year-old Crown Prince Louis in history collapsed and knelt down wailing after learning the news of Louis XV's death. , said on the spot:

"Woohoo! May God bless us! Ruling a country and becoming a king is too difficult for me at a young age. I hope God bless us!"

However, looking at the extremely frustrated Crown Prince Louis, Lawrence was not in a hurry to offer words of comfort.

For Lawrence, this may be another opportunity to use the Crown Prince to enhance his power.

Now that Lawrence wants to develop his prestige and power in Paris, the best way is undoubtedly to use the name of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Just like the previous charity auction held at the Paris Comedy, although Lawrence pushed most of the gains and results to Crown Prince Louis, and only earned part of the fame, he was praised by Louis XV for this reason.

As long as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can benefit from it, Louis XV is completely happy to see Lawrence lead the Crown Prince in various activities, and Lawrence does not mind transferring the majority of the credit to Crown Prince Louis at all.

After all, politics is the art of cooperation, as long as you can benefit from it.

Moreover, relying on the Crown Prince's trust in him and his control over the Crown Prince, Lawrence is also confident that in the future, all the benefits received by Crown Prince Louis will be transformed into his own power.

"If I want to join the French army, as a Corsican, normally there is almost no chance, and it will also appear to be too utilitarian."

Lawrence thought about his decision to establish influence in the army and thought quickly:

"But in the name of the Crown Prince, it's completely different. We can just take advantage of the conditions offered by Lieutenant General Jacques Philippe last time."

After finalizing a plan very quickly, Lawrence looked at Prince Louis again and said with great understanding:

"Your concerns are normal, Your Highness. No one is born to be a ruler. The abilities of great emperors come from learning and experience."

Prince Louis smiled bitterly, with a very envious tone:

"I think you seem like a born ruler, Lawrence. We are obviously the same age, but you can lead troops in battle and win the love of all people in Corsica."

"You are exaggerating, Your Highness, but I am serious." Lawrence smiled humbly, and then seriously suggested:

“Instead of sitting in a room worrying about the future, we can start making changes now.”

"From now on. You're right."

After hearing this, Crown Prince Louis became serious, but he still said worriedly:

"But there are so many things I need to learn. I feel like I don't know anything about all national affairs."

Lawrence pretended to think for a moment, and then guided him in a persuasive way:

"Then let's start with your weakest area, such as the military? You should be more or less exposed to politics and diplomacy, but I'm afraid you have never been exposed to military affairs in the Palace of Versailles; although you most likely will not It is necessary to lead a military expedition in person, but one must not understand the military affairs."

After hearing Lawrence's analysis, Crown Prince Louis murmured in great agreement, as if thinking of the majestic and heroic Sun King:

"Yes, military. The king was able to sweep Europe with his sword. I can't know anything about it, but where do I start? Appoint an advisor or a teacher?"

"No, no, Your Highness, advisors and teachers can only teach you empty theories. No general comes out of his study."

Lawrence categorically objected, and then revealed all his plans:

"The best way to understand a soldier is naturally to become a soldier, but with your noble body, it must be impossible to go deep into the military camp in person. In this case, there is only a compromise method left. Paris Military Academy."

"You mean the Paris Military Academy?" Prince Louis' eyes lit up, and he subconsciously stood up and paced back and forth, thinking carefully about Lawrence's proposal.

It is true that if you want to master the military, the best way is to get involved with the soldiers in person.

But as the successor of the kingdom, Crown Prince Louis knew that his grandfather would not allow himself to enter the dangerous military camp.

Such behavior was tantamount to whimsical at the end of the 18th century. It was not until more than a hundred years later, when the power of royal families in Europe declined, that monarchs would choose to send princes and crown princes to the army to create a people-friendly image.

Even so, members of the royal family are basically like stars in the army. After all, the superior officers all know that these flowers in the greenhouse come to the army just for gilding.

Thinking about it this way, the Paris Military Academy is a very suitable alternative.

This military school had always existed as a royal military school before and was basically a gathering place for the children of nobles. It was not until the Duke of Choiseul carried out military reforms that it recruited outstanding civilian children from all over the country on a large scale.

As the highest level military academy in France, its educational standards are naturally impeccable.

The instructors here are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, and the teachers are also the most erudite and outstanding scholars, including mathematical giants like Laplace, who historically taught mathematics at the Paris Military Academy on the recommendation of d'Alembert.

The early batches of trainees from this military academy have now become the mainstay of the French army.

Although it still feels a bit humiliating for the Crown Prince to go to this military academy, it is much better than living in a military camp, and it is also safer.

Lawrence looked at Prince Louis pacing back and forth and knew that His Royal Highness had been attracted by this proposal.

The reason why Lawrence made this suggestion was to help Prince Louis learn military affairs.

After all, there is not much time left for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to prepare for the throne, and Lawrence does not expect Crown Prince Louis to become an excellent general after spending a year and a half at the military academy.

Lawrence's biggest purpose is to use the name of Crown Prince Louis to win over the future backbone of the French army to his side.

Cadets who graduate from the Paris Military Academy, whether they go to local military districts or stay in the Île-de-France Military District, can basically be quickly promoted and re-employed.

As long as Crown Prince Louis shows favor to these cadets after entering the Paris Military Academy, most of the cadets will be willing to be loyal to him and form a loyal officer faction due to the crown prince's distinguished status and kind-hearted character.

After all, the students at the Paris Military Academy are either small and medium-sized aristocrats or civilians. These people usually have no contact with such noble figures as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

In this way, Lawrence can indirectly, and possibly even directly, control this officer faction with unlimited potential through Crown Prince Louis.

"Hiss" Crown Prince Louis stopped, took a deep breath of air with a solemn expression, and said with determination:

"This is indeed a good idea, Paris Military Academy. I will definitely learn a lot there. Without further ado, let's go and ask for my grandfather's permission now."

After making up his mind, Crown Prince Louis took Lawrence to the King's Suite without hesitation and told his grandfather his plan.

Louis XV, who was recuperating on the hospital bed, quickly realized after hearing this that this should be Laurence Bonaparte's idea, but he still asked with great confusion:

"Going to the Paris Military Academy? There is no need for such an unseemly thing. If you want to know about military affairs, I can recruit some consultants for you."

Crown Prince Louis shook his head and replied firmly:

"No, grandfather, the advisors will only treat me as a pampered grandson, but I want to receive the same education as the future generals. As for being unseemly, I will go to the Paris Military Academy under a pseudonym."

"Disguise under a pseudonym." Louis XV frowned slightly, seeming to feel his grandson's determination.

Lawrence was also a little surprised, but did not say anything to stop him. If Prince Louis could mingle with the students under a false identity, Lawrence could still achieve his goal.

Louis XV, who was lying in bed, seemed a little hesitant. He did see that Auguste was serious, but there was indeed no precedent for this kind of thing in France. Let a distinguished crown prince go to the military academy to hang out with a group of civilians. He even had to be beaten, scolded and punished by those strict instructors.

Louis XV, who already had a splitting headache, couldn't make up his mind for a moment, so he looked at Lawrence and asked:

"Lawrence, do you think it is a good idea for the Crown Prince to go to a military academy?"

Lawrence was also well prepared and nodded confidently:

"Your Majesty thinks so. The most important thing is that His Highness the Crown Prince can gain a group of loyal military subordinates, which should allow His Highness to better control the army in the future."

"Yeah, that's right, control the army."

Louis XV nodded subconsciously. These words really touched him, because the old king himself had insufficient control over the army, so he was forced to appoint the Duke of Choiseul to take charge of the army.

Although this powerful duke made Louis XV very afraid, there was no better candidate among Louis XV's cronies.

The king certainly does not want the crown prince to face the same dilemma after he succeeds to the throne. It would undoubtedly be a good thing if he could really gain a group of officers from the Paris Military Academy who could be entrusted with important tasks in the future.

Louis XV thought for a moment and continued to ask:

"But will it have a negative impact on public opinion, Laurence? Even if August pretends to be anonymous, this matter will be revealed one day."

"I think not, Your Majesty." Lawrence smiled and replied:

"Tsar Peter of Russia once traveled around Western Europe disguised as a corporal. This is a good story. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince just imitated Peter's old story, which is not enough to attract criticism."

Hearing the name of Peter I, Louis XV couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

Although he hated fickle and disloyal Russians, Louis XV also admitted that Czar Peter fifty years ago was indeed a hero who made Russia rise in Eastern Europe.

"If Augustus could have achieved what Tsar Peter had achieved"

The king couldn't help but start to imagine that if his successor could make France rise again in Western Europe like Peter the Great, even if he had turned into a handful of bones by then, his spirit in heaven would definitely laugh freely.

Thinking of this, Louis XV met the eager gaze of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, nodded slowly and said:

"Okay, Auguste, I allow you to stay in Paris and go to military school, but don't slack off; Lawrence, if you have nothing important to do, you can go with Auguste."

"Got it! Grandpa." Prince Louis glanced at Lawrence excitedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lawrence also nodded slightly. He had originally wanted to enter the Paris Military Academy with the Crown Prince so that he could better hold the future officer group in his hands.

Louis XV also looked at Auguste with satisfaction. It was quite gratifying for the old king to see that his heir no longer indulged in hunting, making locks, and overeating.

When the two were about to retreat, Louis XV suddenly remembered something and added to Lawrence:

"Oh, by the way, let Duke Charles join you. He is also August's squire."

Lawrence nodded thoughtfully, leaned over and responded:

"Understood, Your Majesty."

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