From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 330 Is my kindness so difficult to understand?

"Uh, Mr. Bornaba, you don't know me, do you?"

Berthier looked at the new classmate in front of him very strangely. He could detect a trace of obvious surprise and excitement in the other person's expression just after he reported his name.

Lawrence also chuckled and shook his head, realizing that he was indeed a little too excited:

"Sorry, friend, I just heard the name of an old friend. Just call me Ciel."

Although Lawrence had already met a historical imperial marshal, Major Serrurier, the commander of the Corsican garrison, it was still a complete surprise to meet Berthier at the Paris Military Academy.

Because Major Serrurier is not known for his outstanding military abilities in history.

The reason why he was promoted to Marshal of the Empire was mainly due to his keen political sense. He was able to accurately stand up for many times during the Revolutionary period when the political situation was changing rapidly, and finally correctly placed his bet on Napoleon's side.

Although Serurier's commanding talents are also quite good, what is even more outstanding is his administrative ability. He is more suitable to be a governor who guards one side.

It is a pity that Lawrence currently does not have a suitable position for him to use his full talents.

But the Berthier in front of him was different. His staff skills were recognized by the entire French Empire. On the promotion list of Imperial Marshal in 1804, Berthier's name was ranked before everyone else.

Since his father was a lieutenant colonel of surveying and mapping engineers in the army, Berthier received an education in surveying and mapping at an early age and entered the army as a surveyor at the age of thirteen.

These experiences can be said to have given Berthier an almost genius-like ability to control battlefield information.

Supplemented by a strong memory and extraordinary organizational talents, Berthier deeply won the appreciation of the future emperor when Napoleon first cooperated with him in the Italian War.

So when later generations discussed the Battle of Waterloo, many people attributed Napoleon's defeat to Berthier's absence.

For Lawrence, an effective chief of staff is what he has been looking for.

In several previous battles in Corsica, Lawrence had used Major Trifali and Major Serrurier as his staff aides. Although their work was excellent, they were not the best candidates for this position after all.

Major Cui Farley, who was a gunsmith, was more suitable to manage logistics work, especially when new rifled guns were being developed and produced. Lawrence also intended to let him be in charge of military production.

Major Serurier's talent was not in the role of staff assistant, not to mention that he himself commanded the French garrison in Corsica.

Although the Corsican Defense Force has also honed many battle-experienced talents in the perennial battles with Genoa, but due to the backwardness of Corsica itself, these local officers are faced with larger battlefields and There may also be hidden dangers when using more advanced tactics.

As a result, it becomes very difficult to select an effective staff adjutant.

However, after meeting Berthier today, Lawrence also felt that this problem had been solved.

"Okay, Charles, let's not watch the fun here."

Berthier glanced at the aristocratic student with some worry, and cautiously advised Lawrence and the others:

"The same goes for your friends. Don't let that young master get you into trouble any time soon."

"But this man has gone too far!"

However, Crown Prince Louis had no intention of leaving at all. He stared at the nobleman with a frown and murmured to himself:

"He dared to do this to his classmates, so how will he treat his subordinate soldiers when he becomes an officer in the future? Can an army led by such a person win a war?"

On the first day of entering the military academy, Prince Louis was vaguely aware that the problems of the army seemed to be more complicated than he imagined. It is no wonder that Duke Choiseul insisted on carrying out drastic reforms to the entire army.


Berthier choked on his words. Unexpectedly, the little fat man was still thinking about the army at this time, and he quickly persuaded:

"Let's talk about these things later, friends. We have to leave quickly. He is the son of Earl Isaac. If he gets into trouble, it will be troublesome. You must have heard of Earl Isaac, right?"

Prince Louis shook his head blankly: "I haven't heard of it."

Duke Charles looked dismissively: "Who is it?"

Lawrence also shrugged: "I don't know."

"Uh-huh, are you all foreigners?" Berthier was at a loss for words again. After making sure that the noble didn't notice the four of them, he sighed and explained:

"Count Isaac, he is the chief executive of Torcy, a subordinate town in Paris. He is in charge of tens of thousands of people in an entire town. He has a seat in the Paris Municipal Assembly. He is also a minister."

"Minister?" Prince Louis asked in confusion. He did not remember Count Isaac among the ministers in his palace.

Berthier looked at the little fat man helplessly, thinking that he was really a foreigner who knew nothing about him:

"Even those who are qualified to participate in the Imperial Council can call themselves ministers. This should be considered common sense, my friend."

"Oh, this minister."

Prince Louis smiled coquettishly and touched his head in embarrassment.

Duke Charlie even burst out laughing:

"Which minister do I think I am? I was just thinking about why I never knew a minister named Isaac, hahaha."

Lawrence couldn't help but laugh. This Earl Isaac should be the kind of fringe figure who takes several royal meetings before he gets his turn to participate in it. Even if he does, he will probably stand in the back row with the capitalists who spend money to buy seats.

"You guys. Well, you should really do your homework in advance. I can lend you my notes to read."

Berthier couldn't help but cover his face and sigh, and handed his notes to Lawrence, feeling very worried for these three ignorant classmates.

Just as a happy atmosphere emerged around the four people, a roar of gnashing teeth was heard:

"Hey, did I just hear someone mention my family name?"

I saw the aristocratic student staring at the four Lawrences with a livid face, walking towards them step by step, his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth:

"I am Gur Alexei de Isaac. I want to know what you are laughing at. Is the Isaac family something funny? You untouchable beggars!"

An extremely furious voice filled the entire corridor, like the roar of an angry beast.

Most of the students who were watching just now were instantly reduced, and the remaining students looked at Lawrence and the others with great sympathy.

They could all guess that what would happen next between a furious noble young master and a few civilian students in ragged clothes would be very cruel.


Crown Prince Louis quickly stopped smiling and bumped Duke Charles with his elbow in displeasure:

"It's all your fault, you laughed too loud just now."

Duke Charlie stared, quite unconvinced:

"You're also smiling happily, and there's Lauren Shire. He's obviously smiling too."

Lawrence shook his head and defended: "I didn't laugh out loud, Charlie."


Gur was stunned. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in a long time. How dare three beggars ignore him while talking and laughing, and treat the eldest son of an earl family like nothing? !

The next second, more intense anger filled his expression. Gul clenched his fists and shouted:

"Hey! I don't expect you pigs who crawled out of the smelly ditch to have much education, but are you even deaf?!"

"We are uneducated."

Faced with this kind of bullying scum, Prince Louis was no longer as cowardly and introverted as before. He pointed at the civilian student on the ground and retorted:

"Then your upbringing tells you that you should bully others?"

"Bullying? Hahaha!"

I don’t know whether he was laughing out of anger or because he really heard something funny. Gul couldn’t help but grinned and sneered:

"I'm just asking him to fulfill his obligations. This is my birthright. I am born to deserve more than you. After all, this school is stupid. It forces you untouchables to have the same status as us. "Since the rule itself is unreasonable, I can only correct it myself."

"You...! Aren't we all cadets of this military academy?!" Crown Prince Louis scolded through gritted teeth.

"Student? Hahaha, you are so interesting. It's like it's your first day in this world."

Gul's laughter became even louder, as if he had found some great fun:

"Yes, we are classmates, but so what? You want to say that we are equal people? Kings and beggars are both God's creations. Do kings and beggars treat each other equally? You stupid pig !”

Crown Prince Louis' tone suddenly became excited. However, with thousands of words coming to his lips, His Highness the Crown Prince found that he could not find any suitable words to refute this aristocratic son.

The person who silently refuted was not Ludwig August as a civilian, but Louis August as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince under this disguise. After all, as the heir to the royal family, he himself was a nobleman. The biggest beneficiary of the system.

"There's nothing more to say, kid."

Gur's sneer became even louder, thinking that the other party was suppressed and had nothing to say in front of the huge class gap between him and himself, so he couldn't help but feel proud:

"I really admire your courage. You dare to laugh at my family and retort to me. Give you a chance. Boy, I happen to be short of a servant to wash clothes and fetch water. You will do these jobs from now on. Give you a minute to think about it, huh."

This aristocratic young master has decided in his heart that he must teach this ignorant boy what the rules of this world are in his military school life in the past few years.

Duke Charles on the side saw Prince Louis' silence and gloated and whispered in Lawrence's ear:

"Hey, Monsieur Bonaparte, your lord seems to have nothing to say."

"That's your master too, Charlie, don't sit idly by." Lawrence sighed helplessly.

However, Lawrence could also see that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was obviously immersed in some deeper thoughts.

"I can't be of much help, and my eloquence is not good."

Duke Charles smiled, as if seeing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince make a fool of himself made him very happy:

"And I think there is nothing wrong with what Isaac said. The elite should enjoy privileges. I can't think of any reason to refute him."

Lawrence glanced at Duke Charles, walked straight towards Gool, and said as he walked:

"You're not allowed to contradict him, Charlie, this is a military academy."

Duke Charlie was stunned:

"Huh? What do you mean?"

The aloof Gur also stared at Lawrence who was walking towards him with confusion, and sneered and mocked:

"Hey, your friend is still thinking about whether to be my servant, and you have already thought about it? Well, I just need a brush."


Before he finished speaking, there was even a mocking smile hanging on the corner of Gul's mouth, and Lawrence's fist was already hitting the bridge of Gul's nose.

After a crisp loud noise, Gul's heartbreaking cry came next:

"Ahhhhh, what the hell are you doing?!"

The onlookers were even more stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes. A poor man in rags actually punched the son of an earl on the bridge of the nose? !

Berthier on the side covered his mouth in horror. He could no longer imagine how Count Isaac would react after learning what happened to his eldest son.

Even Duke Charles' eyes widened. This seemed to be a different person from the Bonaparte who was famous for his strategic layout in his impression.

Spurting blood flowed from Gul's nostrils, and soon a small pool of blood dripped on the floor.

Gul covered his nose with a ferocious expression. The heavy punch just now definitely broke the bridge of his nose. The huge pain made Gul's words become intermittent:

"Are you, what the hell, are you looking for death!"

"Oh, don't you appreciate my kindness, sir?"

Lawrence wiped his fists and sighed:

"In the hands of those stern generals, scum like you who corrupt military discipline and disrupt the troops must be shot and executed. For the sake of your classmates, I will kindly help you correct this bad habit."

Gurr stared at Lawrence in astonishment, not knowing where this pariah got his courage.

But Lawrence didn't give him any more time to think. In the next second, Lawrence stepped forward again and hit Gur's lower abdomen with a knee strike with all his strength.

Gur, who was already in a daze, had no time to parry and was kicked three yards away without any chance of fighting back. He was lying on the ground pale and vomiting bile.

Lawrence moved his muscles easily and freely. Although he was not good at personal violence, he had served as a patrol leader on the streets of Ajaccio for two years with real swords and guns. It was easy to deal with such a dandy.

"Charlie, Ludwig, let's educate this gentleman together to prevent him from making big mistakes in the future."

Lawrence greeted the two people behind him, and then stepped forward and gave Gur's ass a hard kick:

"Do you feel my kindness, Mr. Gur?"

Prince Louis hesitated for a while, but finally mustered up the courage to step forward and kicked Gul's crotch hard.

"Uh" Duke Charlie shook his head speechlessly:

"Forget it, I don't want to dirty my hands with this kind of person."

Gur, who was struggling with his head on the ground, did not forget to shout in a roaring voice:

"You have the guts! I remember you! Wait and see, unless you beat me to death here today, I will make you realize what life is worse than death! And your family, your brothers and sisters, I want all the members of your family to die one by one!"

Hearing the word family, Duke Charlie suddenly frowned, walked up to Gur with a gloomy face, and kicked him in the chest with all his strength:

"I changed my mind, and you still want to threaten my family? Are you worthy? Huh?! Talk to me!"

Under the violent punches and kicks of the three men, the entire corridor echoed with endless cries and howls, like a pig being slaughtered.

More and more freshmen, most of them civilian students, gathered here. When they learned that the three ragged civilians in front of them actually held an earl's son under their feet and beat them, almost no one Dare to believe what you hear for the first time.

It wasn't until a while later that Gul on the ground gradually became silent, and his mouth that had been spouting nonsense finally stopped, and he would only let out unconscious wails from time to time.

"That's almost it. He should have learned a lesson."

Lawrence saw this and stopped the other two people in time. He didn't want to really beat this playboy to death on the spot.

"You guys, wait for me!" Gur used his last strength to glare at the three of them, then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Crown Prince Louis looked worriedly at Gul, who was covered in bruises, then turned to look at the shocked civilian students around him, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Did we go too far? Now everyone knows us."

No need for Prince Louis to tell, but Lawrence and Duke Charles also knew that by the next day, the news that three civilian freshmen beat an earl's son to serious injuries would reach the ears of all the students in the same period, even the senior students. You can also hear something.

Duke Charlie scratched his head indifferently. He regarded everything in the military academy as a game and didn't care at all.

Lawrence looked around with satisfaction at the mixed expressions of shock, horror, admiration and worry on the faces of the surrounding students, and laughed in a low voice:

"Don't worry, reputation is a good thing most of the time."

This effect is exactly what Lawrence wants to achieve. He wants to make a name for himself in the Paris Military Academy in the shortest possible time, and then quickly form a group of officers centered on himself.

After all, Lawrence didn't want to really spend several years with Prince Louis at the Paris Military Academy.

His purpose of entering the military academy was clear from the beginning - to firmly hold the future mainstays of the French Army in his hands.

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