From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 359 Siege of Ajaccio (Part 1)

On the morning of June 24, in the Prime Minister’s Palace of Ajaccio.

It had been two days since the news of the official declaration of war reached Corsica. Perhaps due to the impact of the war, not only the city of Ajaccio, but also the Prime Minister's Palace suddenly felt a sense of tension and chill.

Today's Prime Minister's Office is not as deserted as in the past. Dozens of members of the House of Commons and ministers gathered in the parliament auditorium for regular meetings to discuss and vote on some wartime policies and proposals.

At the same time, in the Prime Minister's study, a private meeting to discuss war matters was also being held secretly.

This was not an open political meeting, but a secret meeting held by a very small number of trusted confidants of Laurence Bonaparte. The meeting was chaired by Cabinet Secretary Anna Celestia.

"In short, the city of Ajaccio is currently empty of defenses. We must beware of the enemy's invasion of the capital. Once Ajaccio is lost, we will be forced to retreat south to join the main force of the National Defense Force. This means that the entire north will fell, and the troops gathered in the south would be difficult to fight against the superior Sardinian army after losing strategic depth. "

Major Serurier stared at the map on the table worriedly, and said to Ya'an, Old Sean, and several other participants who served in the Central Military Police Regiment beside him:

"So I hope that everyone in the Central Gendarmerie will also be prepared. The first shot of this war in Corsica will most likely be fired in the city of Ajaccio."

Ya'an, who had just returned from Paris a few days ago, nodded solemnly. He was specially awarded the title of Major of the Central Gendarmerie by Lawrence before leaving. Naturally, he did not want to disappoint Lord Bonaparte in this war:

"I understand. Although the Central Military Police Regiment is expanded from the Ajaccio Patrol, its soldiers are basically elites drawn from the National Defense Forces, and they can be deployed as a regular army."

"That's good, alas." Major Serulier sighed softly, looking out the window at the boundless blue sea in the distance:

"I really hope His Excellency Bonaparte can come back soon. No one but him can control the arrogant bosses of the National Defense Forces; and His Excellency Bonaparte should also return to Cologne with the first batch of assistance from France this time." Sijia, with the help of France, this war has a chance of winning. "

Today's Major Serurier's attitude towards Corsica is no longer the same as he originally regarded the island as a cage that imprisoned his promotion path.

When the major received more and more news from Paris, especially after learning not long ago that Laurence Bonaparte had officially taken control of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and established the Privy Knights, Major Serulier completely understood , His Excellency Bonaparte can give him a great opportunity that is rare in this life.

Therefore, it can be said that Major Serurier's regard for Corsica is no less important than that of any local officer of the National Defense Forces.

Cabinet Secretary Anna Celestia also glanced in the direction of the sea breeze. The gentle summer sea breeze held her golden hair in the air and danced gently:

"Don't worry, Mr. Sérurier, Mr. Bonaparte should arrive in Marseille soon and prepare to cross the sea back to Corsica. We must protect this land in these two days. Then, Carlo ·Mr. Bonaparte, could you please tell me about the recent developments in the House of Commons? During the war, it would be best for us to win the support of all members of the House of Representatives for the government."

Carlo Bonaparte, who was a member of Parliament and well-known in the House of Commons, stood up and was about to introduce the movements of the members of various factions to the crowd.

At this moment, someone suddenly opened the study door and rushed in anxiously.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this movement, and Anna frowned slightly. She had clearly just ordered the palace guards and the Central Military Police not to allow anyone else to approach the Prime Minister's study during the meeting.

Shadiya Vicki, who had been staying silently in the corner and was in charge of the secret police department, had a cold look in her eyes. She lifted her cloak and placed her right hand on the dagger at her waist.

The person who broke into the secret meeting was a very young boy wearing a Corsican sailor uniform, who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

However, after seeing the young man's appearance clearly, everyone's vigilance immediately disappeared, replaced by deep doubts.

"Are you. Little Nelson?"

Carlo Bonaparte looked at the young sailor at the door in surprise, and immediately recognized him as the man who came to Corsica with the old William Pitt last year on the British Navy's HMS Reason and fought there Later captured Royal Navy cadet Horatio Nelson.

It is said that Prime Minister Bonaparte valued the young man's talent very much and did not care about his experience in serving the Royal Navy of the British Navy. Instead, he personally ordered him to serve on the Corsican Navy's only two ships at the age of thirteen. He served as a low-ranking petty officer on one of the battleships and asked the experienced Grosso to personally teach the young man.

The young Nelson was extremely disappointed with the Royal Navy after witnessing the massacre of the citizens of Ajaccio by the sailors of the Reasonable last year. Coupled with the promotion and care of Lawrence and Grosso regardless of past grudges, the thirteen-year-old Horatio ·Nelson also quickly strengthened his determination to serve the Corsican Navy.

Grosso Bruno has always been very fond of this talented young man with unlimited potential, especially after rushing back to Corsica from Paris this time, he was awarded the title of Permanent Undersecretary of the Navy and actually controlled the Corsican Navy. Grosso took Nelson with him inseparably, as if he was training a successor.

Grosso even expressed his intention to adopt this clever little guy as his adopted son several times while drunk.

Because of this, everyone in the room had some impressions of this boy. Knowing that he was a talent that both Lawrence and Grosso valued, they lowered their guard a little.

However, Horatio Nelson, who was supposed to be serving in the navy, suddenly appeared anxiously, which gave everyone a bad premonition.

Major Serurier's heart tightened even more, his eyes widened for a moment, and he walked quickly to Nelson:

"I remember you were staying with Mr. Grosso. Is there any news from the Navy?"

The young Nelson's body was trembling slightly due to nervousness, but he still firmly gave everyone a sailor's salute and reported loudly and meticulously:

"Deputy General Grosso sent me to report! Our patrol ship discovered a fleet in the waters northwest of Ajaccio, flying the Sardinian naval flag. The fleet consisted of eight main line ships, with escorts and cruisers on the second line. There are about ten ships, accompanied by a large number of clippers, and they are suspected to be carrying a large number of sailors! The fleet is heading towards the port of Ajaccio and is expected to arrive at the port in four to six hours!"


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the study subconsciously focused their attention on Major Serurier.

The arrival of this news was completely beyond everyone's expectations. They were still considering strengthening the defense of Ajaccio. At this moment, a Sardinian fleet was heading towards the capital Ajaccio as the worst expected. .

Moreover, judging from Nelson's report, the Sardinian fleet heading towards Ajaccio with great momentum was obviously well-prepared. It seemed that it had anticipated the Kingdom of Corsica's declaration of war in advance, and Ajaccio, which was unprepared, might not be able to face such an offensive. will inevitably experience a catastrophe.

When they thought about the overwhelming artillery fire that would pour down on Ajaccio in a few hours, everyone's expressions instantly became extremely solemn.

After hearing this, Major Serurier gritted his teeth, turned around, walked to the table, glanced at the map, and punched the table angrily:

"I knew that the mobilization and deployment of northern Sardinia was simply a feint attack. The Sardinian army knew very well that as long as they captured Ajaccio, they could cut off the entire Corsica, let alone the political implications of capturing the enemy's capital. Damn it, and there are obviously British people in that fleet. All the battleships of the Kingdom of Sardinia are only six! Forgive me for being offended, but the top brass of the National Defense Force are really a bunch of narrow-minded idiots. They think this is A war and a war against Genoa are the same thing!"

Ya'an quickly stood up and looked at Major Serurier solemnly. The two troops in their hands were the only two city defense troops in Ajaccio:

"It's meaningless to say this now. We still have some time left, Major. We must immediately mobilize the garrison and the Central Gendarmerie for city defense deployment. Ajaccio must not be lost."

Major Serurier sighed, and regardless of whether others minded, he took out a cut cigar from his arms and lit it with a match. After taking a deep breath, he quickly calmed down and calmly analyzed:

"Yes, the southern army must also call back immediately. The Bonifacas can temporarily give up, but Ajaccio cannot be occupied by the enemy for even a moment. But to be honest, there are less than three thousand troops defending the city. Facing this The Sardinian army has maritime superiority, and I really have no confidence that it will be able to defend Ajaccio."

"The Corsican government will provide you with every assistance, Major."

Anna Celestia interrupted Cerulier softly, her azure eyes as calm as before, without any trace of panic:

"Please be sure to defend Ajaccio, for the sake of all Corsicans and for M. Bonaparte."

Anna did not know much about military strategic matters, but as one of the first people to follow Laurence Bonaparte, she knew very well how important the city of Ajaccio was to her and Mr. Bonaparte.

For this meaning alone, as Cabinet Secretary Anna Celestia is willing to protect the city at all costs.

Even though he was not confident enough, Major Serurier nodded heavily.

As the commander of the Corsican garrison, he knew the strategic and political value of Ajaccio better than anyone present, and for him personally, if he could hold on to Ajaccio during this siege, this meritorious service would be great. It was definitely enough for Monsieur Bonaparte to notice him as a French major.

The major took another deep puff of the cigar in his hand, and then quickly left the Prime Minister's Office together with several officers from the Central Military Police Regiment, and immediately began to deploy the city defense troops.

Just as the officers were leaving the study, a steward happened to pass them by and ran in in a panic:

"Miss Anna! Please forgive me for being rude, but a riot is breaking out in the parliament hall. The members have just learned that the Sardinian fleet is approaching Ajaccio. Speaker Rousseau can no longer control the situation!"

"Do the congressmen already know? Mr. Grosso?" Anna frowned slightly and glanced helplessly at Nelson at the door.

Normally, such important news would be reported to the decision-makers first and concealed from the public first. However, Grosso himself did not have a deep knowledge of politics and maneuvering, so he directly assigned Nelson as soon as he received the news. The news of the Sardinian fleet's attack was announced directly to the public.

But now that the matter was over, Anna calmly asked the steward:

"What's the situation in the House? Did the members of various factions make any statement in response to the news of the enemy's attack?"

The steward wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in a trembling voice:

"The MPs immediately held an emergency vote after learning the news. The MPs from all factions basically reached an agreement and expressed their opposition to fighting the Sardinian army in Ajaccio to the end. At least, they should immediately send the army to escort the MPs to safety. The south accepts the protection of the main force of the National Defense Forces.”

Obviously, not everyone in the Corsican government is determined to defend Ajaccio.

At least for these MPs, they have shown with their votes that they do not want to risk their lives in Ajaccio, which is about to fall into a hail of bullets.

"These damn silverfish!"

Hearing the MPs' request to pass through forcefully, Xiadia Vicki in the corner became extremely angry and stuck a gleaming dagger on the table:

"It's already like this. How can there be any extra manpower to escort them to Bonifacio? Moreover, if the army learns that the congressmen have fled the capital first, what a blow to morale it will be!"

Looking at the dagger that penetrated three parts of the wood, the steward was also shocked. He knew how much the director of the secret police hated the powerful and hated evil:

"Please calm down, Miss Vicki. It is better not to have internal conflicts at this time. Miss Anna, Speaker Rousseau is in the House of Representatives persuading the members to abandon the illegal vote just now, but it seems to have no effect. Maybe you are the only one Only by showing up in person can you convince the MPs.”

In the eyes of this steward, only Anna Celestia, as the cabinet secretary and civil leader of the Corsican government, could intimidate the group of MPs. After all, she was the maid of His Excellency Bonaparte.

However, Anna's eyes were also fixed on Xiadia's dagger. Her expression seemed a little hesitant and she did not give the order immediately.

The young girl knew very well that even if she came forward in person, she would have little hope of convincing the MPs to stick to Ajaccio with the army. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, let alone this kind of life and death situation.

And Anna would not be able to let this group of congressmen leave Ajaccio immediately. Not to mention the impact the congressmen's escape would have on the morale of the army, this kind of escape alone would inevitably lead to immediate imitation by wealthy businessmen, politicians and the general public. .

Once the citizens rush to flee Ajaccio, the city will probably experience a major turmoil before the Sardinian army reaches Ajaccio.

Everyone in the study was anxiously waiting for Anna's order. Carlo Bonaparte was also very anxious. He knew very well how difficult this group of MPs was, so he took the initiative to propose:

"I will also come forward with you to persuade the congressmen, Miss Anna. This group of congressmen also has considerable influence among the people. Now that we are facing a powerful enemy, we cannot endure internal turmoil at this juncture. Maybe we can do something to them. Some concessions in exchange for them staying in Ajaccio”

"No, Mr. Carlo."

Before Carlo Bonaparte finished speaking, Anna firmly shook her head and rejected:

"I will not make any concessions to these MPs unless it is the will of Mr. Bonaparte, but one thing you said is very right. At this critical juncture, we cannot afford internal turmoil, so..."

Before she finished speaking, Anna's voice suddenly became a little lower, and a hint of chilling coldness appeared on her gentle brows:

"Please convey my order to immediately dispatch a company of the Central Gendarmerie to enter the Prime Minister's Office to receive command. In addition, urgently gather officers from the Executive Department of the Secret Police Service to also enter the Prime Minister's Office to receive command."

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