From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 44: Goblin and Dragon’s Child

TL: Sungmin

This was what everyone was most concerned about.

Everyone surely wanted to follow the Sword Saintess. In that case, the biggest challenge would be the journey.

However, Alicenia said, “I’ll go to Dragon Island alone. You all just need to handle the goblins.”

She wasn’t affected by the anger of revenge.

Instead, she chose the best plan.

In her mind, the threat of Dragon Island was far greater than a group of goblins.

So many people dealing with goblins was an easy task.

“Huh? You, you’re going to Dragon Island alone? That’s too dangerous!”

Edison couldn’t help but express his concern.

Even though everyone supported the Sword Saintess, they couldn’t help but worry now.

They all tried to persuade her, “This won’t work. Half of us dealing with the goblins is enough. The rest of us will go with you to Dragon Island for safety.”

“Right, you are the holy sword protecting the empire. Nothing must happen to you.”

“Or we can all go deal with the dragon first, then the goblins?”

They weren’t trying to mix in some assistance; they genuinely feared for the Sword Saintess’s safety.

She was the empire’s pride.

The hero of adventurers!

Many troublesome monsters had been personally executed by her.

They had all witnessed the ancient dragon from Dragon Island coming to harass them daily.

It was obvious that side wouldn’t be easy to handle.

Yet, Alicenia insisted on her decision, “Thank you for your concern. I am confident.”

“In that case, I’ll go to Dragon Island with the Sword Saintess. Everyone, although we had some disagreements earlier, please trust that I can protect the Sword Saintess!”

The Wandering Hero jumped in again, looking serious.

The entire scene fell silent.

Eyes full of contempt looked at him as if he were an idiot.

Alicenia had no choice but to say, “Alright then, I’ll go to Dragon Island with him. The goblins will be left to you all.”

“If the Sword Saintess arranges it this way, we will comply!”

Immediately, everyone began to prepare.

Led by Edison, they included another Diamond-level adventurer team.

Along with seven or eight platinum and many gold-level teams.

The total number was nearly two hundred.

This force could easily sweep through a super-large goblin tribe.

As for the Wandering Hero, he puffed out his chest, almost lifting his nose to the sky, filled with joy, “Being able to fight alongside the Sword Saintess! I will surely be promoted to Epic adventurer after this, maybe even higher!”

“Stay close. Let’s make this quick.” Alicenia ordered.

They quickly headed towards the coast.

There was only a small boat.

The Wandering Hero said, “Leave it to me.”

He then activated a high-level magic skill, ·Object Control·.

He could use magic to manipulate objects.

With this, the speed of the small boat matched that of a speedboat.

This was the main reason the Sword Saintess chose to bring him along.

Steering the small boat, they sped across the sea.

Alicenia took the opportunity to ask about recent events, “Has anyone dealt with those goblins?”

“Sword Saintess, you might not believe it, but Cecil, Gru, and even the Cold-Blooded Mercenaries all went, and none returned.

Oh no, just Cecil escaped, but with a broken leg.”

The Wandering Hero patiently answered, full of surprise.

Hearing this, the Sword Saintess was quite astonished, “I miscalculated. I thought everyone working together could handle it. There’s still a risk; those guys are growing too fast…”

The Wandering Hero remained silent, not wanting to bring up the Sword Saintess’s sad matter again.

But with everyone working together, there should be no problem.

Thanks to her command, how could they obediently work without pay otherwise?

Alicenia stood up, looking at the distant Dragon Island, “Let’s make this quick.”

Dragon Island loomed larger and larger.

They could even see the wyverns coming out to hunt in the morning.

Alicenia and the Wandering Hero stepped onto the soft beach, preparing for battle.

The Wandering Hero seemed to enjoy himself, “This place, who knew it would be so beautiful? Just too many flying lizards, what a downer.”


A wyvern out hunting immediately spotted them.

It extended its sharp, giant claws, intending to grab and kill them, then bring them back to eat.

The Wandering Hero instantly became alert, “Sword Saintess, be careful! A dragon is coming…”

Before he could finish speaking.

A flash of the sword!

The massive lizard, over ten meters long, was instantly decapitated!

Its headless body twisted and struggled wildly on the beach.

Dragon blood splattered far, staining the entire beach red.

“Follow me!”

Alicenia dashed forward, swiftly scaling a small cliff over twenty meters high.

Intentionally exposing herself, she drew every dragon in to slaughter them.


Deafening roars tore through the sky!

They crazily attacked Alicenia.

“High-tier Sword Skill · Edge!”


Alicenia lightly swung her sword!

The brilliant sword light seemed to be etched into this space!

The incoming wyvern was sliced into pieces!

Killing dragons was like killing chickens.

The Wandering Hero was still struggling to climb up the small hill bit by bit!

He saw the corpses of wyverns falling around him, the sky looking like it was raining blood.

He was soaked, becoming a drenched chicken.

He couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “Seriously, for others, killing a dragon is a lifetime’s honor. What does she take dragons for?”

By the time he had exerted all his strength and climbed up in a sorry state, there were no more dragons flying around.

“Sword Saintess, how many dragons did you kill?”

The Wandering Hero couldn’t help but ask in astonishment.

Alicenia stood with her sword, shaking her head, “I didn’t count, just kill them all.”

This was her purpose for coming here.

The Wandering Hero swallowed, estimating that nearly twenty dragons had been killed.

Some were in fragments and hard to count.

At this moment.

On the highest Dragon Mother Mountain.

A relatively small dragonling flew over, conversing in dragon language.

“I see, I didn’t expect that crazy woman could recover, especially at this time.”

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother looked somewhat sorrowful, gazing into the distance, as if making a decision.

Now, nearly all the dragons on Dragon Island had been slaughtered.

Only a few dragonlings remained, and the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother had already sent them away.


Beneath her massive body lay a black and green dragon egg.

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother carefully kissed the dragon egg and said, “Remember, your father was a goblin, a very special small goblin.”

The dragon egg seemed to wobble in response.

After speaking, she grabbed the dragon egg and hid it in a very secluded sandy spot.

“Crazy woman, let’s make a decision!”


The next second, the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother flapped her enormous wings, soaring straight into the sky!

Alicenia noticed from afar, gazing at the sky, “Finally here?”

“What, what is here?”

The Wandering Hero looked around, gathering magic in his hands to prepare for an attack.

But he saw nothing.

It wasn’t until the massive shadow blocked the sunlight over their location that he finally noticed!


But what came at them was a torrent of purple dragon flame!

Like a waterfall flood pouring down from the sky!


Alicenia raised her long sword before her eyes, chanting, “Sword Qi Tempest!”

As always, a powerful air wave surged up, forcibly blocking the purple flames.

But the intense heat still scorched the surrounding flowers and grass, curling them into clumps instantly.

The Wandering Hero fanned himself and the Sword Saintess like a little brother beside her.

The dragon flame dissipated.

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother spoke in disgust, “I didn’t expect that woman defeated by goblins to climb back up again? How dare you show your face and cling to life?”

“What happens to me is none of your concern, but since you threaten my people, your life will be taken by me! Come on!”

Alicenia faced the giant dragon, showing no fear.

The Wandering Hero, who initially planned to slaughter the ancient dragon, now felt his legs go weak.

The dragon was too big!

There was no way he could be an opponent!

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother didn’t speak further, swinging her massive tail!


The small mountain shattered instantly!

As Alicenia dodged, she grabbed the Wandering Hero, finding him a hindrance and tossing him aside.

“Thank you, thank you. How could I possibly block this?”

Thrown aside like a chick, the Wandering Hero wasn’t angry but rather grateful.

He continued to watch from the sidelines.

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother continued her attack, her mouth starting to form a huge magic circle!

The purple-gold stones on her body began to glow, merging with the magic circle.

Next, she launched a dense barrage of crystal attacks!

Alicenia stood firm, slashing all the crystals aimed at her into pieces!

Those falling around were like cannonballs, blasting dust over ten meters high, scaring the Wandering Hero into running like a wild dog.

Getting hit meant certain death.

“Damn! How did she fly up?”

While he was still running, Alicenia had already stepped on the incoming crystals, heading into the sky!

“Steel Gale!”

The holy sword in Alicenia’s hand buzzed and vibrated!

It shot out tangible sword qi!

Like flying broadswords, the power was immense.

A painful dragon roar echoed, rippling the space!


The sword qi forcibly interrupted the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother’s attack, slashing several bloody wounds on her skin!

In pain, she quickly dodged, her eyes full of reluctance.

Alicenia moved swiftly and decisively, not giving her a chance to breathe, directly aiming for the dragon’s head to pierce it!

At this moment.

On a beach, something seemed to be emerging from the sand.


Digging forcefully through the sand, a black, green-spotted dragon head emerged.

A small dragon slowly crawled out.

It was about the size of a carnivorous horse, roughly three meters long.

This was the offspring of Lin Tian and the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother.

It wasn’t a goblin but had a dragon’s body!

Only the skin had some green spots.

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