From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 50: The Imperial Lion Herd!

TL: Sungmin

The valley was densely packed with small huts of various shapes and sizes.

From a distance, it looked like a mass of goosebumps—there were just so many.

This was because, unlike Lin Tian, other goblin tribes didn’t refrain from breeding low-level goblins.

Here, there were at least two to three thousand small goblins.

The Beast Goblin entered the innermost cave, surrounded by heaps of bones, an eerie white.

However, he didn’t dare go in. He stood respectfully outside, his voice full of fear as he said, “Boss, I failed.”

In the pitch-black cave, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly lit up!

They stared at him intently!

“Boss, please don’t be angry, I…”

The Beast Goblin retreated repeatedly in fear, sweat pouring down his face!

Inside, a giant beast emerged as if there was an earthquake!

It was over three meters tall! Covered in animal fur like the Beast Goblin.

But overall, it looked like a gorilla, with long arms, big fists, and a hairless chest.

Moreover, there was a tiger-like ‘king’ character on its forehead.

Its back had crocodile-like skin, and its feet resembled goat hooves.

It could be described as a mishmash.

This was the leader variant, the ‘Beast King’ Goblin.

Previously, his original tribe lived in an environment rich with various wild animals, creating his unique existence.

Hearing that the Beast Goblin had failed, he immediately extended his large hand, grasping him like a chick!

“Cough, cough, Boss, I…”

With immense force, he squeezed, causing the Beast Goblin to vomit blood. His bones shattered, piercing his internal organs.

The Beast King Goblin said coldly, “Do you know the value of that magic ring? Compared to it, your life is worthless!”

“But Boss, a human army came to seize it. It was already very difficult for me to escape.” The Beast Goblin cried.

Upon hearing about the human army, the Beast King Goblin’s eyes shifted. Seeing him injured and with a broken hand, he threw him to the ground.

He demanded, “You better not be lying to me. What human army?”

“I’m not lying, at least a few thousand soldiers! They probably haven’t left yet!”

The Beast Goblin spoke as if singing, his eyes full of fear.

The Beast King Goblin stared at him deeply. After a long while, he roared to the sky, pounding his chest madly, “Roar!!!”

The entire valley echoed with a rumbling sound!

“Gather, attack the humans!”

As soon as the words fell.

Goblins began to emerge from the huts, gathering around the Beast King’s cave.

A vast army, a sight to behold!

Soon, two to three thousand small goblins, hundreds of big variants, and twenty hero variants, along with one mutant variant, gathered before him.

Their combined strength rivaled that of an army.

The Beast King Goblin commanded, “Lead the way! We must retrieve the magic ring!”

In the Tian Kuang Tribe.

Lin Tian was fiddling with the items he had looted from the adventurers he had slaughtered.

The most precious was the simple gunpowder pistol from ‘Edison.’

Its power was impressive, though its firing frequency was limited and reloading took time.

But if he could mass-produce them, even in this world of swords and magic, he could easily handle thousands of troops.

After several days of disassembling and studying, he roughly understood its structure. However, producing such precise components was challenging.

It would take some time.

Calculating, it should be possible. In about 20 days, the human noble army and the Beast King tribe would reach Bright Town.

Twenty days should be enough to make a hundred pistols.

By then, it would be easy to pick up the leftovers.

He then began using a new iron furnace, forging platform, and forging tools.

At first, he made simple plate armor, which was quite brittle and didn’t offer much defense.

The weapons were also extremely rough.

But as the forging tools improved, the equipment became more refined.

This was why the goblins of the Tian Kuang Tribe were far stronger than those of other tribes.

Lin Tian didn’t trouble himself with making weapons.

He left the tedious task to the system.

He directly activated the Life Simulation, skipping ahead twenty days.

In total, he obtained 150 simple pistols, along with fifty defective products.

The kind that would explode after one shot.

“Boss, what are these things?”

Next to the blazing furnace, Gobu Yue asked curiously.

Lin Tian explained, “These are called pistols. They are very powerful and fun to use, more powerful than bows and arrows, and can be fired instantly at close range.”

“More powerful than bows and arrows?”

At this moment, Lia walked over curiously. For the past twenty days, she had seen Lin Tian working on these things.

She hadn’t expected them to be weapons.

Lin Tian nodded, provoking, “Wanna try?”

Challenged, Lia also showed a provocative expression, taking out a long sheepskin bow.

“Let’s start with a precision contest.”

Then he walked over to Loder, who looked like a lump of dog shit, covered in grime.

He threw a bunch of apples at him. “Hold these. If I tell you to put one on your head, you do it. If you don’t, I’ll aim for your head instead!”

Before leaving, he placed one on Loder’s head.

The just-awakened Loder was still in a daze.

Then he heard a whooshing sound right by his ear!

A cold sensation swept over his head!

He looked up to see an arrow piercing an apple, embedded in the stone wall.

Scared out of his wits, he quickly put another apple on his head.

Lia, looking pleased, said, “Bullseye. Let’s see your pistol skills, Boss?”

“Hmph, I’ve been shooting for years. I’m already a master.”

Lin Tian glanced lightly at the apple on Loder’s head, picked up the pistol, and spun it once.

Before Lia could react!


The gunpowder smoke spurted out, and a small iron ball shattered the apple.

Loder’s forehead was wet with either apple juice or sweat. He was dumbfounded, “What just happened? How did you smash the apple?!”

It felt sudden. He didn’t even realize the apple had exploded. It felt like his head had exploded!

In this era, firearms were not popular. Only a few had discovered them.

“Impossible! Such speed and precision, what kind of weapon is this? A pistol? I want to try it too, Boss!”

Lia’s eyes were full of excitement, never having seen such a weapon before.

Lin Tian gestured for her to get one herself, then began teaching how to fire it.

He took out some gunpowder, poured it into the barrel, placed a small iron ball inside, and used a thin rod to press it down firmly.

Aim, and fire.


In an instant, a stone next to Loder was shattered into fragments!

Loder was speechless!

Such a powerful and precise weapon!

How could an army possibly stand a chance?

He was doomed. Sending Cecil to fetch reinforcements would indirectly doom his family.

“What kind of monster is this? Under that ugly, short exterior, is it really a goblin?” Loder muttered in fear.

He had planned to be cunning, but now he might have endangered his family.

However, he suddenly realized that his only pillow had just been shattered.

Lin Tian also noticed, “Sorry, didn’t realize. Maybe you can piece it back together.”


Loder wanted to be angry but deflated. He didn’t know who would win the upcoming battle.

He could only hope his family brought more troops, increasing their chances of victory.

At this moment, Gobu Tian ran in, “Boss, Bright Town is filled with a large number of armed humans!”

“Boss, I also saw many goblins approaching!” said another Dark Goblin.

Lin Tian nodded, “Let’s prepare as well. The show is about to begin.”


Hundreds of big variants roared inside the cave, battle intent surging!

They had been preparing for days, ready to enter full combat at any moment.

In Bright Town.

Count Felemon and Count Stantmont, clad in golden and silver armor, rode carnivorous horses. Their subordinates held high the Lionheart flag, full of vigor!

Their noble aura, built from years of high status, was unmistakable.

Behind them were eight hundred iron-hoofed soldiers! Each carnivorous horse covered in iron armor, ridden by well-equipped soldiers. The sound of their hooves was thunderous!

Further back were a thousand infantrymen!

Marching in neat formations, the front held large silver shields, spears bristled behind them, advancing in order!

Flags fluttered and roared in the wind!

Like a lion’s roar!

Such a formidable formation was awe-inspiring.

Their journey scared off countless mountain bandits and robbers.

All fled back home to farm obediently.

Everyone thought they had come to exterminate them.

“Welcome, Count Felemon, Count Stantmont!”

At the town gate, the new mayor, formerly the tavern owner, bowed respectfully.

Stantmont paid him little mind, looking around and asking, “Where is Alicenia?”

“The Sword Saintess had some business. What brings you two with such a grand entourage?” asked the Wandering Hero arrogantly as he stepped out.

Although faced with imperial nobles, he felt his status as a hero who fought alongside the Sword Saintess and slew an ancient dragon wasn’t inferior.

Felemon glanced at him, not recognizing him, and ignored him.

This made the Wandering Hero awkward, “I’m a dragon slayer! A hero who fought alongside the Sword Saintess! How dare you look down on me?”

“I see, my apologies. Then come with us to subdue those goblins,” said Stantmont, removing his helmet and extending his hand.

The Wandering Hero quickly understood their purpose but was hesitant about fighting goblins.

After all, they had wiped out three hundred adventurers!

There would be casualties.

But looking at the dense, imposing soldiers outside the town, he began to reconsider.

Raising his eyebrows, he shook hands, “No problem, it’s my duty!”

Though he said this, inside, he was elated.

With so many well-equipped soldiers, it would be easy to mix in and appear to be contributing.

This would secure his status as an Epic adventurer!

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