From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 55: Interception of Brutal!

TL: Sungmin

Everyone gasped in shock.

This was even more terrifying than the most cunning enemy they had ever encountered!

Because he disguised himself as weak and foolish, making everyone believe him completely.

Brutal seemed to realize something and said, “Yes, yes, that must be it. We have no grievances, so we’ll just leave now!”

As he said this, he tried to get up and escape.

But Austin stomped him back to the ground with a heavy foot. “Alice, how do we deal with him?”

“We should ask Count Felomon,” Alicenia said calmly.

Her eyes were full of caution towards Lin Tian, thinking of ways to eliminate him.

She had no time to bother with Brutal.

Felomon looked at Brutal on the ground and said coldly, “Do we even need to ask? A goblin must be killed! Besides, Count Stantmont died at his hands, as did that brave Wandering Hero.”

As he thought about it, he trembled with anger!

The key issue was that he couldn’t find Loder for Stantmont, meaning the entire Stantmont family had been gloriously sacrificed.

“That guy is dead too?”

Alicenia was slightly stunned; she still remembered the Wandering Hero.

He was very weak but longed to become a legendary hero.

But she quickly forgot about it—there were too many such people in this world.

Felomon sighed, “That guy was a hero. I could see that he was very cautious and careful, but he still chose to step forward at the critical moment.”

“Enough, I’ll handle this.”

Austin raised his shield sword, ready to decapitate Brutal from the neck.

In the sky, Lin Tian signaled for everyone else to retreat back to the waterfall cave.

He alone kept an eye on the situation.

He didn’t expect the group to arrive at this moment, disrupting his plans.

He cursed, “Damn it, all these corpses could have created an entire hero variant army.”

Then he charged up with wind element energy!

Fifty units of energy shot out in one strike, aimed at Alicenia and her group.


The moment the sound of breaking through the air rang out, Alicenia looked up and locked onto Lin Tian in the sky.

Her eyes were like a sniper rifle in the dark!

The person being locked on instantly felt a strong sense of suffocation!

Lin Tian immediately started to flee!

But he didn’t head towards the waterfall cave, as that could expose their base.

Instead, he went towards Dragon Island, where the sea would make it harder for them to chase him.

Just as the wind element attack landed, it stirred up a massive tornado!

“Swish, swish, swish!”

Sand and leaves flew everywhere!

In the sudden chaos, many people couldn’t stand steady and were swept into the sky!

Austin and his group could only barely stand their ground. A slight slip, and they would be sent flying.

Taking advantage of this, Brutal endured the side effect of his throat bleeding and used his roar skill again!

This stunned Austin and the others in place.

He then started running madly!

His muscles tightened, veins bulging!!

Due to his size, the hurricane didn’t affect him much.

In the distance, Emma couldn’t attack because of the hurricane, and Alicenia, the only one able to fight, chose not to.

She kept her eyes on Lin Tian flying away in the sky.

“I won’t let you escape!”

Alicenia’s beautiful face was filled with determination.

She lightly jumped and was blown into the sky by the hurricane, using its force to rise.

She finally saw Lin Tian clearly.

Slightly shocked, she thought, “How is this possible? It’s actually a small goblin?”

But seeing he could ride a dragon, he was definitely not an ordinary small goblin.

She quickly activated her skill, “Iron Gale!!”

Sword Qi surged, forming substantial attacks that slashed towards Lin Tian dozens of meters away!

The hurricane didn’t affect it at all.


Lin Tian hurriedly controlled the dragon Xiao Huan to dodge. The impact from the Sword Qi almost knocked Xiao Huan down.

The Sword Qi, like two giant blades, fell towards the forest below.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

It caused an earth-shattering explosion!

If hit, it would be hard to survive.

Just as Lin Tian was relieved to have escaped, he noticed a white figure chasing him relentlessly below!

It was Alicenia, who said coldly, “No matter where you run, I won’t let you go! I will personally kill you!”

She finally stopped chasing when they reached the sea.

But her voice wasn’t a threat; it was a vow!

Lin Tian gulped, “This crazy woman is insanely strong. Just wait, I’ll deal with you later!”

However, he knew he was in trouble.

A Sword Saintess was already hard to deal with, and now there were several more powerful opponents.

Austin, Marshall, and Emma all had a combat power of around 2,500.

About the same as Lin Tian’s current level.

After flying for a while, they circled back, intending to intercept the fleeing Brutal Goblin on the road.

Over at Felomon’s side, after the hurricane dissipated, the remaining goblins were all killed. Out of 1,800 elite soldiers, only 800 were left, more than half were lost.

Half of those losses were caused by Brutal alone.

Alicenia returned and said, “Unfortunately, that guy can ride a dragon. I couldn’t catch up to him. But there’s something you all need to know.”

“A goblin that can ride a dragon! What is it?” Marshall asked in disbelief.

Even among humans, it was rare to be able to ride a dragon.

After all, dragons were dominant predators of the sky, ferocious and powerful.

Alicenia explained, “That goblin looks no different from a small goblin. Do not be deceived by appearances.”

“What? A small goblin! Is it a mutant variant? No, that can’t be right.”

Marshall and the others were stunned.

Austin, who had been around for a long time, had never heard of such a thing. “So, that guy is highly intelligent, huh? No wonder even you got tricked.”

“Indeed, we were fooled the moment we arrived,” Marshall admitted, feeling embarrassed as he had previously mocked Alicenia.

Then, the group prepared to return to Bright Town for a rest.

When Felomon saw the vanished corpses, he realized, “That guy wanted to see us both severely injured so he could take the bodies!”

Everyone knew the basic capabilities of goblins.

The more they thought about it, the more fearful they felt.

Neither group was foolish; one was led by a former Imperial Knight Commander, now a Count.

The other was Brutal, a monster from the Great Tomb.

Yet, they were played like pawns.

Felomon suddenly remembered, “Right, that overlord goblin mentioned a magic ring, which is likely in that guy’s possession. Be cautious next time!”

“Next time we meet, I’ll personally kill him,” Alicenia interrupted.

The group began to rest and recover. The army was heavily damaged, even Austin and Marshall had internal injuries from Brutal’s roars.

They wouldn’t be able to hunt Lin Tian for a while.

On the road to the Great Tomb Forest,

Brutal couldn’t care about his injuries and ran mindlessly.

Passing by the waterfall cave, he stopped, “Doesn’t matter, I’ll hide there first. It’ll be bad if those guys catch up.”

The goblin sentries from the Tian Kuang Tribe guarding the waterfall cave felt a shiver of fear and looked ahead warily.

That terrifying aura!

A primal fear!

They immediately ran back, disregarding everything else.

Outside the cave, Brutal’s eyes flashed with surprise as he sniffed, “Other goblins inside? Wait! That damned guy tricked me!”

He realized at that moment.

He had been deceived by a Beast Goblin, and the magic ring was surely inside the cave!

However, he hadn’t anticipated that his large size would prevent him from entering.

“Damn it! Come out, you guys inside!” Brutal roared furiously.

But no one responded.

Lin Tian had previously instructed them not to expose themselves or go outside.

So they wouldn’t respond.

At this moment, Brutal sensed someone approaching from behind. He jumped out of the waterfall and saw Lin Tian riding a dragon.

“It’s you! Hand over the magic ring!” Brutal snarled menacingly, advancing step by step.

In the next second, a blast of dragon flame shot towards him!

The scorching flames blinded him, but didn’t cause any real damage.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Tian launched a poison element attack with fifty units of energy at him.


Brutal leaped and flipped the dragon to the ground.

He saw Lin Tian’s true appearance.

Full of disbelief, he exclaimed, “A low-level creature? No, what are you? Hand over the magic ring!”

“Are you talking about this?”

Lin Tian got up, dusted himself off, and held out his hand, revealing the ring that emitted a green glow.

Immediately, Brutal seemed invigorated, “Give it to me!”

He charged wildly!

Like an enraged gorilla, each punch shattered the ground!

Just as he raised his fists to smash Lin Tian, Lin Tian suddenly vanished!

“Thanks to this body, I’m faster than you.”

Lin Tian had already circled behind Brutal, holding a fine dagger.

Brutal turned quickly but saw nothing!

Just grass, a nearby river, and pebbles.

He spun again, but still saw nothing.

Turning back and forth, his face filled with fear, “W-where are you?”

“I’ve been here all along…”

Lin Tian’s eerie, evil laugh sounded in his ears.


A cold light flashed as Lin Tian cut off Brutal’s ears!

He immediately stuffed them into his mouth!

“Ding! Acquired super-tier skill: Brutal Roar!”

Brutal, in extreme pain and anger, reached out to grab Lin Tian, but couldn’t touch him.

Despite his long arms, his body was also long.

At this moment, Lin Tian crawled to his other ear and used the newly acquired skill.

Taking a deep breath!


He let out a roar akin to a tiger’s growl or a dragon’s roar!

Almost instantly, blood spurted from Brutal’s ears!

Followed by his mouth, nose, and eyes!

His eyes rolled back, and he seemed to lose consciousness, standing dazed.

He experienced the effect of his own innate skill.

Even Lin Tian was amazed, “I took a chance, and it actually worked.”

This was why he cut off his ears and ate them immediately.

Hi everyone, I recently underwent tonsil surgery. Unfortunately I couldn’t translate for close to a week because of the aftereffects of anesthesia, which meant that Premium chapters were delayed. But I’m basically back to normal now. I’m so sorry for the delaysss.

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