From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 75: The Battle Begins

TL: Sungmin

Next, Avril continued to deliver her succession speech.

From the reactions of the residents, it seemed there were no grievances against her.

Lin Tian then stopped paying attention to the situation here and instead surveyed the entire city, looking for a suitable breakthrough point.

Now, most of the troops and residents were gathered around the castle.

Especially the top-tier combat forces.

It seemed any direction could be used to breach the city.

No need to overthink it, the entire city had a total of five thousand troops, only two thousand of which were fully armored soldiers, the rest were lightly armored.

Even with the addition of a thousand adventurers, Lin Tian was confident.

After all, Alice was also here.

Three kilometers outside the city.

The goblin army had already set up camp.

Alice, holding the black iron sword previously owned by Kasimov and wearing rusted black armor, looked somewhat sinister.

Standing at the forefront of the army, she had a commanding presence.

“Gobu Kuang, break the gate!”

Lin Tian, riding a wyvern, ordered.

Led by him, a squad of ten hero variant goblins carried a massive tree trunk and began to charge!

The entire army followed closely behind.

The soldiers stationed on the city walls were stunned at the sight, “Damn, goblins! It’s a goblin invasion!”

“Hurry and notify the lord!”

A scout, terrified, ran towards the castle of Clin.

The remaining soldiers looked at each other, completely demoralized.

They exchanged glances and prepared to flee.

Unfortunately, several gunshots rang out as the elves had already climbed onto the walls.

With long-barreled muskets made by Lin Tian, they easily dispatched the soldiers.

Including the scout.

Lia couldn’t help but exclaim, “This is much better than bows and arrows.”


The thick oak gate emitted a pained groan.

With just one strike, it was breached!

Because the battering ram was specially made, with an iron spike wrapped around the head, maximizing the impact pressure.

Then, the remnants of the gate were thoroughly cleared away.

The goblins laughed wickedly as they charged into the city!

Even the weakest low-level goblins were clad in plate armor and helmets. This army would make the empire’s commanders sigh in disbelief.

The resources within the Great Tomb were abundant and largely untapped, something Lin Tian had utilized well.

Entering the city, the goblins didn’t immediately rush into residents’ homes to start looting and killing like before.

They had been ordered to save that for after the battle.

With increased intelligence, suppressing their instincts became easier.

Lin Tian commanded, “First, destroy the major weapons! Then gather at my location!”

Saying this, he rode his wyvern to a ballista, “Dragon Flame!”

A fiery breath incinerated the ballista!

This finally alerted the people at Clin Castle.

“Enemy attack!!! It’s a dragon!”

A soldier suddenly shouted, looking into the distance.

The place erupted into chaos.

Residents began fleeing to their homes.

On the platform, Avril remained calm, “Everyone, don’t panic. Those who can, go to the shelter! Soldiers, prepare to slay the dragon!”

“Hmph, dare to interrupt my granddaughter’s succession. You continue, I’ll handle this!”

White-Hat Clin said coldly, his face shadowed.

Hearing this, the soldiers looked at Avril.

In terms of authority, she was now the city lord and they had to listen to her.

Avril bowed, “Thank you, grandfather. Everyone, continue. Today is still my birthday. I will distribute food and gifts to everyone in the name of the Clin family!”

But when Clin left the castle and stood on a high building to observe.

He realized something was wrong.

In the city, a dense goblin army was quietly approaching!

And the southern gate was breached.

It had been too noisy in the castle to hear anything!

“All soldiers, to battle! Goblin invasion!”

Clin, ignoring the wyvern, turned and shouted.

Lin Tian glanced at him, recognizing the white hat as the strongest magician here.

Through the system, he could see Clin’s overall strength was 3900, not weak.

When he were younger, it might’ve even reached 4000.

Surprisingly, the new city lord, Avril, was also young with a combat power of 3500.

No wonder she could become the city lord.

Hearing Clin’s voice, Avril was momentarily stunned, “Goblins? Soldiers, deal with these low-level monsters quickly! Then come back for drinks!”

The onlooking residents also relaxed.

They had thought it was a dragon invasion, but it was just goblins.

No need to worry too much.

A large number of soldiers began to move, splitting into several streams, advancing towards different streets.

At this moment, Lin Tian had already destroyed all the major weapons and gathered all the goblins on the streets below.

Seeing the advancing soldiers, he gave a command, “Attack!”

Gobu Kuang roared and hurled several fireballs down a distant street, blocking one direction of the enemy, “Kill those over there first!”

Immediately, all the goblins charged down one street!

The fully armored soldiers at the front were stunned when they saw a group of goblins several times their size!

They tried to turn back, but the way was blocked, making escape impossible.

With one axe strike, Gobu Kuang cleaved a soldier in half, armor and all!

The soldiers behind roared and launched an attack, as if making a final stand, shouting about bonds or something.

Yet, they were cut down by Gobu Kuang like slicing through melons and vegetables.

Seeing soldiers on the adjacent street about to break through the magical flames, the Overlord variant led a team of goblins to slaughter them.

The power of the Overlord variant was just slightly weaker than Gobu Kuang.

With one fierce roar, dozens of fully armored soldiers were killed instantly.

No amount of armor could withstand the sound waves.

Thus, the battle began, a mad slaughter.

Clin fixed his gaze on Lin Tian, “Is that… the low-level goblin? One that can control a dragon? So you’re the goblin responsible for the Sword Saintess’ downfall?!”

“Is that so? I didn’t expect my reputation to be so great.”

Lin Tian, riding the dragon, circled around Clin as he spoke.

As long as he could disrupt and prevent Clin from attacking, that was enough.

Magic was an extremely terrifying form of attack, with wide coverage and strong firepower.

If Clin made a move, Lin Tian’s goblins wouldn’t last long.

Clin’s eyes were shadowy, “Hmph, truly not simple. Interfering so I can’t attack, but have you thought of the consequence? That is… you will die here!”

As he finished speaking, he took out a white crystal block, which emitted a dazzling light!

He began chanting, “Super-tier Magic · Meteor from Beyond!”

“Boom boom boom!”

A powerful oppressive force descended from the sky!

Lin Tian looked up to see a meteor locking onto him, falling and igniting from the friction with the air.

He couldn’t help but sigh, “Starting with super-tier magic? Truly worthy of a White Hat Mage, and it’s a homing spell.”

A homing spell couldn’t be dodged no matter what.

It could only be taken head-on, or avoided with an extraordinary movement technique.

Lin Tian, riding the wyvern, flew directly towards the distant castle.

Because controlling the meteor prevented Clin from using other spells, unless he canceled the casting himself.

“Hmph, you can’t escape.”

Clin coldly smiled, preparing to kill Lin Tian with one strike.

This would greatly enhance his fame in the empire, after all, this was the goblin that had bested the Sword Saintess multiple times.

Now the public enemy of the entire empire!

Lin Tian said, “Faster, Xiao Huan!”

Behind him, the heat wave from the meteor surged closer, about to collide.

“I’ll give you a big gift!”

Lin Tian coldly smiled, looking at the castle and the residents in the distance.

He then signaled Xiao Huan to dive!

“A dragon! A dragon is coming!”

“Something scarier than the dragon is behind it! It’s a meteor!”


The previously calm residents were now in a panic, but there was nowhere to run.

A meteor the size of a house had an impact that would vaporize everything within a hundred meters.

Just as they were about to crash to the ground, Lin Tian said, “Use what I taught you!”


Xiao Huan breathed dragon flames directly at the ground!

Creating a nitrogen brake!

The speed suddenly halted, and with a flap of its wings, they narrowly avoided the meteor’s pursuit!

“Not good!!”

On the city wall, Avril saw the meteor and quickly took out a purple spherical magic crystal, “Super-tier Magic · Space Rift!”

“Crack crack crack!”

The space tore open instantly!

A pitch-black rift appeared in front of the meteor, which fell directly into it.

Avril wiped the fragrant sweat from her forehead, and when she looked at Lin Tian again, he was gone.

Failing to carry out his plan, Lin Tian quickly returned to prevent Clin from attacking the goblin army.

Seeing him return unscathed, Clin was astonished, “Impossible! Where is my meteor?!”

There was no explosion, the meteor couldn’t have disappeared for no reason.

Lin Tian said irritably, “Your granddaughter is indeed formidable, otherwise, the castle would have turned to ashes.”

“Lord Clin! We can’t hold on much longer! Please help!”

Below, a commander’s voice rang out. He was severely injured, dragging a broken arm while retreating.

The soldiers rushing forward to protect him were either dead or dying.

Seeing this, Clin couldn’t afford to worry about Lin Tian, and quickly cast a healing spell, “Super-tier Magic · Earth Nourishment!”

This was exactly what Lin Tian had hoped for, as he activated his Elemental Hand Crossbow to its highest wind element setting.


A piercing sound of wind shot towards Clin.

Clin knew things were bad and had to interrupt his spellcasting, barely blocking the attack with a hastily cast shield.

Gritting his teeth in rage, he shouted, “Damn goblin! If you want to fight, then fight fair! Don’t play dirty!”

Lin Tian shrugged innocently, “Are you morally blackmailing me? Sorry, goblins have no morals.”

“We’re retreating!”

Clin, gritting his teeth, had no choice but to say. Continuing like this, the army would be completely consumed.

Better to retreat to the castle and hold the position, where he could fight to his full strength.

As for the remaining residents, those who hadn’t fled to the shelter could only rely on fate.

“Retreat!” The commander shouted.

Now, it didn’t matter if Clin was still the city lord. Survival was most important.

But even the retreat wasn’t peaceful.

Numerous low-level goblins had already sneaked through the buildings, reaching the soldiers’ rear.

They would grab a fully armored soldier and bury him alive, or if that failed, they would pour excrement and boiling water into the gaps of the armor.

The retreating soldiers were thrown into disarray.

Lin Tian found it amusing, “Even low-level goblins have some combat capability. It’s surprising they know to use boiling water. Their intelligence is higher than I thought.”

Thus, of the three thousand retreating soldiers, a thousand were consumed by the low-level goblins.

Clin, seeing the corpses scattered all over the city, trembled with rage!

But losing control now would disrupt his plans.

At his age, such things couldn’t make him lose his mind, “Enter the castle! Block the gate!”

Clin Castle had an additional wall of its own, as it had once been just a small castle.

It gradually developed into a town.

Thus, the goblins were kept outside the wall.

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