From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 346 High-Quality Mythical Building

"I didn't expect that this old man would still have such luck." With his experience, Yan Tiancheng naturally understood the current situation. However, after sighing with emotion, his face became slightly solemn and he looked directly at Shen Fei, "I dare to ask the lord, who should be an adult first or an adult? To become the way of heaven first?”

"Be an adult first." Shen Fei replied cheerfully, "I have lived as an ordinary person for more than twenty years, and then I bumped into the birth of this world. It can be regarded as a coincidence."

"That is the luck of all the people in the world." Yan Tiancheng's old face suddenly beamed with joy, and he even couldn't help but burst into laughter, "The Dao of Heaven regards all the people in the world as ants. If it knew that common people also have the possibility of becoming the Dao of Heaven, I really want to Let’s see what the reaction will be.”

Shen Fei discovered that his loyalty had actually increased by three points.

I felt a little relieved.

If you really have obsession or hatred for the way of heaven, I'm afraid it will be somewhat troublesome.

However, he also became curious.

"In your world, is it the Dao of Heaven that creates the consciousness of an independent self?" Shen Fei asked.

"That's right." Yan Tiancheng nodded, "That guy is cowardly, selfish, and incompetent. He launches a catastrophe in a million years and slaughters all the people in the world. I really don't know why Heaven would give birth to such a self."

"I see. Selfishness and cruelty are actually the instincts of biological self-consciousness. It's not surprising that it would evolve into this." Shen Fei shook his head.

He is not ignorant about this aspect now, but the so-called "Way of Heaven" in most worlds is actually just a collection of extraordinary rules.

Just like the rules of physics, they only exist objectively.

But there are also those with self-awareness, such as the "way of heaven" in the world where Maki lived in the past, which are the remaining rules after the self-awareness of the creation god has been erased by time, including the rule that "gods must lose themselves", which is also a rule one.

And it sounds like the way of heaven in the past world of the God King in front of him was exactly the opposite.

It is the rule of selflessness that gives birth to the self.

Just like a newborn baby with no siblings or parents, it is more likely to follow the instinct of self-awareness. The first priority is a sense of security. Once it realizes the threats that other existences may bring, it will act instinctively. Sexual reaction, and then because of this behavior, gradually evolved into a cruel and selfish personality.

"Perhaps, all hatred in the world is rooted in conflicts of interest." Yan Tiancheng obviously does not understand the logic of this, but his will is so firm. Since it is a life-and-death hatred, there is no way to understand the other party. necessary.

However, he paused for a moment and became a little more serious.

"Lord, I have a request." There seemed to be a bit of humility in his tone.

"I hope I can take you back for revenge one day, right?" Shen Fei could tell what this request was at a glance.

In fact, the other party did not hide it at all.

These few minutes of contact had already allowed Shen Fei to understand the character of this mythical hero. Although he was a God King, he obviously had no burden of status and had placed himself in a right position.

That's right, in the other party's world, every powerful practitioner is afraid of being threatened by the way of heaven. In this case, it is easier to develop a "unity" and "cautious" strong person, and it is less likely to be "self-centered". ”, “The God-King is inviolable” and other habits.

That's good luck.

After all, mythical heroes don't seem to have restored their cognition to a younger moment like legendary and epic heroes. In this case, if a rebellious one really appears, it will be a headache.

However, Shen Fei could understand.

After all, it is different from when summoning epic and legendary heroes. The lord is extremely weak and even a mortal. Resetting the hero's recognition is also a protection for the lord. Otherwise, few heroes will recognize the weak and ordinary lord.

But when it came time to summon mythical heroes, the lord had already passed the novice stage and began to walk his own path.

In this case, there is obviously no need to limit the knowledge of mythical heroes.

Fortunately, for Shen Fei, as long as the heroes he summoned were not difficult to deal with, it didn't matter much. As the Lord of the World, he was qualified enough to become the lord of these heroes.

This is what Yan Tiancheng is like at this moment.

"This is the same as resurrecting my life, but it does not mean cutting off the cause and effect." Yan Tiancheng seemed to sigh, "In that world in the past, there were my loved ones and comrades-in-arms, and I can't let go of them now."

"I have made a lot of similar promises." Shen Fei said very calmly, "If I really have the strength, doing such things would be a piece of cake."

"If adults don't have such ability, then it's even more impossible for this old man." Yan Tiancheng chuckled, seemingly not surprised by Shen Fei's answer.

For a God-King who has been wandering in the mortal world for who knows how many years, even if his strength is no longer there, his eyesight is not bad.

Without Shen Fei pretending or covering up, this short period of time was enough for him to understand what Shen Fei was like.

What he put forward was both a request and a connection.

When there is a request, there is an answer, and when there is an answer, there is a reply.

This can deepen the connection between him and Shen Fei in the shortest possible time.

Afterwards, Shen Fei was not in a hurry to open the new treasure chest, but had a good chat with this mythical hero.

The system of the world in which it is located is almost that of cultivating immortals, but it is different.

Because what you pursue is not freedom and immortality, but unparalleled combat power.

The entire system revolves around combat, including skills, treasures, formations, and something called "inscriptions."

"I can enhance this time-accelerating formation a little more." At this time, Yan Tiancheng was looking at the time-accelerating formation arranged by Maki, as if he had completely seen through it in this short period of time. "The inscriptions are the expression of the will after ascending to the gods. Each god has his own set of inscriptions. Some of them will be incorporated into the systems of other god kings, and then they will become the dependents of that god king. Wait for me When I have recovered a certain amount of strength and can restart my inscription, time acceleration like this will be at least ten times more efficient."

As Shen Fei listened to Yan Tiancheng's explanation, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

It's not because of the acceleration of time, but because of this system.

He can almost understand why the Heavenly Way of the other party's past world is so afraid of these practitioners. This method is clearly the engraving of rules.

Carve your own rules into the world.

It could even be considered a theft of world authority.

Even if it is only superficial authority, if there is a lack of corresponding control means, it will still be difficult for Tiandao.

This is like the difference between a computer's system and software. If there are too many uncontrolled software, the operation of the system will definitely be affected.

However, this kind of thing cannot be blocked by blocking. Unless one can escape the limitations of the world, otherwise, the pinnacle of practice in each world must be the extraordinary rules of that world. Rather than blocking it, it is better to become the strongest. Take the system, software, and documents into your hands first.

Moreover, this also brought a lot of inspiration to Shen Fei's cultivation of Chuangxing Tree.

Unknowingly, he had been discussing with Yan Tiancheng for almost a day.

Until the end, I felt a little emotional: "This is the vision brought by levels."

"Your talent is much stronger than I expected." Yan Tiancheng was also amazed. "Coupled with this world and the lord system, your future is far beyond what I can match."

"No matter how strong you are in the future, you have to go step by step." Shen Fei said with a smile, "I won't assign you any positions for the time being. Even if I do, it can only be a position similar to 'consultant', where you can play a role." There are too many, you can just take a look at them, and if you have any suggestions or help, just tell me directly. ”

"As you command." Yan Tiancheng responded with cupped hands. Although he looked like a thin old man, this action fully demonstrated his free and easy manner.

For him, such a position is the most suitable.

In fact, Shen Fei has also understood why mythical heroes no longer have differences between domestic, military and force types.

For this kind of existence that often uses "ten thousand years" as its life span, it involves many aspects, and it is basically a basic operation.

Moreover, his mythical talent is also very powerful. Although it is only effective on those who are weaker than him, this effective effect covers all living creatures in the territory, not just the citizens and heroes, but also the servants.

This is a fixed 50% acceleration that can be superimposed with the training building!

If he further perfects and promotes the branch path of his Creation Star Tree, I am afraid that even the potential of those servants will be greatly improved.

The small world, or territory, in the future may really become a "holy land" for countless people in the heavens.

"There are two left, let's open them together." Shen Fei came back to his senses and looked at the last two emerald treasure chests.

[Obtain: High-quality mythical building Taishi Mother River]

[Obtain: Ordinary mythical spiritual plant Nine Heavens Baby Tree]

"There is actually a high-quality mythical level one?" Shen Fei's eyes lit up and he directly ignored the ordinary mythical level spiritual plant behind him.

You know, the previous God King Yan Tiancheng was only at the high myth level.

It's one level worse than high-quality, but he is already a God King, and can be regarded as the top strong man in his world.

View information directly.

[Name: Taishi Mu River]

【Grade 1】

[Rating: 98745]

[Coming from a prehistoric mythical world, it is the first mother river at the birth of the world. It can breed natural gods, water natural spiritual seeds, and cultivate natural witch bodies. 】

"The ancient mythical world?" Shen Fei muttered these words.

He was not sure about the concept and definition of the two words "prehistoric". You must know that these two words have unique meanings in Chinese. The system information chose these two words for explanation. If there is nothing special, Shen Fei didn't quite believe it.

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