From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 349 The Second Journey to the Heavens

After all, now there is not only an improvement in the extraordinary level, but also an even more obvious improvement in strength after practicing the techniques.

Now he has truly become somewhat powerful.

It has only been about a year since he traveled through time and became a lord.

"For the lord, even under the gods, they are only in the novice stage." He glanced at the Kingdom Center, which was still showing matching, and frowned slightly.

Now the lords of the entire kingdom are suppressing their own ratings. Although the production and training of the people are still not affected, it is not the same thing to have obtained so many treasure chests and not convert them into strength.

In another month, if you still haven’t matched to the new world, the rating will not be suppressed.

However, just a few days after Shen Fei made this decision, a system prompt suddenly came.

A new world has appeared!

"Menghong World?" Shen Fei raised his eyebrows as he looked at the new name that appeared in the Kingdom Center.

Just looking at this name, it gives him an obvious oriental feel.

I'm afraid it will be a world of spiritual practice and immortality again.

However, it’s hard to say anything yet.

In an instant, he left the training building and appeared in the study. Li Tingyu, who had already received the news, followed closely behind.

"My Lord," Li Tingyu said directly, "Everything in the territory and kingdom is ready, and the altar can be built at any time."

There was also some expectation in her expression.

It's just because she knows very well that compared to the overwhelming world of the wilderness, this new world of matching based on strength will have new challenges.

And challenges bring opportunities.

Today's territory can be said to be the best in all important fields. She also wants to know how far the territory and kingdom can achieve in the face of challenges.

Shen Fei was even more like this. Without even the slightest hesitation, he directly ordered: "Then build immediately!"

"Yes!" Li Tingyu accepted the order.

At present, it seems that the basic rules of the new journey to the heavens are not much different from those in the wilderness world.

It's still about building a city, building a bronze altar, and getting treasure chests.

But considering that this time the enemy is no longer the same group of competitors, and the Kingdom of Dark Night will not be able to come two months earlier, the "Ten Thousand Methods" will be very different.

And under Shen Fei's order, the second altar to the heavens was quickly built.

It is still built in the initial world.

As long as there is such an altar to the heavens, one can directly cross the world from any altar. The altar to the heavens seems to be just a transit station. From this perspective, no matter where it is built, it has the same nature.

But this time, Shen Fei did not personally hold the battle. As Li Tingyu said, from the construction site, to the surrounding protection, to the first batch of people to enter, everything was ready. Just put it on the altar of the heavens. The other formations have reached a terrifying level. If something unexpected happens, Shen Fei can come down immediately and directly incorporate the entire altar into the small world.

It can be said to be foolproof.

However, these preparations were in vain. The altar of the heavens in the second world was established. The twelfth-level Shadow Blade led the reconnaissance team, became invisible and filed in, appearing directly on the other side.

At the same time, the passage was not closed, and Shadow Blade carried the coordinate stone of the small world.

Therefore, even if Shen Fei is sitting in the study, he can clearly understand everything there.

The initial location where the Altar of All Heavens opens the passage is no longer a desert as before, but a forest full of traces of extraordinary power. Just the trees that are extremely huge and even soaring into the sky make people feel... Seeing the grandeur of this world, Shen Fei could feel the rich extraordinary power in it.

However, this is all expected.

In a world that matches the current strength of the Dark Night Kingdom, it is impossible for it to be weak. There must be immortal-level beings.

So Shen Fei was very calm.

Until a deserted city began to appear in front of Shadow Blade, he began to lose his composure.

"Is this a modern high-rise building?" His consciousness scanned the extremely huge high-rise buildings around him over and over again, but they were completely covered with plants. "No, look at these huge screens and these machines everywhere. This is at least the near future. The level of technology is still extraordinary.”

His eyes were fixed on a completely damaged "vehicle", and he could clearly feel the extraordinary power emanating from its internal parts, and he could even see the extremely small "runes".

This can't be called simple technology, but extraordinary technology!

Shen Fei even felt some surprises.

Whether it is technology or extraordinary technology, it may not be able to improve personal strength as much as those simple extraordinary powers, but it is more important for the improvement of the kingdom's power.

Otherwise, he would not attach so much importance to the research center and Menini, the epic alchemist master.

Apart from anything else, since the kingdom began to mass-produce large-scale alchemy equipment, the kingdom's efficiency in resource collection and city construction has been greatly improved.

Even those who are still very weak can use the equipment to exert huge productivity and accumulate valuable wealth for the kingdom.

And if this world is a world of extraordinary technology that has already formed a system, then these technologies alone can bring great help to the kingdom.

"Lord." Shadow Blade conveyed the message back at this time, "There are many traces of exploration here."

"There are also many threats." Shen Fei's eyes were focused on the huge creatures wandering around the city.

These creatures come in all kinds, big and small, but each one exudes a powerful aura, and even some plants are particularly dangerous.

Looking at some traces of this abandoned city, a conclusion can already be drawn.

——The most powerful force in this world is still primitive nature, not civilization.

After all, this city looked like it had to give up after a hard battle.

And this is completely normal. In a world with such extraordinary extraordinary power, the power of primitive nature is naturally extremely powerful. Perhaps the same level of technology can allow a civilization to dominate nature in a world without magic like the earth, or even conquer the universe. But in such a world of high demons, it may be difficult to even protect yourself.

Shadow Blade took action again, quickly collecting some key information.

It includes some remnants that look like weapons, and some items that seem to be data types. However, the former is easier to find, but the latter is not easy, because the world has obviously entered the information age, with a large number of terminal-like devices. equipment, but not many paper documents were found.

In such a big city, not even a single piece of paper can be found to record writing.

The degree of informatization can be said to be very high.

However, the efficiency of the Shadow Blade is also extraordinary. For interstellar superhuman beings with biochips in their brains, they have unique advantages in intelligence and collection of information.

She quickly found the key information.

They were several corpses, several corpses that had been dead for no more than two or three days, peeled out from the belly of an extraordinary plant that looked like a piranha.

You can vaguely see the appearance of a human being, as well as the metal armor on his body that has been mostly dissolved.

"It's not a powered armor, but a wearable one." Shadow Blade took a look at the joint positions and immediately came to a conclusion.

Driven armor requires strong joint driving capabilities, while wearable armor requires key movement flexibility.

After all, the former is driven by the device, while the latter is driven by the wearer himself.

And Shen Fei can also see more things through his spiritual consciousness. For example, this armor obviously contains some extraordinary materials, plus some engraved runes and micro formations. It is said that it is a set. There are not many problems with the magic weapon and equipment, and the level is not low. Judging from the condition of the remaining corpses, the strongest one among the current corpses is estimated to have reached the sixth level of the system's extraordinary level.

Although level six is ​​very low for today's Dark Night Kingdom, in fact, the strength of extraordinary beings at this level is not weak.

With some equipment and spells, it is enough to fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

But a team with such strength and equipment died here quietly, and there were not even many remaining traces of the battle visible around them.

It can only be said that the extraordinary level of this world cannot be underestimated.

"When investigating, be as careful as possible. Even if you discover a local city, don't sneak in hastily. Test it a little first." Shen Fei left an order to Shadow Blade, and then withdrew his consciousness.

He only needs to understand a preliminary situation, and the rest can be handed over directly to the intelligence department.

However, in addition to the situation of the native civilizations of the New World, the situation of the lord kingdoms is also worthy of attention.

Shen Fei directly opened the kingdom ranking in the new world.

After the Altar of the Heavens in the New World was established, the rankings appeared directly, and the number of kingdoms appearing on it continued to increase one after another. It was obvious that those kingdoms were constantly building the Altar of the Heavens.

The total number at this time has reached fifty-three.

Among the fifty-three lord kingdoms, the overall rating ranking of the Dark Night Kingdom is only ranked thirty-sixth!

This can be said to be a novel experience for Shen Fei.

After all, ever since he became the lord, he has basically been the undisputed number one in any ranking or anything like that. Even when the alliance ranking first appeared, the Dark Night Alliance he led was still number one.

But now, the ranking in front of him has clearly told him that in the future, the objects he will compete with are no longer the lords of the same batch and the same world, but the "old people" under the lord system. Seniors".

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