From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 376 The law of creating a small world

At this point, the biggest problem for Shen Fei is how to establish a complete system.

"The rules of the extraordinary world are all different. Although there are some common parts, the common parts alone are not enough to build a basic extraordinary rule system for the world." Shen Fei silently thought about the gains during this period.

Unlike before the fourteenth level, if a lord wants to be promoted, he only needs to continue to extract.

Although it can undergo transformation, the entire body can break away from the ordinary, and can even show powerful power through various means such as pet beasts, equipment, elixirs, etc., to the lord, this kind of power is still like playing a game, but " Press the button to release the skill, and I don’t understand the mystery at all.

After reaching level fourteen, if you want to make progress, it cannot be achieved by simply extracting.

There must be real understanding.

Especially when it comes to extraordinary rules.

From Shen Fei's perspective, the whole process was like learning knowledge. His understanding of extraordinary power became more and more profound, and the power he could display became more and more powerful.

It was with this understanding that he became more serious about this last step.

"First of all, the rules of this world must be conducive to cultivation and the birth of spiritual beings." Shen Fei first put forward his request, "It cannot be like Menghong's world. Promoting to a true god requires the courage to move forward. That is too restrictive. ”

However, if there are no conditions, it will increase the difficulty of promotion.

With a single condition, the difficulty of promotion will be reduced a lot.

Like the small world outside, when the conditions are not met, none of the dozens of demigods over the thousands of years have been promoted to true gods, but a thousand years ago, there were eight of them.

This promotion ratio is indeed a bit exaggerated.

If the small world can provide assistance in this regard, there may be a chance to break the talent restrictions of the people and increase their probability of being promoted to true gods.

If it can really be done, the benefits it can bring are no less than a "cheating" mode.

Therefore, Shen Fei became more and more serious.

He does have an idea.

"Perhaps, the restrictions can be turned into a sense of belonging and identity for me and the world." Shen Fei thought in his mind, "If we can really lay out relevant extraordinary rules, that would be the 'Great Road'. People who coincide with the Great Road will naturally be able to fly very fast." promote."

Shen Fei has not forgotten that the small world belongs to him after all, and the help he provides to the people and even the servants is essentially to increase his own strength.

In this case, creating such extraordinary rules is not only in line with his own interests, but also in line with the development of the small world.

More importantly, this extraordinary rule is not created out of thin air, but has basis to follow.

That is the power of faith.

This is a quite common extraordinary rule. Although Shen Fei has never encountered such a world, and Meng Hong's world does not seem to have such extraordinary rules, he can definitely seek relevant mentors in the training building.

In addition to this, other parts must also be perfected.

For example, "Heavenly Tribulation".

Just like the previous restrictions, extraordinary rules such as the Heavenly Tribulation will certainly have certain restrictions on living beings, but they can also have many benefits. In some worlds, after passing the Heavenly Tribulation, you can obtain world gifts. This is also the case. Similar extraordinary rules.

Moreover, there is also a lot of room for maneuver for Shenfei.

Don't forget, he has been able to guide the occurrence of small-probability events from the very beginning. From the initial fruit mutation to the subsequent promotion of mortal species to spiritual beings, they are all similar performances, but very rough. But if he can Sorting out the extraordinary rules behind this rough power can be of great help to the development of the small world.

For example, breaking through to an advanced realm in a small world, or refining advanced elixirs, or refining powerful equipment.

As long as there is a certain failure rate, the success rate can be greatly increased by overcoming the tribulation.

After all, compared to competing with uncontrollable probabilities, controllable and preventable "catastrophes" are undoubtedly easier to solve.

All in all, the core of the extraordinary rules of the small world should be the requirement of "making it an extraordinary holy place while ensuring its own status."

After clarifying the requirements, all that's left is study and hard work.

As a result, Shen Fei entered a period of true seclusion.

Before he went into seclusion, he had arranged most of the things.

Especially the trapping of Yuanling.

The special cage in the starry sky was even specially reinforced by Shen Fei. A total of twenty-four space gates were arranged. Each space gate corresponds to an independent prison with its own different baits, and all All the prisons were entrusted to the Taixu Star Dragon, who was also at the fifteenth level. At the same time, he even allowed the Taixu Star Dragon to call upon the power of the stars stored in the starry sky in an emergency.

With this series of methods, Shen Fei estimated that unless a level 16 virtual spirit rushed in, there would definitely be no problem.

And even if a level 16 virtual spirit does appear, Shen Fei will come out of seclusion as soon as possible, and with the help of the power of the entire small world, he can still kill it.

What's more, according to the information obtained from the true god giant snake, let alone level 16 ethereal spirits, even level 15 ethereal spirits rarely appear.

Void Spirit, after all, is an existence of its own, so how can it care about a relatively barren place like the Eastern Wasteland.

The last time that giant snake saw the virtual spirit was almost fourteen hundred years ago.

After knowing this, Shen Fei naturally had nothing to worry about.

Thus, a formal period of retreat began.

The Kingdom of Dark Night also soon ushered in the second dark night of Menghong World.

The time is actually somewhat different from what was initially estimated. There are about twenty days of daylight in the Menghong world, while there are only about fifteen days of darkness. The daytime is longer, and in the prepared world Under such circumstances, all lords and subjects sent to the Menghong World were withdrawn three days in advance.

When night falls, Yan Tiancheng is the only one who follows the methods of dealing with other true gods in Menghong World, lurking quietly and trying to trap him at the same time.

Of course, his trapping efficiency cannot be compared with that in the small world, but he only does this to further detect information.

See if the information about Void Spirit and Yuan Spirit is the same as what the giant snake said.

As a result, there were no surprises.

In this round of fifteen days of darkness, with the help of Taixu Star Dragon, a total of 2,200 Yuanlings were killed in the small world, which was more than before.

And with so many valuable resources, the strength of the people in the territory has also been further improved.

In fact, for the citizens who are qualified to be promoted to true gods, the difficulty of their promotion is much easier than that of Shen Fei. After all, they do not need to consider the extraordinary rules of the entire small world, they only need to find the extraordinary rules information that suits them, and then Just digest it all.

The difficulty is like the difference between making a system and making a piece of software.

Therefore, after this second round of darkness passed, the third person in the territory who was promoted to level 15 appeared.

It was none other than Lu Jian.

His level itself meant that he was at the forefront of the territory, and as a Sword Immortal in his previous life, he had already taken this step. Now that he had so many resources, he could regain his strength naturally and quickly.

That is to say, the legendary hero is different from Yan Tiancheng. His cognition has returned to his youth, otherwise, it will be faster.

And the fourth one is naturally Su Su.

This hero who was originally going to be the goddess of life actually became the goddess of life this time.

At the moment of his promotion, the life force system of the entire small world seemed to be responding to the call of the goddess. Of course, there was naturally the will of Shen Fei who was in retreat, because Shen Fei was surprised to find that Su Su's His promotion helped him further improve the rules related to extraordinary plants. Now the life force system in the small world also has real underlying extraordinary rules as a basis, and its effect has been greatly improved.

The growth rate of basic extraordinary plants such as Spirit Valley has more than tripled.

You know, today's Linggu has been promoted to the fourth generation.

It is no worse than the rare extraordinary plants in the Kingdom Mall.

At this time, the resource output in the small world more than tripled.

However, because of the enhancement in this aspect, Shen Fei must consider the stability of the entire small world's rules. After all, the power of life will not be born out of thin air. The cycle and mutual influence between various types of extraordinary powers in the small world, This is the biggest difficulty in establishing extraordinary rules in the world.

It can be said that Shen Fei was in pain and happiness at the same time, and he was in a hurry to find a new mentor.

After the great harvest on the third night, the citizens and heroes in the territory seemed to have reached a critical moment, and the number of people who broke through increased greatly.

There are thirteen in total.

Among them are Fina and Shadow. The former seems to be dedicated to destruction. To a certain extent, it coincides with the characteristics of the Yuanling. The useful information obtained from it is much more than the others. However, her promotion is Quietly, all the destructive power was perfectly controlled by her.

The same is true for Shadow.

This legendary hero who helped Shen Fei a lot in the beginning, but had always been silent and only obeyed orders, has now become the real god of assassination.

Shen Fei also felt his self for the first time at the moment he became a god.

Although he is no longer like a puppet, this "self" is built in a dead silence and peace.

Yes, peaceful.

Shen Fei had never thought that this powerful assassin's true heart was filled with peace.

He was born for assassination, but he doesn't like killing.

"From now on, it should be the same as before." Shen Fei thought about it and felt that the same attitude as before is what Shadow looks forward to most.

In fact, if he had to enter the heart of Shadow before, he would break the lake in his heart. In that case, this powerful assassin who had assassinated the God of Assassination might be stuck at level fourteen.

All we can say is that it was each other's luck that Shen Fei met him and he met Shen Fei.

Shadow must have thought so in his heart.

Apart from these two, the remaining eleven are all territorial citizens.

There are six among the superhuman beings in the stars, and five among the divine angels.

Eight of them are innate shamans, and the remaining three have extremely outstanding qualifications among their respective races - their ratings are all much higher than the average rating of their race.

Shen Fei, who was in retreat, did not pay much attention to these people, but Maki started making arrangements immediately.

She sent all eleven of her subjects out.

One of them even replaced Yan Tiancheng.

"Mr. Yan is the most powerful, so he needs to be more flexible in his arrangements." Maki explained to Imazawa and Li Tingyu, "And Lu Jian, Shadow, and Fina also need to shoulder the responsibility of supporting them at any time. responsibilities, their respective strengths are relatively strong at the true god level. "

In fact, at this level, Lu Jian and the others are no longer much stronger than the people they lead.

It's just more powerful in terms of characteristics.

However, the three of them have higher positions in the kingdom. Compared with sitting in an alliance city, more flexible errands are undoubtedly more conducive to their own practice, so they should be handed over to people with higher positions. This is also It is a kind of recognition and reward for the three people's contributions in the past time.

Naturally, Li Tingyu and Imazawa understood the meaning of Maki's words.

Neither of them had any objections.

While Shen Fei was in seclusion, the joint decision of the three of them had the highest level of power in the territory and kingdom.

The rest naturally comply.

As a result, another ten alliance cities were established in the Eastern Wasteland, all within a thousand kilometers of each other. Some places were uninhabited, while some places had other true god-level powerhouses. If occupied, they will be directly captured, killed, or driven away.

Donghuang is such a place full of primitive laws.

However, when expelling one of the giant eagle-like true god-level beings, he also got some bad news from the other party.

"Three Tigers Divine Alliance." Maki looked at the simply translated name on the report in her hand and frowned slightly.

"Have we not expected this kind of offensive and defensive alliance led by some relatively powerful true gods?" Li Tingyu's expression was quite calm, "As long as there is something to ask for, there will be desire, and as long as there is desire, there will be There are interests involved.”

"That's what you say, but we are not ready yet. Especially we should not let this giant eagle escape." Maki put the report aside and sighed without concealment.

She has been under a lot of pressure during this time.

It is even bigger than when I controlled the Magic Empire in my previous life.

After all, when she became the Magic Queen in her previous life, she was already the strongest in the world, otherwise she would not be qualified to become the Magic Goddess. But now, without having an absolute advantage in power, she faces completely different difficulties and difficulties.

After all, power is everything.

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