From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 414 The three holy forces

Being a defender naturally has an advantage. What the Dark Night Kingdom has to do now is to expand this advantage as much as possible.

It is actually not difficult to do this. Not to mention the original forces, a large number of residual formations and resources have been left in this large area. They can be used directly with only slight modifications. Let’s just talk about the lord’s ability in this aspect. With the accumulation of foundation, it is not much weaker than the local forces.

What the lord possesses are resources from different worlds.

In terms of the diversity of defensive methods, it is far beyond what the natives can match.

Being caught off guard will definitely shock the attacking natives.

However, Shen Fei will not personally participate, he will just issue orders.

With the next move determined, the entire Dark Night Kingdom took action again. Cities were built rapidly and new areas were quickly occupied. At this time, the Dark Night Kingdom had surpassed the third place in the ranking of lord kingdoms and ranked second, second only to In the first place.

Although there is still a certain gap between the overall score and the first place, everyone can see that the development speed and development potential of the Kingdom of Dark Night is stronger than the first place.

In the eyes of many subordinate kingdom lords, the probability of the Kingdom of Dark Night winning the final victory in Menghong World has increased infinitely.

However, even Shen Fei is confident about this, but the more so, the more cautious he must be.

You never know what the enemy will do.

In the backup plan of the Dark Night Kingdom think tank, even the possibility of "other hostile lord kingdoms contacting local forces and besieging Dark Night" was considered, and various countermeasures were planned.

This is by no means a waste of effort, and this backup plan is extremely important if something does happen.

At this time, Shen Fei was continuing to retreat, trying his best to arrange the "small plane of time".

In his imagination, this is a small plane that is highly inclined to the laws of the time system. The laws of the time system will have a higher affinity and a more powerful effect here. Once successful, not only the plane itself will The solidified time distortion space effect will be greatly enhanced, and facilities such as time arrays can also exert greater effects.

This is self-evident for today’s territory.

And it’s not that difficult to implement.

If Shen Fei were asked to rank the means he had mastered, the first one would be Xingkong.

After all, the Taixu Star Dragon, as a top-level mythical pet beast, brought Shen Fei too powerful a talent for the Law of the Stars, and the small world was able to continuously draw huge amounts of star power from its pioneering places.

Under the double blessing, even though Shen Fei did not specifically spend time cultivating the Law of the Planets, his foundation and strength in this area still skyrocketed, and he unknowingly became the most powerful means.

Besides the starry sky, the second most important thing should be space.

This is also because of the small world. When Shen Fei first started practicing, the first thing he came into contact with was the power of space, and he never let it go. With the help of the power of the small world, he can now even sit in the "Kingdom of God" in the small world. ”, focusing on the worlds with small world space doors.

The small world space gate has become his "tentacles", spreading all over the world.

After space, the third thing is time.

The reason for this is very simple, there is only one-pay attention.

In the short few years that Shen Fei has been on this road, Small World has brought huge help in many aspects, and the most helpful one is undoubtedly the "time distortion space ability".

Accelerated training, citizen production, institute research, building upgrades, growth of extraordinary plants

Time distortion space is still playing a huge role today, and it is becoming more and more important. Under this situation, Shen Fei naturally invested a lot of energy in practicing and studying the laws of the time system.

Now, the "instructors" he found in the training building have become time controllers in a fantasy world, controlling all the laws of time in that world. They are extremely powerful, at least level 18 experts.

Of course, the consumption is also staggering.

Every time you train, there are hundreds of millions of source crystals.

But the effect is equally amazing.

After Shen Fei made his decision, he only spent about four months in seclusion before creating the "small plane of time".

"This is the thirteenth plane in the small world." Shen Fei was quietly suspended in a white space.

It may seem ordinary, but in fact, the passage of time here is accelerated twelve times compared to the outside world!

Compared with before, the efficiency has increased several times!

Not only that, the effect of the acceleration array arranged in this small plane is also tripled.

In other words, if the firepower is fully activated, there will be a full thirty-six times acceleration!

You know, even a lord like Le Yu can only accelerate time by about three times at most. This is still relying on the corresponding extraordinary technology mastered by her star abyss master. Otherwise, it will be 2.5 to survive. , to the level of 2.6.

And twice that is what most high-ranking lords can achieve.

After all, time acceleration is an extremely profound field. It is not difficult to achieve low-magnification acceleration, but as the acceleration efficiency increases, the difficulty increases geometrically.

Of course, the acceleration here means that it can cover at least one mythical building, and it is stable and will not be disturbed.

If you don't consider this requirement, it is not difficult to temporarily achieve dozens of times acceleration in a small area.

In any case, at the moment of the birth of this small plane, Shen Fei's foundation has increased again, and the growth rate of the territory has also accelerated again - he has moved all training buildings and other territory buildings that need to be accelerated here. .

Fortunately, the time plane and the first plane also overlap. Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to move part of the territory here.

"Let's get out of the customs first." After Shen Fei had done all the follow-up work, he did not forget his work.

He returned to his office, looked at the large number of reports piled up on the table, scanned them with his consciousness, and found some things that he was concerned about.

Then he frowned slightly, turned to look at Li Tingyu, who was also processing documents, and asked: "In the past four months, there has been no movement from the local forces?"

"My Lord, this is indeed the case." Li Tingyu raised her head and immediately understood what Shen Fei meant.

"Normally speaking, the news that we destroyed the Lion and Camel Temple should have been passed on. At the very least, there will always be an investigation." Shen Fei frowned even more tightly.

No probing, which is never a good thing.

This means that the local forces already have a certain understanding of their lord.

In all aspects, there is a lot of vigilance.

If there is not even an investigation by some small forces, it can only mean that there is some kind of more powerful force that is restraining the local forces.

It can't really be the Holy One.

This somewhat bad guess suddenly appeared in Shen Fei's mind, which made his originally good mood due to the successful birth of the time plane suddenly become a little worse.

With a thought, he directly extracted a document from the information database not far away, which was a basic investigation of the most holy thing in this world.

There are only seven Holy Saints, and only if one of them dies, a new Holy Saint will be born. This is limited by the extraordinary rules of this world. In Shen Fei's view, the extraordinary level of the 18th level is more suitable for being It's called "the realm of harmony".

You must integrate a complete and powerful avenue to reach this state.

The reason why there are only seven saints in Menghong World is precisely because this world only has seven extraordinary rules that are complete enough and meet the requirements.

Of course, this level is still a little far away from the current Shen Fei. What Shen Fei is more concerned about now is the relationship between these saints.

Obviously, even if you become the so-called "holy", as long as you still have desires and pursuits, there will be no contradictions.

The war between the Holy and the Holy is the real mainstream "disaster" in the Menghong world.

Even the night threats of Void Spirit and Yuan Spirit are just a small manifestation of this kind of disaster.

That's right, two of the seven holy saints came from the great plane where Void Spirit is.

The remaining two came from another space, and the main plane occupied by the Kingdom of Dark Night at this time had three holy beings.

These three saints supported three powerful forces, namely Xuanming Sect, Haoluo Dynasty, and Tianlihui.

A dynasty with a vast territory, a sect with a fixed mountain gate, and a mysterious meeting with no fixed address. These three powerful forces with the most sacred existence blended with each other in the central land, forming a subtle... But very stable balance.

If these three holy forces had done something, it would not be surprising that this situation would occur.

Among them, the one that concerned Shen Fei the most was this "Heavenly Law Association".

After all, both the Xuanming Sect and the Haoluo Dynasty have their own spheres of influence. Although the territory occupied by the Dark Night Kingdom now belongs to the central region, for these two forces, it is still a remote area, and it should not be so It quickly attracted attention.

Only heaven will be different.

It is said that this force created by the saint of Tianli is just to pursue all the truths in the world and all the unknowns. They have no fixed location or fixed members at all. Apart from being powerful and famous, it is as if they do not exist and there is no way to know it. .

And under the other party's purpose, if the mysterious origin of the lord is discovered and the infinite heavens behind the lord are discovered, it will arouse interest, which is almost a certainty.

This is also Shen Fei's biggest worry after learning about the existence of the Heavenly Li Association.

Now, it seems that this fear may become a reality.

He is not too worried about his own safety. Not to mention that only lords can use the Altar of the Heavens. With the small world alone, no one in this world can pose a real personal threat to him.

Not even the Holy One.

After all, if the Holy Saint who is bound to this world enters the small world, he will be a seventeenth level person who can be held to death. With the current level of the small world, he can easily be crushed to death.

However, Shen Fei himself is not afraid, but if he is really targeted by the Holy Saint, then the Kingdom of Dark Night's journey to the heavens will be difficult.

"A better possibility is that it is only the members of the Tianli Association who are eyeing us, not the Holy Saint named Tianli. If they really understand the lord, they should also understand that the strength behind us is not just what we show on the surface. These are the ones that came out." Shen Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking rapidly in his mind.

Here he is afraid of the strong indigenous people in this world, but how could the indigenous people not be afraid of them?

The indestructible bronze altar alone is terrifying enough.

Even the Holy One cannot destroy that thing.

So, the situation is still not at its worst.

At most, they have discovered their mystery, but are carefully investigating more information, or are they trying to show their kindness, or maybe they are being wary? By prohibiting reconnaissance and contact with small forces, is it to ease the relationship between them and local forces?

There are so many possibilities.

"No matter, let's develop first." Shen Fei could only say in the end, "Strength is the real thing. Since they won't come to explore, let's not take the initiative to explore first and digest the current territory first."

"I know." Li Tingyu nodded slightly.

Today's Kingdom of Dark Night has indeed explored its territory to the extreme. If it goes forward, it will touch the territory of Haoluo Dynasty.

The Haoluo Dynasty was founded by the Holy Saint Haoluo, but in fact the people in charge were only members of the same clan as the Holy Saint Haoluo, that is, the royal family of the Haoluo Dynasty, a race with three eyes, other than that very similar to the human race. According to the intelligence information currently investigated, the Holy Saint of Haoluo does not seem to care about the development of the dynasty. Even two hundred thousand years ago, when a huge rebellion occurred in the Haoluo Dynasty, the Holy Saint did not take action at all.

In this case, this huge force that occupies a full half of the central region is naturally fat in the eyes of the lord kingdom.

However, the strength is insufficient.

There are at least hundreds of level 17 people in the Haoluo Dynasty, and this is just on the surface.

If you want to invade the Haoluo Dynasty, the current Dark Night Kingdom, or most of the lord kingdoms, still have to wait.

And the lord kingdom that takes action first is also the most dangerous.

No one knows whether the Holy Spirit will suddenly take action.

In this case, the situation becomes extremely complicated. Even if the think tank lists many plans, it still cannot come up with the best plan. Therefore, even if there is no speculation about the Heavenly Council, the Kingdom of Dark Night will have to stabilize its territory next. , fully defensive.

Fortunately, if we continue to strengthen defenses simultaneously and slow down the construction speed, it will take at least two or three years just to digest the current site.

It is expected that a total of sixteen emerald treasure chests will be accumulated by then.

Now I have eight in hand, and in two or three months, I will be able to have another ten consecutive rounds.

If we can build a top-level mythical force-type building, we will be sure of victory. After a year or two, after the Lord's Mansion reaches level 12, we won't be afraid of the Holy Saint anymore.

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