From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 423: Contact with the Holy Saint

Facing the constant shock on the beastly face of this inhuman strong man, Li Tingyu, who brought him here, just said lightly: "Since you already know about our existence, why are you so surprised? ? Anything that seems impossible to you is possible in the endless world of heaven. ”

Di Huayu fell silent for a moment.

Isn't the biggest attraction of the world of lords to them the "endless possibilities"?

But even so, the scene in front of him was still too exciting to him.

This is like someone directly turning the fantasy into reality.

Can you create a growth environment for advanced spiritual plants at will?

This is simply the holy land that their Lianhuaze tribe dreams of!

To put it bluntly, their entire race is willing to stay in such a place forever!

"Lord Prime Minister Li." He looked at Li Tingyu, his tone was quite respectful, "I hope to have an audience with His Majesty the King."

"Your Majesty is practicing and will see you in about three days." Li Tingyu gave the time, "You can stay here during this period. Su Su is the general person in charge of the planting department in our territory. If you have anything, you can directly Communicate with Susu.”

"Thank you very much." Di Huayu naturally had no objection.

From the moment he made the request to meet Shen Fei, it already represented a decision made on his behalf.

Obviously, the power of the time-accelerating plane in front of them is enough to attract their entire race.

Li Tingyu also understood that the matter was settled.

And the subsequent meeting made everything go smoothly - Di Huayu just signed the final agreement with Shen Fei, that is, their entire race is only responsible for planting, and is not responsible for any work unrelated to planting.

Shen Fei naturally had no problem.

The greatest benefit to him from conquering this race is in the planting industry, which will inevitably greatly expand the planting industry in the territory. As for the prestige of Menghong World brought by conquering this race, it has become secondary.

Afterwards, Di Huayu obtained the secondary dependent system on the spot, and then returned to his race without stopping, summoning the seventeenth-level powers from the remaining thirteen branches, and took them back to the small world to experience the miracles here for himself .

After about two months, the entire Lianhuaze clan began to move.

This change obviously cannot be concealed, especially for the Kingdom of Storms, which is also keeping a close eye on the Lianhua Ze clan.

They couldn't imagine what happened to make all thirteen branches of the Lianhuaze clan choose Dark Night.

After inquiring to no avail, Storm Kingdom chose to take action boldly.

Four seventeenth-level mythical heroes personally tried to take away a senior member of the Lianhua Ze clan, but it was obvious that they underestimated the strength of the Lianhua Ze clan.

This race is indeed specialized in planting, but that does not mean it is weak.

On the contrary, their strength has been growing with the years.

Coupled with the marks Shen Fei placed on these powerful men, this raid was a complete failure.

However, this also triggered fierce discussions throughout the Lord Kingdom circle.

"The Kingdom of Storms is completely in disarray."

"It's normal. The potential and means of the Dark Night Kingdom far exceed those of the Storm Kingdom. If they continue to delay, their hope of winning will only become smaller and smaller."

"However, the Kingdom of Storms will not be willing to fail."

"Yes, the benefits of this world are too great, not only the rewards from the journey to the heavens, but more importantly, the local forces,"

"I'm betting on the Dark Night Kingdom to win. Do you want to switch over there now?"

"Does anyone know about the request to immigrate to the Kingdom of Dark Night?"


The voices from various lord kingdoms were quickly collected in front of Shen Fei.

Most of them are praising the dark night.

Even though the Kingdom of Storm still occupies the first place in the overall rating, but they failed twice in a row, anyone with a discerning eye can see the decline they showed when competing with the Kingdom of Dark Night. In addition, the Kingdom of Dark Night's total rating growth rate is much higher than that of Storm. For the Kingdom, it can be said that the probability of victory or defeat on the bright side between the dark night and the storm at this time is at least 70 to 30.

This trend easily triggered a craze among the lords.

For lords who want to immigrate, a kingdom with huge potential and powerful methods like the Kingdom of Dark Night obviously has unparalleled appeal. And for those who want to find a powerful kingdom to take refuge in, the way the Kingdom of Dark Night treats its affiliated kingdoms , and the strength it displays, also have great appeal.

All this is intuitively reflected in the voices of the lords.

Li Tingyu even urgently formed a diplomatic team for this purpose, specifically to receive those kingdoms that came to her door.

That's right, although Dark Night did not take the initiative to attack other lord kingdoms, it would not reject any kingdom that came to seek affiliation.

Under the transmission of the Small World Time and Space Gate, the affiliation is limited to the economic level. There is no need to care about distance and camp issues at all, and it can even be regarded simply as international trade.

In this case, the wealth of the territory also skyrocketed again.

"The current source crystal income, even if we upgrade the training building to level 12, is enough to support us, and there is still a surplus." Li Tingyu calculated the growing source crystal income in the office, and her arched eyebrows were enough to show her mood. of pleasure.

"There will be more and more in the future." Shen Fei also smiled and looked happy.

In front of him was the application report submitted by Su Su, which was a report on increasing the number of planting lands in the territory.

That's right, as the Lianhuaze clan moved to the small world, the number of originally relatively wealthy planting areas became seriously insufficient. Even if all the spiritual plants at the level below the True God were moved out, it would still be insufficient.

This is not only because the Lianhuaze Clan has brought a large number of true god-level planting personnel, but also because they have also relocated all the wealth accumulated by the Lianhuaze Clan over countless years.

The life system energy in the small world has increased dramatically as a result, and is now second only to the star system power.

If Shen Fei hadn't grown in size and level after becoming a sixteenth-level god, he might not have been able to withstand such a huge extraordinary plant.

Even those cultivators at the mortal level who focus on the life system seemed to have entered heaven one by one, and their cultivation speed increased dramatically.

This is naturally a good thing.

This means that the cultivation resources in the small world suddenly become rich, which are not only enough to support the cultivation needs of the people, but also have a large amount of output that can be sold.

It can be said that ordinary and high-level mythical extraordinary plants no longer have much value in today's territory.

According to Shen Fei's estimation, at least until a large number of level 17 or even level 18 units begin to appear in the territory, there will be a shortage of high-level resources again.

"A wave of fat, a real wave of fat." Shen Fei sighed, and then he became serious, "Tingyu, the fact that we conquered the Lianhua Ze clan should also bring a lot of consequences to the Menghong world. It’s a small impact.”

"Yes, my lord." Tingyu also restrained her excitement, and with a thought, she directly extracted a report and handed it to Shen Fei, "Our infiltration of local forces is not as easy as the infiltration of the lord kingdom. Information The method of transmission is also different, but we have still investigated some information, and many powerful forces have shown interest in us. "

After all, conquering the Lianhua Ze clan is something that even the Holy Saint cannot do.

Now, the Kingdom of Dark Night has done it so easily.

And it's not just conquering a single branch, it's conquering the entire race.

This kind of thing is enough to cause a sensation in the entire Menghong world, and even as time goes by, its influence will expand to the other two big planes.

"I can probably guess what those holy saints are thinking." Shen Fei pondered for a moment and said, "They should also have enough ideas about the lord system and the lord's world, and they probably won't let go of this escape from the shackles of the world. Looking for further opportunities, the reason why there is no movement now is simple - they want to find the most suitable option. "

"If this is really the case, we have a great chance." Li Tingyu's eyes lit up.

If we can get the support of the Holy Saint at this stage, even if it is just cooperation, we can basically declare the victory or defeat of the journey to the heavens.

It can be said that except for Shen Fei who owns a small world, no lord has the means to compete with the Holy Saint.

Of course, escaping is still easy.

A local powerhouse like the Holy Saint has no ability to forcibly descend to other worlds through the altar of the heavens.

It's nothing more than surviving and developing, and then coming back when it's enough to defeat the Holy One.

But if the Holy One supports a certain force, it will be different.

By the time other forces return, the journey to the heavens will have already ended.

However, Shen Fei shook his head, seemingly not as optimistic as Li Tingyu.

"The Holy One is looking for the most suitable, not the strongest."

"." Li Tingyu reacted immediately.

"The Holy Saint is the strongest person in this world after all, and has the supreme status. There is still a fundamental gap between this and Ziyang and the others." Shen Fei said slowly, "It can be said that the existences that can reach this step all have similar characteristics. Their character is arrogant and unwilling to be inferior to others, which means that compared to the most powerful lord kingdom, the lord kingdom with better control should be their most suitable target. "

"In this case, wouldn't we be in danger?" Li Tingyu also thought about this, looking a little serious.

"Not necessarily." Shen Fei shook his head again and said, "If they know enough about the lord's world, they will understand how the lord can be controlled so easily?"

That's right.

As long as the level of the lord system is slightly lower, low enough for these holy saints to see something, the situation of the Kingdom of Dark Night will become quite dangerous.

However, the level of the lord system is obviously much higher than the eighteenth level of extraordinary level.

Even if you are an eighteenth-level saint, you will not be arrogant for long when you come to the world of lords.

Not to mention, the Holy Spirit of Menghong World is obviously flawed.

Their most holy position does not belong to themselves, but to Heaven. This also means that they cannot be taken away. Once they leave this world, they will inevitably fall. In this case, it is not easy to control the lord.

The Kingdom of Storms already has seventeenth-level high-quality mythical heroes, and in the Kingdom of Dark Night, once the Taixu Star Dragon is promoted to level seventeen, it will be a top-notch mythical pet beast at level seventeen!

However, it only took a mere dozen years for the lords to reach this level. The power of the lord system is already evident.

No matter how conceited and arrogant the Holy Saint is, they must admit that after they come to the world of the lord, they will lose their supreme power and status in a short period of time.

In this case, if they choose a lord kingdom that is too weak, then the next journey to the heavens will be the moment they regret this choice.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Dark Night still has a certain attraction for the Holy Saint.

This may be one of the reasons why the Holy Saints have not yet come to an end and have not made a decision.

But at this time, the reason why Shen Fei raised this point was because he was already aware of the possible comeback methods that Storm Kingdom might use.

——Directly trying to contact the Holy One!

Provide treatment that the Dark Night Kingdom cannot or will not provide, and win over the Holy Saint to join.

Once they succeed, there is a real possibility of a comeback.

"Then what should we do?" After Li Tingyu also thought about these things clearly, she looked at her master and asked softly.

In fact, unknowingly, the way of communication between her and Shen Fei had begun to reverse.

In the past, she was the one making suggestions and giving plans in most cases, while Shen Fei was listening and asking questions.

But now, it is Li Tingyu who is asking and listening, and Shen Fei who is giving solutions.

This situation arises, on the one hand, naturally because of Shen Fei's identity and status, but on the other hand, it is also because, with the continuous expansion of the Kingdom of Dark Night, Shen Fei, the only king in the entire kingdom who truly controls the overall situation, Only then can we see the situation clearly with enough ability and vision.

For example, right now.

Shen Fei's eyes have been cast outside the small world, into the "Heavenly Way" that is invisible and insubstantial, but actually exists and spreads throughout the entire world.

"I plan to find an opportunity to contact the Holy Saint." Shen Fei suddenly laughed, "If the Storm Kingdom wants to contact the Holy Saint, it can only rely on the power of the Holy Saint, but I don't need it. I just need to sit in the small world. , you can contact any saint."

In the beginning, Shen Fei had been avoiding the Holy Sage's gaze.

The Kingdom of Dark Night was too weak at that time.

Any random action of the Holy Saint may bring destruction to the Kingdom of Dark Night's journey through the heavens.

However, now that the Kingdom of Dark Night has developed to a point where it cannot be ignored, and this gaze cannot be avoided no matter what, the situation has become different.

If Shen Fei's guess is correct and the Holy Saint is indeed observing them to determine his choice, then some negotiation will become necessary.

It can only be said that as his strength improves, Shen Fei's confidence and approach will change accordingly.

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