From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 432 The winner has been decided

From the perspective of Hedao, Shen Fei does not need to be Hedao at all. He himself is the Dao of Heaven, and the extraordinary rules of the small world are born in accordance with his will. This is also the main reason why Shen Fei was suddenly stuck before.

But now, after feeling the holy form of existence up close, he had new ideas.

That is the avenue to integrate the "buffer zone".

To be precise, it is control.

The Holy Saint can only control one, but if it uses the heavenly way of the small world as the carrier, it is not just as simple as controlling one, but has the real opportunity to erode the heavenly way of the entire Menghong world.

Of course, he is still only at level 16 and cannot do this yet.

He only needs to try to master the part, and that's enough.

"From this point of view, compared to other people, especially the natives of Menghong World, my progress in the avenue field has directly improved by one level." Shen Fei closed his eyes slightly and carefully felt the simulation in the training building. A collection of extraordinary rules that emerged from the Menghong world.

In the Menghong world, only people at the peak of level 17 are qualified to do this.

Moreover, in the entire Menghong world, there are only seven relatively complete avenues that can be mastered by intelligent creatures.

But Shen Fei is not an "intelligent creature".

He is another world.

He doesn't need to master a single avenue. What he has to do is to bring as many of the incomplete extraordinary rules into his control as possible.

The difficulty of this is also in line with his level of breaking through seventeenth level.

As for what changes will be brought about after achieving this step, Shen Fei doesn't know yet, he can only make a rough guess.

"Let's focus on space." Shen Fei quickly made a decision.

Not much consideration, just because it's the fastest.

The multi-dimensional extraordinary rules that appeared in the small world when he broke through to level 16, and the space rules contained in it, in addition to Shen Fei's past accumulation, are mainly based on the big world of Meng Hong, because in In that process, the law fragments from Void Spirit provided him with a lot of help.

So choosing a space at this moment is equivalent to more than half of it being completed.

The rest is much simpler.

The space system avenue of the Menghong world is not complete. This can be seen from the changes between night and day. The great plane of the abyss, the plane of clouds, and even many other small planes are essentially different. It is the change brought about by this incompleteness.

Just like a small world, each plane is relatively complete, and the relationships between each other are orderly and completely controllable. Only then can it be considered complete.

Therefore, Shen Fei is confident that he can completely master this incomplete road in a very short period of time.

While he was in seclusion, the Dark Night Kingdom's attack on the Storm Kingdom suddenly slowed down.

This approach is very secretive. All commands are completed in the small world. Even the Holy Saint cannot grasp the relevant intelligence information. Therefore, in the opinion of almost everyone, the reason why the attack is slowing down is because the Kingdom of Storms Their territorial area is constantly shrinking, and their resistance is becoming more and more concentrated.

The last one is always the hardest to chew.

After six months passed, even some relatively dull people could faintly sense that something was wrong.

The strength that the Kingdom of Dark Night brought out was no longer what it would have been under normal development. At the same time, their offensive on the battlefield no longer seized every opportunity.

"Is this deliberately slowing down progress to give Storm Kingdom a chance to survive?"

Many lords also realized this.


It's not difficult to find the reason.

In this world, the only one who can make the Kingdom of Dark Night fear is the Holy One.

As for the Holy Saint, he had naturally seen it a long time ago.

The reason why they hesitate until now is because they don't know why the Dark Night Kingdom intends to slow down so obviously.

However, they won't hesitate for long.

"It's time to take action." The voice of the Holy Saint Haoluo was conveyed among the Holy Saints. "Although the Kingdom of Storms has not been pushed to the extreme, their king already knows that he has no chance of winning by himself."

"It's just clear, but it's not profound." A deep voice sounded, "The subsequent control will change a lot."

"Yuanxu, you have to understand that facing the lord, even we can't prepare everything to the extreme." Holy Saint Hao Luo seemed to have made up his mind, "We just need to be clear that it is still possible to control the Storm Kingdom , but even if we join the Kingdom of Dark Night, it will be worthless in a short time. How can we get what we want by then? "


No one responded.

In fact, this is the main reason why this agreement can be established so easily.

Most of the Holy Saints are afraid of the Kingdom of Dark Night.

The way they deal with the Night Kingdom is the way they deal with fear.

Haoluo and Yuanxu chose to win, while the rest of the Holy Saints chose to sway depending on the situation.

So, on a day that no one expected, without any warning, endless flames and endless darkness fell from the sky. At a certain moment when no one had time to react, it swept every true god of the night with precision.

Whether they are legion leaders, heroes, or lords, everyone in the great world of Menghong, and even everyone in the small plane, have all become targets of this mighty force that is like a punishment from heaven.

At this moment, everyone knew that the Holy Saint had taken action!

It's the joint efforts of the two Supreme Saints!

The Dark Night Kingdom is going to be finished!

Countless lords and countless natives had the same idea at this moment, especially the lords. Although they had known the power of the Supreme Saint for a long time, this was the first time they really felt the extent of this power.

It seemed that in this world, the Supreme Saint was Thanos wearing infinite gems, the player outside the screen, and the author who created the world with a pen. There was nothing that the Supreme Saint could not do.

Including solving the entire Dark Night Kingdom in an instant!

However, at this moment, mysterious power suddenly emerged from the body of each Dark Night True God.

That was the power of space.

Each Dark Night True God carried a soul-calling stone from Shen Fei. In addition to the function of soul-calling, this stone itself was a tiny space channel connecting the entire small world.

And at this moment, under the great power of the small world and Shen Fei's full control, each soul-calling stone was completely stimulated.

Shen Fei not only wanted to summon souls, he also wanted to pull all the people back to the small world.

"It's useless." The voice of Hao Luo Supreme Saint seemed to sigh softly in the whole world.

At this moment, he was like the incarnation of the Way of Heaven, representing the endless divine punishment from the Way of Heaven.

However, Shen Fei's voice also sounded in the same form.

"You are too arrogant." He seemed to be sighing in the same way, "If you want to enter the endless world of the heavens, the first thing you need to learn is the same endless awe."

What came out next was not the power from the small world.

But it came from the Menghong World.

It was a space that was directly torn apart, forming a protection that blocked the flames and darkness.

Even if it was only a moment, it was enough.

This short moment allowed all the Dark Night True Gods to return to the buffer zone of the small world.

This sudden change in the blink of an eye, let alone Hao Luo Zhisheng, even the other Zhishengs were stunned on the spot.

It was only because they clearly felt that what had just emerged was the power of the Great Dao - not in that mysterious blank area, but in the entire world, the power of the Eighth Great Dao under the control of the other party emerged!

With the determination of the Zhisheng, the voice emerged only after a moment.

"Space, is it complete?"

"No, it's not complete!"

"Why is this?"

"No matter how hard it is to believe, the facts are in front of us. The Dark Night King can even merge the incomplete avenue."

"How is this possible?"

"Perhaps, as he said, if we want to jump out of the world, the first step we should learn is to be awed."


Voice after voice continued to sound between the sky, and the saints seemed to no longer have any cover-up. All the natives could clearly hear the sigh of the supreme existence in their hearts.

Especially the Haoluo Dynasty, each one of them was unbelievable, as if they could not recover from this shock at all.

Although they didn't know what happened at all, they knew clearly that except for the first voice, their saints had no movement.


Haoluo Saint also failed.

"No!" Haoluo Saint's voice suddenly sounded, "Even if they retreated unscathed, the victory still belongs to the Storm Kingdom."

His voice was still firm, as if he was still sure of victory.

Even made many storm lords look happy.

That's right, at this time, the Dark Night Kingdom was deserted and all the cities were undefended. With the help of the Supreme Saint, they could occupy all the Dark Night cities in a very short time, and then build cities in the blank areas crazily. They only needed to build a first-level city to completely win the War of the Heavens in a very short time!

However, Shen Fei's voice rang again.

"Please everyone -" he said lightly, as if announcing to the whole world, "Take down Hao Luo and Yuan Xu."


A moment of silence.

Just when everyone began to doubt whether they had heard it wrong, several faint sighs seemed to float in the sky.

"Follow your majesty's words."

"Then obey your majesty's orders."

"Hao Luo, the victory or defeat is determined."

"No need to say more, let's take action."

"Hao Luo, we have known each other for countless years, you just give up."

No more, no less, exactly five.

Except for Hao Luo and Yuan Xu who were to be taken down in Shen Fei's order, the other five Supreme Saints actually all obeyed Shen Fei's instructions!

This reality is impacting everyone in the world!

Whether it is the lords or the natives!

The lords' reaction is undoubtedly the biggest, and everyone in the Storm Kingdom has an incredible expression.

"Why?" The Storm King yelled in his lord's mansion, "Are you teasing me? Since you have already subdued five saints, why don't you end it early? What's the point of fighting!"

He really couldn't accept it.

The failure of the journey to the heavens is nothing. There can only be one winner among hundreds of lord kingdoms. Even if they were close to this result, they failed in the end.

What he couldn't accept was that he failed in this way!

Hao Luo the Saint had clearly promised him that all the saints would stand on his side.

Now it seems like a joke.

Of the seven Holy Saints, only two took action, and five of them were on the side of Dark Night. In this case, this war was completely meaningless. He should have given up and surrendered long ago, instead of foolishly believing in hope. , persisted until he suffered heavy losses, and then told him this hopeless result!

It was as if he was being teased severely by the Dark Night and the Holy Saint teaming up.

Beside the Storm King, his heroes and his think tanks were all silent.

They naturally understood the situation.

The Holy Saints were not deliberately teasing. Although there were indeed only two who took action, the other five did not stop them - they were clearly testing to see if the Kingdom of Dark Night could still maintain its defense even if the Holy Saint took action. The ability of the kingdom's forces.

If so, what if the Storm Kingdom wins?

Can a mere victory erase the potential gap between them and the Storm Kingdom?

As long as the strength is intact, I am afraid that the Storm Kingdom will face the painful revenge of the Dark Night Kingdom before the next journey to the heavens begins.

In this situation, those saints who have not taken action naturally have more choices.

"This journey to the heavens is over." It seemed that an unknown hero's murmur was hidden beneath the storm king's hysterical roar.

But on the other side, Shen Fei was also saying the same thing.

He was holding a wine glass and sitting in his office, with a look of joy on his brows.

"Fortunately, it was successful. Otherwise, I would have suffered heavy losses." He took a sip of wine to calm himself down.

Yes, this time it was indeed a fluke.

Because, his strength at this moment is impressively 99% of level 16.

He couldn't even reach the seventeenth level.

Yes, he did master the Space Avenue with the help of the Small World, but the Space Avenue was not complete, and he had the help of the Small World, so he could not completely reach the seventeenth level.

You need to master at least one more, or half of it, to truly be considered level seventeen.

Of course, he has now surpassed all levels of sixteen, but the lord system cannot understand his current level. According to his own understanding, he can probably be regarded as half-step seventeen, or the weakest seventeen.

After all, for him, level seventeen has no "qualitative" threshold at all, but only the accumulation of "quantitative".

Fortunately, there were only two Holy Saints who took action. Fortunately, he had already set up a new extraordinary rule for the Soul-Calling Stone - when more than 50% of the members were threatened at the same time, he would directly mobilize the power of the world and the maximum power. Activate the teleportation channel for all members.

Coupled with the mastery of the Space Avenue, he can also mobilize the power of heaven of the same quality as the Holy Saint. Even if the "quantity" is far inferior, he only needs to block it for a moment.

It can only be said that this time, Shen Fei was indeed not completely sure and relied on a little luck.

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