From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 440 Behind the Lord System

Of course, this is only a literal understanding, almost like picking out words, but without seeing any information, Shen Fei can only make such a guess.

And he felt that the possibility of speculation was very high.

After all, all the actions of the lord system towards the lord can be collectively referred to as two words from today's perspective.

——Training troops.

Whether it is the series of rewards when you first become a lord, or all the systems after you embark on the journey to the heavens, their fundamental purpose is to cultivate a powerful lord kingdom.

In particular, the fact that max-level buildings can be delorded is almost a clear statement to all lords that the lord system does not impose mandatory control on the lords.

It can also be said to be a rule used to alleviate the lord's "vigilance" towards the lord system.

In this case, if the ultimate purpose of the lord system is to put lords and lord kingdoms as "soldiers" on a certain battlefield, then many things can be explained.

A lot of relevant speculation reports have already accumulated on Shen Fei's desk.

But now, the second choice is undoubtedly the one leading to the ultimate goal.

"Tingyu, convene a territorial think tank for discussion." Shen Fei did not rush to make a decision in the end. Even though he already had a preference in his mind, he still needed some time to think about it.

After Shen Fei gave the order, the kingdom's increasingly large think tank immediately began to take action.

This think tank is composed of all kinds of officials from the territory, including heroes, territorial citizens, and even indigenous people who have joined. The highest requirement is not wisdom or ability, but loyalty.

In other words, this is a group of elites who are most loyal to their territory and Shen Fei.

With the wisdom of this group of elites, they can basically speculate on all the known possibilities of a thing, and then list the most suitable options.

Of course, Shen Fei still has to make the final decision.

But this time, the discussion meeting was quickly placed in front of Shen Fei. After all, the situation was indeed not complicated at all.

"Are you really suggesting you choose the second option?" Shen Fei looked at the report and chuckled.

"The main concept of the think tank is that there is little hope of winning if you choose the first option. In addition, after the end, there is a high probability that you will still face the second option. That should be the battlefield that all lord kingdoms will face in the end." Li Tingyu Said softly.

"In that case, let's decide." Shen Fei no longer hesitated, stood up from his seat, and directly made his choice among the Kingdom Center through the Lord System panel.

The next moment, brand new lord system information appeared on his panel.

[Congratulations, you have completed the training for new recruits on the battlefield of the human race. 】

[The Lord System is a human recruit training system created by the Multi-World Human United Association. The purpose is to cultivate and enhance human power in the battlefields of the heavens. All rewards are provided by the Human United Association. After the recruit training system ends, your lord System permissions will be automatically upgraded and the following changes will occur:]

【1. Lord’s Heart:

The heart of the lord will become the law of the territory, and you can freely choose whether to integrate or not.

Refusing to integrate will cancel territory rules, including but not limited to personal territory, alliance territory, and kingdom territory.

After agreeing to integrate, the size of the territorial laws will change according to the lord's strength and understanding of the laws. Fully analyzers can create secondary territorial laws on their own and give them to other lords who are unable to complete the recruit training to practice. 】

【2. Territory buildings:

The time upgrade system is cancelled, all acquired building permissions are completely transferred, and the building levels will be automatically unlocked as the lord's strength increases. 】

【3. Treasure box system:

All treasure chest rewards will be cancelled, switched to the points system of the United Humanity Association of Multiple Worlds, and the Trade Chamber of the United Humanity Association of Multiple Worlds will be opened. Lords can rely on battlefield performance and resource trade to obtain points to choose all the resources in the world on their own. 】

【4. Kingdom system:

The Kingdom Center and the Alliance Center also completely transfer authority, but the lord system no longer provides legal protection for the king, and the king can consolidate the kingdom system on his own. 】

【5. Hero system:

The loyalty monitoring system is cancelled, and the hero contract is completely transferred to the lord. The lord can know the hero's location and general mood through the contract. 】

【6. Lord Channel:

The Lord's Channel will be independent from the Lord's Heart and transformed into a dedicated communication equipment for the Multi-World Humanity United Association, adding multiple channels, adding mall links, and increasing the association's membership hierarchy.

Note: Keeping this equipment will by default retain the membership of the United Humanity Association of Multiple Worlds. Please abide by the association rules. Violators will face penalties from the association. 】

【7. Journey to the Heavens:

It is not only the human race that can cross the world of multiple worlds. This is a grand, cruel battlefield with no retreat. After the completion of recruit training, the United Human Association of Multiple Worlds will no longer provide a safe world, and will enforce a frontline battlefield of the heavens. , and after that, whether he actively explores and continues to grow stronger, or stops moving forward until he is invaded by the enemy and loses everything, the lord's journey to the heavens will be decided by himself. 】

[Note 1: This information was released in the 326th year of the trial operation of the Lord System. 】

[Note 2: The Multi-World Humanity United Association was jointly founded by five of the strongest humans in the multi-world. It takes the sense of belonging to the human race as its heart, mutual help and mutual benefit as its skeleton, and uses all races in the world as weapons. It is based on the world of all heavens. It is one of the three most powerful forces in the known world of the heavens, and is also the strongest backing of all human beings in the known world of the heavens. 】

[Note 3: Please do not try to refuse or evade the only mandatory military service, otherwise the Association Punishment Center will come and impose mandatory punishment. 】

Shen Fei carefully read this piece of lord system information, which was probably the most word-counted.

My heart was shocked, but I seemed to have been mentally prepared for it.

Because this is indeed among the think tank's speculation reports.

However, the truth behind the lord system was grander and looser than he originally expected.

There is no conspiracy or any shocking secret. The so-called lord system is just an attempt to train new recruits by the United Association of Humans in Multiple Worlds.

Yes, try.

The last note was written very clearly. When he received this message, it had only been a trial run of the Lord System for more than 300 years.

In just over three hundred years, not to mention the world, even for some extraordinary people under the true gods, it is only a short moment, and it will end.

No wonder, every match takes so long.

It is estimated that the number of all "lord kingdoms" combined is not as large as imagined.

If this system can continue to operate, then he might be the "senior" in the system.

Belonging to the most ancient group of lords.

"This is really..." Shen Fei thought about his initial worries about the lord system and the grand purpose of "replacing it". At this time, a strange emotion filled his heart.

There is no need to defeat the Lord System as the final villain, people just plainly admit it.

After completing the so-called "recruit training", Shen Fei only saw two key points among the eight changes.

"Freedom" and "on your own."

That's right, except for the only compulsory military service, which is the upcoming battlefield of the heavens, the United Association of Humans in Multi-Worlds no longer has any compulsory behavior. It seems to be a relatively loose force in management, but again, don't think about it No matter how simple it is to get a treasure chest as a reward, the lord needs to go on the journey to the heavens himself.

The United Association of Humanities in the Diverse World only serves as a "platform".

Of course, Shen Fei estimated that there should be deep-rooted forces within the association that had a stronger sense of belonging and stricter management. However, instead of forcing people to join, they should be seeking entry.

After all, if the world is really as grand, cruel, and filled with many enemies as stated in the message, then the Association is simply the best and strongest backing for mankind.

"The real path has just begun." Shen Fei already had this understanding in his heart.

However, before he had time to think about it, the changes in the entire territory had gradually begun.

First of all, it was the lord's heart that was always in his chest and integrated with his entire heart.

During the long period of practice, Shen Fei had explored this thing deep into his body more than once, but even with the help of the power of the small world, he could only feel that it was a powerful power of law.

The levels are far beyond ordinary laws.

At this moment, it finally revealed all of itself.

That's the "law of territory."

A powerful supernatural rule.

In Shen Fei's cognition at this moment, it seems that many similar extraordinary rules such as "field", "formation", "god kingdom" and so on are integrated, and the final effect is to control a large area of ​​land.

Just being in control can't be called "powerful", but in Shen Fei's understanding, the "personality" of this kind of control is even higher than the way of heaven.

Second only to the control of the world by the Source of the World.

what does that mean?

This means that unless even the source of the world is swallowed up, the lord's occupation of the world is absolute, and even the entire world's extraordinary collection of rules cannot expel the lord.

"This is where the lord is most powerful." Shen Fei couldn't help but sigh.

In the great world of Menghong, why did the Holy Saint have such powerful power but could only choose to submit to the lord?

Because, even if they are the Holy Saints, even if they integrate into the most complete and powerful seven avenues of Menghong World, they cannot completely expel the lord from Menghong World, let alone erase them.

Ever since the lord came and built the first city and the first bronze altar, this world, this land, has partially and completely belonged to the lord.

But now, this powerful extraordinary rule was placed in front of Shen Fei.

You only need to learn, analyze, and master it thoroughly. If you want to own territory, you don't need to build cities or flags. You can spread and occupy it yourself.

Moreover, you can also create secondary laws and give them to other lords, or anyone, so that they can help you and open up new territories.

After all, not every lord is eligible to "graduate."

Apart from anything else, if you want to integrate into the complete Dao, you must have at least level 18 strength.

Shen Fei saw clearly that level 18 was a crucial threshold. Judging from the current situation, most lords could not reach this level by themselves.

They can only achieve this by relying on the secondary laws bestowed by stronger people.

Therefore, the kingdom's system did not collapse or disband, but became more stable.

Previously, Shen Fei, the kingdom's control over the kingdom lords, not only relied on strength and interests, but also relied more on the authority of the lord system - he was the only lord who could build kingdom cities and bronze altars.

After that, this authority became a corresponding law, and all kingdom lords would become his "subordinate gods".

Shen Fei is the source of power for all lords, and the Dark Night Kingdom will become a true kingdom of God, a kingdom of God with Shen Fei as the only supreme god.

Compared with before, the ruling power has clearly become stronger.

Not only the lords, but also the heroes and the people.

The people are okay. After the people's buildings are completely owned by Shen Fei, all the people are real people born in the small world, natives of the small world, and born with the label of Shen Fei.

As for the heroes, they actually gave up part of their souls when they signed the contract with the lord system. Shen Fei had obtained the contracts of all the heroes at this moment. He could clearly feel that this was also an extremely powerful extraordinary rule. Although it was not as overbearing and profound as the contract with pets, he could intuitively feel the location of each hero and their general emotions by controlling this part of the soul.

If Shen Fei was stronger than the hero, he could easily invade back along this part of the soul and consciousness.

It can be said that after "graduation", as long as the lords who led the birth of the people and the heroes who had the contract were not really bad, the lords' rights would be absolute.

Shen Fei even speculated that the creation of the lord system might be because of the perfection of the two laws of "territory law" and "contract law", which made the top leaders of the association see the possibility of mass establishment of the heavenly forces, and then the lord system was created and operated.

"And the mall."

Shen Fei put the two rules aside first. What he cared about most was how to get powerful treasures without the treasure chest reward.

Other things were not that important.

After all, for him who had a small world, it was natural for him to take the path of "power of the heavens". He could directly devour the world without the territory law, and he could directly establish a small world connection and bind subordinates without the contract law.

However, without the many resources from the lord system, the development speed would inevitably slow down.

Just like the past forty years.

And at this moment, he had a piece of something like a crystal plate in his hand, and the mysterious patterns were densely spread all over the crystal plate, even to the point where even the true gods could not distinguish clearly.

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