From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 445 Future Performance Prediction List

However, as he is still unable to reach the level of the most powerful person, Shen Fei cannot guess and can only continue his practice.

As one world after another was devoured, the small world became visibly stronger in just a few years.

Even though this kind of power was only "quantitative" and had not yet caused a qualitative change, it still gave Shen Fei a completely different feeling.

Now, he seems to be integrated with the whole world. Even without doing anything special, he can easily know and control everything in the small world.

As long as he is willing, he can even hear everyone's voices and see everyone's thoughts.

This level of control is even greater than before.

"Is it because I absorbed more of the source of the world?" Shen Fei felt vaguely enlightened.

He is indeed a fusion of small worlds, the world itself, but this fusion is not without levels.

Before that, perhaps he and the small world had truly become one, but now, the connection between the small world and him is still getting deeper and deeper as it continues to swallow up new sources of the world.

Therefore, his feeling of becoming more and more powerful at this moment is not actually a qualitative change in his practice, but the power to truly control the small world.

"Even in the outside world, you can directly mobilize the power of the small world, and even directly control and influence the extraordinary rules of the outside world." Shen Fei was staying outside the small world at the moment, looking at the vast galaxy in front of him, and even waved his hand. It feels like it can destroy galaxies, or it can create stars.

And he was sure that this was not a misunderstanding.

Although he is indeed only level 18, he feels like he is in "his own world".

"Is this the 'holy' of all the worlds?" Shen Fei squeezed his palms and did nothing, but he sighed in his heart, "No wonder the identity of the Lord of the World is valued by the association. Just for this characteristic , it can already take advantage of most battlefields in the heavens.”

Don't look at the previous times when the five holy saints invaded other worlds, they seemed to be able to face the attacks of the four supreme gods with ease.

But this is just because they can leave at any time.

If they stay too long, they will lose.

These are just four eighteenth-level experts who have merged into one avenue.

If it were a being like Shen Fei, in the small world, let alone five level 18s, even if they were level 19 or 20, Shen Fei would be confident of crushing them to death easily.

And now, this "power" that originally only worked in the small world has begun to spread outside the small world.

Fighting at a higher level is no lie!

"The path to level 19 has been found." Shen Fei clenched his fist slightly and returned to the small world again.

He wants to find a suitable nineteen-level world, and then start to devour it to improve his quality, and then spread the level of the small world's heavenly law towards "outside the world".

This is the path to level 19.

Once the path is clear, the rest will be much simpler.

The world that Shen Fei finally chose was a relatively rare "timeline multi-parallel universe".

The reason for choosing such a world is naturally because the time system law helps the territorial forces.

"Sure enough, the nineteenth level time system law cannot cover the entire universe. After reaching the fifteenth level of extraordinary level, it will jump out of the timeline and become the only one among many parallel worlds." Shen Fei is observing this. Unique world.

This world is based on a unique planet, which is the basis of all intelligent life. There is a race named "Zeta" on the planet. It seems that they should be classified as elves in the sky, but they do not have very powerful magic. Talent, but the potential to awaken super powers.

Interestingly, there are always people who have special and different abilities that awaken in other timelines.

The weak may not be able to change anything, but the strong can mess up almost every timeline.

However, such parallel worlds of timelines are not without connection with each other. The law of time has a strong binding effect. The power of "destiny" seems to have become unprecedentedly powerful in such a world.

If you do not reach the level of a true god, you will inevitably be tricked by fate.

But the inertia of time itself is also preventing the birth of the true god.

Therefore, this world clearly has nineteen levels, but the strongest among them is only fourteen levels.

This is one of the reasons why Shen Fei chose this world.

"It's just a treasure. It's really hard for me to find it." Shen Fei's eyes became a little fiery.

If he can devour this world, he can even accelerate the development of the underlying civilization of the small world for hundreds or thousands of years, and continue to harvest high-quality people from it, thereby rapidly increasing the foundation of civilized power in the small world.

Maybe, on this battlefield of the heavens, we can see the native people of the small world appear for the first time.

"As one of the first forces I came into contact with, the time system laws I have mastered are not weak in themselves. A rough calculation shows that it only takes about twenty years to devour this world, which is even shorter than the time it takes to break through level 18. ”

This also degenerated him into having so many eighteenth-level worlds for him to devour. After all, before devouring the great world of Menghong, he could only find some worlds whose power levels were no more than fifteenth or sixteenth level.

There isn’t even a level 17 person.

The accumulation is completely incomparable.

However, just when Shen Fei decided to formally retreat, a message from Meng Hao suddenly came from the association terminal.

Or a collective emergency summons.

"All the recruits have arrived. It seems that everyone is well prepared. Therefore, I decided to open a communication channel for new recruits. You are all comrades this time and can have a good chat. In addition, according to the habits of each lord, there is also a corresponding ranking. , I hope we can continue to work hard before the war starts.”

When Shen Fei looked at the word "ranking", the corners of his mouth twitched.

After arriving at this battlefield, there was no response from the lord channel on the terminal. I thought there were no points this time.

But I didn't expect that this would happen.

I don’t know what the rankings will be based on this time.

After all, after graduation, all the authority in the territory belongs to the lord, and all the authority in the kingdom belongs to the king. In theory, the lord system, including the association, will no longer control all aspects of the lords as before. understanding.

So out of curiosity, Shen Fei opened the ranking directly.

Found that there is only one ranking above.

[Future performance prediction list (points are determined by instructor Meng Hao’s powerful skill that can predict the future)]

"What the hell is this?" Shen Fei couldn't help complaining about his desire this time, "This is entirely Meng Hao's own interest, right? What reference value can it have?"


Even if Meng Hao really had an extremely powerful skill, Shen Fei didn't quite believe that he could accurately predict his future.

That is almost equivalent to predicting the future of the small world. If this can be done, wouldn't Meng Hao be stronger than his future self?

Shen Fei thought for a while and sent a private message to Meng Hao to talk about what was going on.

Later, I realized that his skill was indeed very powerful, but it did not break out of the limitations of the world's rules. It could predict the level and performance of all beings below Level 21 in the world over a period of time.

In other words, this score actually shows the development of the forces under each lord's name in the world.

"This is interesting." Shen Fei thought, and then found that some lords' points began to skyrocket.

And some lords' points even began to decline.

Obviously, the soaring lord may have transferred all his subjects, heroes, etc. to this world, while the decline was just the opposite, and began to evacuate.

Shen Fei thought for a moment and chuckled.

"Tingyu." He informed Tingyu directly, "If we compare our strength, we may not be able to compare with other graduates now, but if we compare our potential, we shouldn't lose to anyone."

"Of course." Li Tingyu understood what Shen Fei meant, and after a pause, she suddenly asked, "Do we need to move some buildings out?"

"Well, let's move it." Shen Fei agreed, "Except for the buildings that need time to speed up, move them out."

Obviously, Shen Fei was not going to hide anything this time.

The reason is also very simple.

Meng Hao particularly emphasized that this time, many of the lords were comrades-in-arms.

According to his understanding of the association, the so-called "new recruits' first battle" is essentially a final test and review for recruits.

Before this, they were enemies, but after this, they were comrades-in-arms.

If those old yinbi who are accustomed to hiding finally burst out on the battlefield, it would be pretty good, but if they stay yin until the end, they may even look for opportunities to attack the same camp.

Shen Fei can guarantee that the association will make these lords understand what is the core of the association.

"We have always been fighting, killing, and merging with each other, but in the end, we became true comrades. This feeling is a bit strange." He murmured and sighed, and then he found that his name was on the ranking list. Crazy growth.

Obviously, Li Tingyu has already made a move.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that his territory has migrated out of the small world. Although a small part has been retained, it is still the first appearance.

The first ones to be shocked were not the other lord graduates, but the lords in the kingdom.

They don't have the association's personal terminal, can't see the rankings, and don't know what's going on, but they know that what is in front of them is the territory of their king!

Without much concealment, all kinds of pictures and photos swarmed onto the Kingdom’s network.

Then there was a crazy exclamation from the lords.

"I finally saw His Majesty's territory. Just one word, strong!"

"Look, look, what does invincibility mean?"

"How many treasure chests does it take to open this!"

"Have you ever counted how many mythical buildings there are?"

"Mythical level? I can only judge that these are all legendary level or above!"

"It's a blessing that our Majesty has graduated, otherwise if we take out this territory, no one can compete with us and no one can beat us!"


Not to mention the eye-opening and excited lords, even Meng Hao, who was secretly checking it out, was a little dumbfounded at this time.

"Is the welfare of this lord system so strong?" He quickly looked at the other lords, and then realized that it was not that the welfare of the lord system was strong, but that Shen Fei, the cheating lord, was too strong.

No wonder the association graduated him so quickly.

In just two journeys to the heavens, his gains have exceeded those of other graduates.

No, judging from this character, even on the battlefield of the heavens, he will be a ruthless trophy harvester, taking advantage of both the enemy's trophies and the association's mall points.

"As expected of the Dimension Demon"

Meng Hao sighed.

Obviously, he had also heard about Shen Fei's feat of devouring the world crazily.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before the title of "Dimension Demon God" will be heard throughout the known world and he will become the overlord of one party.

Of course, Shen Fei ranked first on the so-called "future" ranking list.

So much so that in the "Recruit Comrade Group" formed by Meng Hao, every lord kept asking questions.

"Who is Shen Fei? Has anyone encountered him during his journey to the heavens?"

"No, and is there something shady about these points?"

"Indeed, this is much higher. Everyone graduated after conquering the twenty-level world. How can this person be so much better than us?"

"I would like to visit wherever he is stationed."

"Go together, together."

"Ask instructor Meng Hao. This world is too big. There are no coordinates and it is very inconvenient to travel."


Unfortunately, Meng Hao did not respond to their request. After guessing Shen Fei's identity as the World Master, he was already a staunch believer in Shen Fei's faction.

As long as the relationship is good, Shen Fei is not expected to reach the level of the most powerful human race in the future, but even if he can become the overlord of the human race forces in the known world, it will be enough to bring him considerable benefits.

"It's really difficult for a professional to work alone. Why wasn't I chosen as a lord?" Meng Hao looked at the crazy construction and development of each lord with a hint of regret.

However, from his perspective, among this batch of more than one hundred graduates, apart from Shen Fei, only one or two have the chance to break through the twenty-first level.

Even in the association, it is not easy to break through the twenty-first level.

Think about those beings who have jumped out of the world limit on their own. Only one or two of them can appear in thousands of twenty-level worlds.

Even with the help of the association, it would not be so easy to reach this level.

The vast majority of "new recruits" can only become "veterans" after this.

"They will understand when the war starts." Meng Hao looked away and continued to stare at the entire world. "The real war between the heavens cannot be compared to the safe and simple play-house war."

Shen Fei didn't pay attention to the voices on the channel. Since he became a lord, he has never had the habit of actively establishing good relations with other lords.

After all, as long as he is strong enough, there will be "helpers" wherever he goes.

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