From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 60 Living high in the sky

Shen Fei noticed that Li Tingyu changed her language habits.

It can be seen that she is also trying her best to adapt to the new world.

A true talent depends not only on one's own abilities, but also on one's ability to adapt and grow. In this regard, none of the current heroes has disappointed Shen Fei.

But at this moment, Shen Fei's attention was focused more on Li Tingyu's words.

"Flying devices, all of them?"

Shen Fei looked at the pile of various things in front of him and couldn't help but ask again.

Just because here, there are cloaks, clothes, belts, and backpacks

It can be said that there are all kinds of causes and types.

"Yes." Li Tingyu replied affirmatively, "Basically, every corpse has a similar device, and many spare ones were found in various rooms, and most of them are intact. No damage, still usable.”

While talking, Shen Fei had already picked it up.

This is a cloak.

The appearance is dark black, and the painting has mysterious and mysterious lines, but from the perspective of earthlings, the aesthetics are a bit average.

He did not put the cloak on his back, but tentatively input a little supernatural power.

It is clearly visible that the lines on the cloak are constantly lighting up, and the invisible force drives the surrounding atmosphere, completely wrapping and covering the area under the cloak, as if it will immediately rise into the sky as soon as you let go.

"It is indeed a flying device." Shen Fei nodded and said.

He once again looked at the pile of various flying props in front of him. After a moment of silence, he said: "Actually, I had doubts before. There are obviously a lot of local civilization buildings in the forest, but , but couldn't find any traces of the road. I originally thought that it was because of the long time that the traces were covered by forests. Now it seems that all the aboriginals are probably traveling from the air. Considering the gray fog covering the ground, you said , is it possible for the native civilization of this world to live in the sky?”

"City in the sky?" Li Tingyu raised her head subconsciously, but naturally there was nothing in the sky of the small world.

And Shen Fei continued: "Assume that gray fog did not exist in this world from the beginning. All races and civilizations lived on the earth. Until a certain moment, gray fog appeared and quickly covered the earth, and life could not survive. They could not survive in the gray fog for a long time, so civilization chose to flee to the sky and use their technology to survive in the sky.”

"The Lord's guess is possible, and the possibility is not low." After thinking for a moment, Li Tingyu came to this conclusion, "Because the native civilization of this world is very likely to have such an ability. In addition, through According to the information from the lord system, the gray fog is likely to cover the whole world.”

In this case, for the indigenous people who have no means to expel the gray fog, the sky seems to be the only place where they can survive.

"Translate the texts of the local civilization as soon as possible. There should be many diary-like notepads here." Shen Fei finally said.

If this is true as he guessed, it's not good news.

After all, this means that local civilization may fall from the sky at any time.

Compared with the other lords, it is unknown how far the local civilization has developed and what kind of strength it has, which puts the greatest pressure on Shen Fei.

However, looking at these flying devices in front of him, Shen Fei suddenly had a new idea.


He discussed his ideas carefully with Li Tingyu. In a few hours, it might be useful.

This discussion lasted two or three hours.

Not only did they discuss for a while how to hold the meeting of regional powerhouses, but they also improved the follow-up direction, clarified the basic system, and even discussed the follow-up planning in the territory, such as personnel division, infrastructure construction, and regional planning. of.

Having a professional like Li Tingyu saved Shen Fei countless brain cells.

It wasn't until the rough plan was finalized that Shen Fei stood up and stretched.

"That's it for now, it's time to go kill monsters." He wanted to open the ranking list to take a look, and then found that the ranking list could only be viewed in the Lord's Mansion.

In this way, no one except him can check the rankings anytime and anywhere.

Shen Fei thought for a while, then simply took the Erudite Scepter and took the six citizens who had not gone to the building training to walk towards several other wild monster lairs with space doors, but it was not to kill all the wild monsters. To clear it up, but to drive them all into the small world.

Shen Fei, who had been promoted to level three, found it easier to do this kind of thing.

Because he can open the space door wider.

In just a moment, the silence in the small world was broken.

The roars of various wild monsters continued to sound. It was not until Shen Fei used an air wall to isolate these wild monsters that the small world returned to silence.

At this time, he was standing on the top floor of the Lord's Mansion, looking down at these wild monsters.

There is no level four, the highest level is only level three.

A thunder tower struck hard, and the third-level boss was completely destroyed.

But what really concerned Shen Fei was the appearance of these bosses.

"The human-faced wolf and the human-shaped centipede, these two kinds of wild monster lairs are accompanied by the appearance of the ruins, while the lizard monsters, wild monkey monsters, and wild monsters that do not stay at the ruins do not appear to have humanoid mutations."

One or two could be a coincidence.

But with more numbers, it is inevitable.

There is no doubt that these wild monsters with humanoid mutations must be related to the ruins.

Is it the deformation caused by the erosion of the gray fog by intelligent creatures, or are they doing some experiments?

Will they encounter real intelligent races in the future?

Shen Fei does not know for the time being, but this can only strengthen his determination to become stronger as soon as possible. Only when he becomes stronger can he face more unknowns.

"Look at the rankings. The current number one has 1,700 points?" Shen Fei looked at the man named Tamas Gibbons. He didn't know which country he was from and how he had so many points, but he had surpassed the second place by more than 300 points.

At least at the beginning, this first place can be temporarily stabilized.

Looking at the top ten in the world, it seems that only two of them look like Chinese. One is named Fang Xueyong, ranked fourth, and the other is named Jiang Rui, ranked eighth.

"My compatriots are not strong." Shen Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then, let's start."

He raised his hand directly, and all the centipede monsters collected in the small world, including the half-dead third-level boss, were directly crushed.

The next step is extraction.

As soul crystals, flesh and blood, and source crystals fell one by one, Shen Fei's eyes were still on the leaderboard, and his points were rapidly rising!

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