From Naruto, I became a god by hanging up

Chapter 94

Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Chisha, Kurosha and some Sand Ninjas were exploring carefully.

They were always alert to the surrounding environment to prevent any possible danger.

What excited them was that not far from their sight, a scroll was quietly lying on a huge stone.

But this scroll was carefully hidden in a seemingly ordinary trap array, which made it impossible for them to take it away quickly.

But just when they successfully cracked the trap array and were about to pick up the scroll.

A figure suddenly passed through their sight and took the scroll away.

They watched this scene in amazement.

Looking at the empty stone, their brains were blank, and they could not understand what had just happened.

Everything just happened too fast and too unexpectedly.

They didn't even see clearly who took the scroll, they only remembered the figure that flashed by.

But when it comes to bad luck, the Sand Ninjas are obviously not the most unlucky.

On the other side of the forest, the Rock Ninjas led by Lao Zi were also looking for scrolls.

Their luck was obviously very good. In a short time, they found two scrolls.

Holding the scroll in his hand, Lao Zi's expression changed from nervousness to excitement. He felt that his luck had changed and he didn't meet Uchiha Xingliu.

However, just as Lao Zi was admiring the scroll in his hand with joy, a figure appeared out of thin air and kicked him to the ground.

Then he disappeared with the two scrolls.

When Lao Zi got up quickly, he found that there was no figure.

He was stunned, his eyes full of helplessness and confusion.

The rock ninja behind him was also dumbfounded at this time, and they didn't see what happened.

But they could still understand that the scroll was gone.

They were originally dissatisfied with the Jinchuriki, and Lao Zi's previous performances made these rock ninjas' trust and respect for Lao Zi greatly reduced.

They began to question Lao Zi's ability and leadership, and believed that he was not competent for this task.

So they decided to seize Lao Zi's command and rearrange the tasks and plans.

After that, the teams from several ninja villages also gathered together.

They worked together and began to look for the scroll and the members of Konoha in the forest.

However, the scroll had already been taken away by Uchiha Xingliu, and there were only two people from Konoha who took the exam this time.

Hatake Sakumo had been reminded by Uchiha Xingliu and had left the forest long ago.

The members of several ninja villages walked through the forest with difficulty, looking for any possible clues.

They sometimes separated and sometimes gathered together, keeping close contact with each other.

Their eyes were as sharp as eagles, scanning every corner around them, not letting go of any possible traces.

However, until the sky darkened and dusk came, the members of several ninja villages still found nothing.

They were exhausted and depressed, as if they were trapped in endless darkness.

When they gathered together and learned about this situation, they looked at each other, their hearts full of unwillingness and confusion.

Especially the Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja whose scrolls were stolen.

They knew that the person who stole the scroll could only be someone from Konoha.

But after searching for so long, there was no trace at all, which made them confused.

In the end, they decided to leave the forest and go to Konoha to ask for an explanation.

When they walked out of the forest, a bright light instantly broke through the sky.

They looked up and saw Uchiha Xingliu sitting under a big tree, quietly waiting for their arrival.

In front of him, twelve scrolls were placed on the ground.

Those scrolls emitted a faint light, as if telling of their existence.

Several members of the ninja village looked at this scene in surprise, with doubts and uneasiness in their hearts.

They wondered why all the scrolls were here with Uchiha Xingliu.

Uneasy, because Uchiha Xingliu dared to block so many of them here alone, he must have something to rely on.

At this moment, a person from the Kusagakure Village couldn't help but rush forward and tried to take a scroll.

His movements were quick and agile, showing his strong strength.

However, just when he was about to touch the scroll, the dark flames suddenly appeared and instantly engulfed him. He didn't even have time to scream before he turned into ash.

This scene shocked everyone present.

Especially Lao Zi, the familiar flame reminded him of the heart-wrenching pain not long ago.

But looking at this old man who turned into ash, he realized that Uchiha Xingliu had spared him.

The pupils of the others also shrank, and they understood what Uchiha Xingliu relied on.

That was his powerful strength.

Uchiha Xingliu sat on a tall tree trunk, heWith a faint smile on his face

He looked at the somewhat panicked ninjas below and said lightly:

"Don't worry, these scrolls are here."

He paused and continued:

"You have two choices. The first is to use your strength to snatch these scrolls, regardless of life or death. The second is that these scrolls will be sold by auction."

Uchiha Xingliu's words made the scene more tense.

The grass ninjas were emotional, and they stared at Uchiha Xingliu with fury on their faces, as if they were ready to rush up regardless of everything.

"Revenge for the earth, kill him!"

Someone shouted loudly in the air, his eyes full of hatred and rage.

"That's right, he is just one person. There are so many of us, are we afraid of him?"

Another person echoed.

"The scroll is right in front of us. Do you really want to bow down to him?"

"He's just a kid. Maybe other ninjas did it in secret. If we rush forward, they won't have time to release their ninjutsu."

These words made the scene even more chaotic. Not only were the people from the other small ninja villages eager to try, but even the Sand and Mist ninjas who had not been beaten looked like they were going to step forward.

However, the Rock and Cloud ninjas stood still. They did not move, nor did they dissuade them.

Their personal experience made them know how terrible this seemingly young child was.

At this time, they were still thinking: If a fight really breaks out, it would be a good idea to eliminate the Sand and Mist ninjas first.

The surrounding environment became tense and dangerous.

The wind whistled through the forest, occasionally mixed with the panting and whispers of some team members.

Just as everyone was hesitating, a powerful flame suddenly broke out from the members of the Grass Village and swallowed them all.

The flames burned, illuminating the sky that had just darkened.

When the flames went out, the members of the Kusagakure Village had all disappeared, leaving only a mess.

Uchiha Seiyuu lightly jumped down the tree trunk, his eyes swept over everyone present.

Then, he walked towards them step by step, and every step made them feel pressured.

They stepped back involuntarily, as if they wanted to escape the control of this demon.

Uchiha Seiyuu walked in front of them, looked at them, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Now, what is your choice?"

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