From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Fight with momentum

The melodious horn resounded across the sky. Amidst bursts of crying, more than 3,000 men, women, women and children were escorted to the battlefield by soldiers of the Ming army camp, topping the front.

On the other side, the Turpan tribe warriors also lined up to face the untidy army.

The leader of the Tufan tribe who was qualified to ride a war horse in the back saw Richard’s team in front of him, and he couldn’t help being full of contempt when he saw the old and weak man without a weapon in his hand.

“When did the Anguo Mansion have a food shortage, it actually pulled these old and weak people on the battlefield to consume, hehe ”

“This method is also good, it can consume our arrows, haha ”

There was a cheerful laugh among the leaders of the Tufan tribe. When fighting, they used cannon fodder as a meat shield, and even consumed the arrows of the enemy. This method of fighting is very common in this era, but let a group of old and weak women and children stand in front. This is the first time I have seen the leader of the Gang Tufan tribe.

What can they do besides crying?

The only reasonable explanation is that the opposite Han Chinese leader put the Semu, the old and the weak, women and children on the battlefield purely for the purpose of killing people…

After all, in the eyes of the leader of the Tufan tribe, most of the Semu people, old, weak, women and children are waste people who waste food. It is normal to kill a group during the food shortage.

This is a world where human lives are like weeds!

As for Richard’s thoughts at this time, it is very pure. The old and weak women and children of the Semu slave camp can only be 100% guaranteed to be included in the ranks of soldiers if they go to the front and die in battle!

And all of these slaves of Semu have blood and blood feuds with Richard, and their death has a very positive effect on Richard’s rule!

The reason is cruel, but also very realistic…

Richard didn’t care about the life and death of the slaves of these semenites. The more savage Tufans would naturally not care. After reaching the effective range of the crossbow, they laughed and opened the crossbow like hunting, and directed them to those who were escorted up. The Semu slaves shoot arrows.

The tribal warriors in Tufan are enjoying the thrill of killing!

More than 3,000 Semu slaves were shot to collapse by the arrow at the first time, but the Han soldiers in the Ming army camp who followed immediately cut off a series of heads and drove them forward loudly!

When the Turpan people saw the soldiers of the Ming military camp hacking and killing the slaves of the Semu people, they seemed to be agitated. Regardless of the commander’s military orders, they rushed up with their knives excitedly!

Soon, this kind of charge spread across the entire Tubo army. These barbaric men rushed to the Semu slaves, enjoying the thrill of killing!

Richard looked at the Tubos whose formation had become chaotic due to the charge, with a smile on his mouth.

He did not expect to receive such a windfall!

Under Richard’s order, the prepared infantry of the fifth army battalion stepped into the battlefield and advanced to the back of the Ming army camp.

At this time, the Tubo forwards had already smashed into the slaves of the Semu, venting the tyrannical mood of killing in the hearts of the barbarians. They carried out the killing with the morbid mentality of the strong playing with the weak. Because the Semu slaves had no resistance, they were on the battlefield Even the local scene…

The military discipline of the Tubo people really refreshed Richard’s three views…

The Semu slave camp was quickly smashed and dispersed. The Tubo tribe fighters who rushed too fiercely fought against the four battalions in front of the Ming army camp. It was only then that the real battle broke out!

Thanks to the big meat shield of the Semu slave camp, the Ming army camp was not harmed by the Tubo crossbows at all.

As soon as the two sides contacted, the Tubo tribe fighters felt something was wrong, and the armor rate of the Ming army camp was too high!

Fortunately, the tribal warriors of the Tubo people have long recognized Tang Jun’s “local tyrant” equipment. They have prepared a blunt weapon, which is not something before. The mace is even a large iron-clad wooden stick. Although it is cheap and rough, it is a blunt weapon. With the hammer down, surely the Ming army soldiers with iron helmets are full of brains…

The **** Tubo tribe warriors who were inspired by the killing, shouted the fighting slogans of the Tufan tribe, and yelled and constantly attacked the Ming army’s front line. They even matched the Ming army’s camp with inferior equipment for a while!

It can also be seen from this that the soldier spirit and individual quality of the Ming Barracks are really too average…

The most important thing is that the Han soldiers in the Ming military camp did not face the tribal warriors of the Tubo tribe with the spirit of victory of the Semu people!

Without the imposing bonus, the combat quality of these Ming barracks infantry really may not be able to compare with the Tubo tribe fighters who grew up in a difficult and weak environment!

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Ming military camp have the support of the military formation and equipment, so they will not be overwhelmed by the soldiers of the Tubo tribe.

Just as the two sides engaged in the battle, the arrow rain of the fifth army camp infantry suddenly threw from the rear, and fell precisely behind the Ming army camp and the Tubo tribal warrior’s enemy front line!

The soldiers of the Tubo tribe who were continuously pouring in and slaughtering Semu slaves were shot down. Of course, the Semu slaves running around became funeral objects one after another. UU reading

The arrow rain of the fifth army camp almost shot the follow-up Tubo tribe fighters out of the stall!

After seeing this scene, the leader of the Tubo tribe behind finally put away a mocking expression on his face, and began to step by step the reserve team into the front line.

These Tubo tribe leaders know very well that their tribal warriors will fight with a momentum. Once they fight, they must rise up like a rainbow. They must not retreat. Their tribal warriors are not restricted by military discipline, but rely on the barbaric force. Enthusiasm, if you retreat, the anger is vented, and the Tubo tribe fighters with extremely poor military discipline will be defeated in minutes!

Of course, the tribal leaders of the Tubo people want to maintain this momentum, and they can only continuously put the follow-up reserve team into the battlefield. If the Tubo tribe fighters fighting on the front line are suppressed, that momentum will also be easily broken!

The Tubo tribal warriors rely on this momentum to maintain a one-to-one exchange ratio with the Ming army infantry with equipment advantages!

The Ming army camp has more than half the armor rate, even if most of the equipment is ordinary light chain mail, the equipment has to fall on the opposite side. There is only one set of cloth clothes on the opposite side, and the Tubo tribal warriors who are still holding half of their body are several times!

This shows that momentum is an important factor in combat!

The arrow rain coverage of the five army battalion infantry caused a rapid increase in the casualties of the subsequent Tubo tribe fighters. However, because the Tubo tribe fighters occupy an advantage in numbers, with the continuous support, this loss is not in the eyes of a single Tubo tribe fighter. Outstanding, anyway, as long as they can see that they are all around them, their morale can be maintained!

After seeing a large number of Tubo tribe fighters being thrown into the battlefield, Richard smiled slightly, and the 35,000 Qiyun coins instantly bottomed out!

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