From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Zhaowu wants to escape

All the infantrymen of the five army battalions were equipped with the combat power of the lower grades of flesh and blood, and they were also lined up with tight military formations. Upon contact, they used huge power to push the frontal Sermon servant troops back, leaving behind devastated corpses!

The capable 500-man phalanx pushed all the way, and the Semu servants who blocked along the way had no enemies. Some Semu servants tried to avoid the sharp front and rushed to the side, but they were guarded by the wings and back ass. The fifth army battalion infantry fell to the ground instantly!

The infantry of the Five Army Battalion was armed with a shield and wore iron armor. The few crossbows used by the Semu servants could not cause them any harm. They were afflicted in melee combat and were tortured. As a result, thousands of the Semu servants were defeated by the Five Army Infantry. Easy to gouge through!

After drilling through, the fifth army battalion infantry immediately divided into two parts and killed the Semu servants on both sides that had lost their position. The surviving Semu servants saw the imposing fifth army battalion infantry kill, where is the courage to confront?

The Semu servant army, supported by the two wings of the Zhaowu family’s army, collapsed before it came into contact with the main battlefield of the Chinese army!

“Hiss Is it possible that these soldiers are all elite dead soldiers?”

Elite dead men were elite family members cultivated by famous families under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. They were trained from childhood by orphans adopted by large families with a long history. They not only received strict physical training, but also brainwashed ideological education. , Let them develop the thinking that is absolutely loyal to the master, and even the master’s death is absolutely glorious.

Comparable to a fanatic who has been brainwashed by religion!

However, the elite dead men cultivated by famous families are not only loyal, but also because they have been trained for more than ten years since childhood, all of them have good strength, and the worst can be mixed into inferior skin and flesh warriors!

Because if even the martial artist can’t achieve it, he will be eliminated in training…

For the dead, elimination means disappearing forever!

However, although the dead are easy to use, they require a lot of time and money. An ordinary family can train a few or even a dozen people, and those with richer families can only have dozens or hundreds.

If you want to form a thousand-man army with elite dead men, it is only possible for the top wealthy and distinguished families in the inland of Datang, and elite dead men are also the foundation of those wealthy and distinguished families.

The infantry of the five army battalions fights without fear, regards death as home, and has strong skills. The army is neat and efficient in killing the enemy. No matter what they are, they are very similar to the dead soldiers cultivated by the rich inland of the Datang.

It’s just that Zhaowu Dizhe couldn’t figure it out. How could the wealthy families in the interior of the Tang Dynasty value the poor and the Western Regions where the Han people are scarce and far away from the political center?

Because of the large number of Richard’s troops, Zhaowu Dizhe didn’t think of Dao soldiers at all. For one thing, there are few Daoist soldiers that are exactly the same as human soldiers. Secondly, there are Taoist soldiers who can drive thousands of soldiers to fight. Zhaowu Dizhe thinks he should be able to recognize such a great man.

Anyway, in his impression, there is no powerful Taoist named Richard…

Zhaowu Dizhe had never seen Richard’s ability to summon system soldiers out of thin air, and naturally did not believe that Richard was a powerful ‘Taoist’.

But doubts turn to doubts, the battle still has to go on, he can’t just watch this battle be defeated, otherwise Shi Guofu will be in danger!

This time, apart from the guards of the Zhaowu clan, he pulled out almost all the official power of the Shi Guofu. If they were all accounted here, would it be possible that the Shi Guofu would rely on the hundreds of clan guards of the Zhaowu clan to defend the city?

Jia Ding is very good at fighting, but the number of people is too small, and the huge city walls are all dissatisfied. How to defend?

As for the temporary enlistment of Minzhuang, based on the quality of Richard’s army seen by Zhaowu Dizhe today, it is estimated that those Minzhuang recruits will not be able to stop even a round…

The performance of the Ming Barracks on the battlefield of the Chinese Army was mediocre, but the five barracks of infantrymen who defeated thousands of Semumen’s servants on both wings, but none of them were killed in the fifth army battalion made Zhaowu Di an eye-opener.

It is no exaggeration to say that the combat literacy of these five army battalion infantry is no different from that of Datang’s regular field army, and the combat capability of individual soldiers is even one point higher!

Among the regular Field Army of the Tang Dynasty, only officers are warriors, and soldiers are just elite veterans.

In Richard’s vision, the Shi Guofu troops on the third line suddenly retreated to the rear, intending to completely leave the battlefield.

The other party wants to escape!

At this time, the Ming Barracks on the battlefield of the Chinese Army had the upper hand, and the fifth army battalion infantry, who had just defeated the Sermen Servant of the Brigade, were advancing towards the middle, preparing to double-team. Richard had thousands of frontier elite cavalry reserves, and only victory remained. Next time issue.

Of course, Zhaowu Dizhe will naturally not continue to fight and lose his old capital. As long as the regular Tang army field troops of more than 2,000 Shi Guofu keep, Shi Guofu can rely on city defense to keep the city!

As long as Shi Guofu can keep it, the foundation of the Zhaowu family will not be lost. As long as the time is delayed until the army of the Tufan Kingdom arrives, no matter how strong Richard’s army is, it is only a weak force of the mantis arm.

This is the retreat that Zhaowu Dizhe thought of.

When he went on the expedition, he never thought that it would be so difficult for him to even withdraw to the nest of Shi Guofu!

He hasn’t figured out the details of Richard who suddenly appeared, so he secretly made up his mind. After returning to the State House to settle down, he will find out what Richard is coming from at all costs!

The rise of Li Cha was too short. Before the expedition, the Zhaowu family of Shi Guofu had always resisted Tao Anbang’s order of the An Guofu, and did not pay attention to the counties and towns under the An Guofu.

The Zhaowu family of Shi Guofu was to conquer not to trip down the Han gentry class, as long as he showed sufficient generosity, the Han gentry class of An Guofu would not dare to resist in front of the army.

Anyway, whoever is the boss must maintain the status of scholars, otherwise who will help him manage this huge territory?

Even after Richard captured Gaoxiang County, he did not act aggressively towards the surrendered officials and the gentry class who studied. He still levied taxes on the gentry class according to the head of the Tang system, not according to the land, according to the original Tang system.

In the Tang Dynasty of this world, the gentry class also has to pay taxes. Only the powerful temperance envoys and princes’ fiefs do not pay taxes. However, the gentry class, like ordinary civilians, pays taxes on the basis of the head, not the size of the land.

The gentry class often held a lot of land and depended on the exploitation of common tenant tenants for their livelihood. Compared to the area of ​​the land, that little head tax was nothing at all…

This is one of the reasons why the gentry class can accumulate a lot of wealth!

Richard naturally knows the drawbacks of this tax policy, but now he has a small business, a large number of external enemies, and is still in the initial stage of rising, so he has not mobilized the fundamental interests of the gentry class.

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