From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Harvest

“What a brave cavalry, are they really human?”

Under the heavy guard of personal guards, Zhaowu Dizhe watched the tragic fight in the battlefield with his mouth in a daze. Every minute and every second, a large number of soldiers from both sides fell, and the other cavalry seemed not to take his own life seriously. Even if you die, you have to bite the enemy!

The military qualities of these fine cavalry of the frontier army are not weaker than that of the regular field troops of the Tang Dynasty. Their individual combat power is only slightly inferior to the tooth soldiers who emphasize personal bravery, but they rely on the advantage of numbers to force the team of Zhaowu Dizhe!

Zhaowu Dizhe originally thought that his troops could kill a group of chasers, and then forced the chasers to retreat, but they put on a posture of not retreating and fighting to the last person!

In just one hour of melee, all the infantry arrays under Zhaowu Dizhe’s command were disintegrated, and the Tang Army field troops that had lost their formation protection were quickly slaughtered by the frontier’s elite cavalry.

The remaining dental soldiers also suffered heavy losses!

At this time, Zhaowu Dizhe had to give up the ridiculous idea before. In the end, under the desperate protection of more than a dozen confidantes, he finally broke away from the battle group and fled the battlefield with only less than double digits of Qingqi… …

Zhaowu Dizhe fled, and the remaining tooth soldiers had no need to fight. They looked for the nearest direction and ran away, but most of them were killed by the chasing frontier elite cavalry!

When most of Richard’s men and horses arrived, Zhaowu Dizhe had escaped without a trace, and there was no prisoner on the battlefield…

The Datang field troops deserved to be the elites who supported the Tang Empire, and no one surrendered under the chase of the elites of the frontier army…

However, there were a lot of people who fled. The infantrymen were all caught up and killed by the elite cavalry of the frontier army, and dozens of the tooth soldiers scattered and fled.

The reason why this Datang field army was unwilling to surrender to Richard was mainly because of Zhaowu Dizhe’s propaganda to them before, and Richard’s attitude towards surrenders on the battlefield!

Zhaobu Dizha used Richard’s dispatch of the Sermon’s servant army and the Tufan survivors as cannon fodder, and the plot of dispatching the supervising team to hack and kill was publicized in the field troops.

These Datang field troops were originally arrogant masters. After surrendering Richard was determined to be treated as cannon fodder and died on the battlefield, naturally they would rather fight hard than surrender…

They didn’t know that Richard’s Ming military camp was composed of Han soldiers…

Of course, if Richard took over the righteousness and let his ‘benevolence and righteousness’ spread widely, he would not be like this when he faced the regular army in the Tang Dynasty.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating the main force of the Shi Guofu, obtaining 8000 luck coins, and completing the prestige task to 2/3. 】

“Haha, as I expected, the more than 2,000 people taken away by Zhaowu Dizhe are elite fighters who are comparable to martial artists, so the rewards of Qi Luck Coins are similar!”

According to Richard’s calculation, the average local garrison of the Tang Dynasty is equivalent to 1,000 people equal to 1,000 Qiyun coins, while the elite team led by warriors before fighting is equivalent to 500 people equals 1,000 Qiyun coins.

If Zhaowu Dizhe finally took away the first-line field troops of the Tang Dynasty and the elite fighters led by Wuzhe, the evaluation of combat effectiveness was similar. If more than 2,000 people were annihilated, they would contribute 4,000 Qiyun coins, and the 3,000 soldiers of the Shi Guofu and local counties who were annihilated before. Counting 3,000 Qiyun coins, the mess of nearly ten thousand people’s servant army, etc., counts as one thousand Qiyun coins.

Add up to just eight thousand lucky coins!

Therefore, it was confirmed that Richard’s guess was correct!

There may be some errors, but the systematic evaluation calculates the divisor of the big concept, so those errors can be completely ignored by Richard.

With these eight thousand Qiyun coins in the account, Richard’s account has increased to 12,000 Qiyun coins!

Of course, this battle was also a great loss for Richard. The Semu servants and the Tufan soldiers were all consumed. The more than 4,000 Ming army camps as the main force had more than 1,000 casualties!

This is still the casualty ratio with the support of the five army battalion infantry and the stable upper hand!

It is conceivable that the Ming military camp looks good, but in fact the overall combat effectiveness is not much better than that of ordinary local county soldiers…

If you go to the first-line field troops of Datang, even if you have two or three times the strength advantage, it is estimated that they will be destroyed!

However, after annihilating the more than 2,000 Datang field troops, the remaining 3,000 soldiers in the Doming barracks even eliminated the damage to the armor in the battle, and achieved the rate of full armor!

Because almost everyone in Datang’s frontline field troops has an armour!

In addition, the infantry of the Ming army camp was also equipped with a pair of bows and arrows or crossbows, all thanks to the annihilation of the more than 2,000 front-line troops of the Tang Army captured!

Compared with the Tang Army’s first-line field troops, local county soldiers are as poor as beggar soldiers…

As for cold weapons such as broadswords, spears, etc., Richard has seized quite a lot, and he can fully arm a Ming army camp out!

However, the cost of annihilating the more than 2,000 front-line Tang army field troops, Richard, was also very high. The 3,500 frontier troops killed 1,500 people in battle!

After the war, Richard had only 2,000 elite troops from the Ming Dynasty who could continue fighting…

On the other hand, the fifth army camp infantry because the opponent is too rubbish, no one died…

The system horse that lost its owner in the side army’s elite horse did not disappear out of thin air, but actively found the side army’s elite horse who lost the horse but did not die.

It wasn’t until the frontier’s elite horses who had not lost their horses needed their mounts, and the remaining system horses without their masters turned into gray and disappeared.

As for weapons and equipment, the frontier army picked up the same style of system weapons from the corpses of the friendly forces after the battle to replace the damaged system weapons.

After the frontier army’s elite cavalry was finished, all the missing system weapons and iron armor disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Richard was very curious. If the equipment damage rate is higher than the number of system soldiers killed, what should these system soldiers without equipment do?

Of course, this kind of extreme situation rarely happens, because in the fierce battlefield fight, if the weapon is damaged, it is impossible to survive because of the combat characteristics of systematic soldiers who are not afraid of death…

In addition, the weapons and equipment produced by the system and even the war horses are all high-quality goods, and the damage rate is very low, so basically the situation that Richard is curious about will not appear.

When the soldiers of the Ming army camp cleared the battlefield, Richard had already begun to prepare for the next attack on the State Palace of Shi.

Because he copied the transfer town of Shiguofu’s outposts, the food and supplies of his troops are very sufficient, and he can fully recruit a large army of cannon fodder!

In this place of the Western Regions, as long as there is food, you can continue to pull out a large number of young and strong people.

Semu people are not willing to join the army?

This is not a problem, just ask with a knife, and most of the common people of Semu will become ‘good citizens’ who are eager to join the army!

The upper class only needs to feed them enough. After all, people tend to lose their minds when they are hungry…

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