From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 Main battle

It was precisely because the Tubo people were unable to intervene in the expansion of the two warlords, that allowed Yuchi Yingzhe and Long Letian to let go of the division of spheres of influence from north to south, and accept the legacy of the Western Regions after the war!

As for Richard, he was just one of the warlords who was lucky enough to gain power. As long as he defeated Richard’s main force, he could deter all the cities under his control. Then, the cities under Richard’s control will fall in sight!

The rise of Richard is too short. Even if he personally appointed a cabinet officer, it is impossible to bury him with him. Once Richard is defeated and fell into decline, it is natural to open the door to meet and surrender after the enemy comes. .

Since they would surrender because of Richard’s strength, why wouldn’t they open the city gate compared to Richard’s power?

The gentry class of Han Chinese with local power only has a good impression of Richard’s serf policy. As for working hard for Richard, he is far from reaching that qualification!

Therefore, as far as Richard is concerned, he must defeat Yuchi Yingzhe, otherwise he will be greeted with defeat, which will cause a series of political earthquakes!

Once Richard is defeated and the main force is defeated, even if Richard is still alive, betrayal and mutiny will become the mainstream of his rule!

After the defeat of Wei Chi Yingzhe’s forward, he realized that Richard’s army was far beyond the comparison of ordinary county soldiers and the like. At the same time, through the defeated soldiers of the forward, he learned that the army sent by Richard can achieve nearly 30% of the armor!

Although this armor rate is not as good as that of the regular field troops of the Tang Dynasty, it is also very rare in the Western Regions where the melee continues.

After all, armor, as a protective equipment, is very easy to be damaged and destroyed in battle, and the iron smelting technology in the Western Regions is not developed. For a new force, it is not easy to gather four-digit armored soldiers.

After all, in the information of Yuchi Yingzhe, Richard did not get the support of a large number of local gentry classes, and naturally it was impossible to get the iron armor that was regarded as the fundamental by the local gentry class.

Since Richard’s strength is not weak, Yuchi Yingzhe naturally has to do his best.

Yichi Yingzhe’s army has completely inherited the combat formation of the Tang army. On both sides are a large number of wandering cavalry, all of which are similar to the configuration of tooth soldiers, with full bows and horses.

Compared with the western regions of the Western Regions where cavalry is scarce, the output of war horses in the four towns of Anxi is still very high. Yanqijun Town is a place where war horses are abundant, and it is also the main source of horses for cavalry in the Western Regions.

Because of this, the Datang regular army in the four towns of Anxi can maintain a strong cavalry force.

Under the command of Yuchi Yingzhe, excluding his dental soldiers, there are more than 2,000 cavalry teams, divided into two queues on both sides of the main army.

Most of these cavalry units were formed by Yuchi Yingzhe in the battle by annexing and surrendering, so the equipment is very messy, but most of them are skilled in archers and horses, and it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the cavalry team.

As for Yuchi Yingzhe’s tooth soldiers, that is, the scout scout who had been with Richard Richards before, they stayed around the Chinese Army Commander Banner, serving as Yuchi Yingzhe’s last reserve force.

If the battlefield has the upper hand, this dental soldier can play a final role. If the battlefield falls into a defeated situation, this dental soldier is the elite guard Wei Chi Yingzhe who fled the battlefield, protecting him back to the rear to make a comeback.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, this tooth soldier will not rush into the front line to fight for consumption except for being used as a scout scout.

Except for the cavalry on both sides, the center of Yuchi Yingzhe is a tight phalanx of infantry.

According to the custom of the Tang army, the front row is all heavy-armored infantry, with a large shield in his hands equipped with cold weapons such as swords, and all pikemen in the back. The pikemen in the phalanx wear iron armor in the front row, and they only wear ordinary pikemen in the back. Leather armor.

Because the four towns of Anxi fought against each other, the original full leather armor of the Datang regular field troops suffered a great loss. Therefore, not all of Yuchi Yingzhe’s subordinates were all integrated Datang field troops. Many of them were ordinary people who were promoted through military merits during the war. Han local garrison troops.

These people have also undergone systematic military training, and frequent battles have also given them proficient killing skills, but the equipment is not difficult to supplement.

After all, the damage to local production during the war was very serious, coupled with the high damage rate of the iron armor and the long build cycle, even Yuchi Yingzhe could not equip all his soldiers with iron armor.

Only the Tang Dynasty at its peak can do it with this ability!

But because Yuchi Yingzhe belongs to the victorious side, as one of the four towns in Anxi, he has a solid background, so his armour rate can reach more than half!

Behind the Tang Army Pikemen, there are archers wearing standard leather armor.

However, in the army, many pikemen and sword players who are melee soldiers also carry a set of strong bows. This is why Yu Chi Yingzhe did not let the archers stand in the front row!

The heavy infantry and pikemen in the front row are themselves strong archers!

This is the background of Tang Jun. Even if he suffers a lot from the war, he can gather a group of soldiers who are good at bows and arrows!

Under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, even officers and soldiers of the nature of the local garrison would theoretically need to receive crossbow training. The powerful Tang army has been committed to building an all-powerful army!

Because of this, the Tang Jun can always defeat and suppress many Semu People’s Congress uprisings in the Western Regions with fewer blows and more. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

“The Tang Army’s old foundation is really heavy, and this army has only been reorganized by Yu Chi Yingzhe for less than a month, and it can achieve this kind of military quality.”

Li Cha sighed in his heart as he looked at the well-formed Yuchi Yingzhe army.

In the eyes of Richard, the main force of Yuchi Yingzhe is actually not much different from the regular army of the Tang Dynasty field he has encountered, at most it is armored.

The rate cannot reach 100%.

Whether it is morale or formation efficiency, it is enough to match the regular army of Datang!

Only frequent battles can create this kind of army!

Richard knew that in this world an army composed mainly of ordinary soldiers, the Datang field regular army could be regarded as the pinnacle, and the more elite army would be led by a large number of warriors.

However, in the army of Yuchi Yingzhe, many mid-level officers are also warriors. As an existence beyond ordinary people, warriors naturally cannot avoid war. Any ruler likes to recruit warriors to serve for himself.

Therefore, in the chaos of the four towns of Anxi, the casualty rate of warriors was also high, and the Tang government’s system of powers was completely disintegrated…

Therefore, as a victor, Yuchi Yingzhe’s army has recruited many warriors to serve as middle and low-level officers, and there are even strong men in the realm of muscles and bones!

Richard watched the approaching enemy infantry line, and gave a faint order: “Beat the drum, march!”

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