From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Defensive circle

Yuchi Yingzhe’s decision was undoubtedly correct. Under the pursuit of thousands of cavalry, the infantry under his command did not even want to escape.

Since the infantry is bound to be eliminated, it is better to let them defend Duoduo on the spot to kill and injure the enemy, and cover his cavalry troops from the battlefield behind the palace.

Because of the attraction of the main infantry, Yuchi Yingzhe took about 3,000 cavalry soldiers out of the battlefield without any risk, and disappeared into the Gobi of the Western Regions.

However, as soon as Yuchi Yingzhe left, Richard had stepped up his offensive. He had already seen that the gap between the three field regiments and the opposite Yuchi Yingzhe’s elite infantry was still very obvious. The reason for being able to resist until now was entirely because of the Wanyou cavalry. Appearing made them burst out of a rare victory belief.

On the other hand, Yuchi Yingzhe’s main infantry can see that the enemy cavalry has stepped on them, and they are still in a state of being attacked. Title…

However, Richard quickly discovered that the main infantry force under the command of Yuchi Yingzhe, who was fighting on the front line, formed a self-defense circle under the leadership of the major military officers even if an unfavorable situation was discovered.

Even under the desperate force of a large number of warriors, more than a thousand frontier elite knights were wiped out, and all the frontier elite knights that entered the front line from behind were wiped out!

The cooperation of human warriors and elite soldiers is terrifying!

Richard saw that the opponent’s elite front line had a tendency to abandon a large group of collapsed friendly forces and re-form a small and tightly defensive circle. He immediately sent a combination of five army battalion infantry and Shenji battalion infantry.

The infantry of the fifth army camp rounded back to the elite flank of the enemy army that was still resisting, and began to throw a rain of arrows with strong bows on a large scale.

The strong bow projectile used by the fifth army camp can penetrate the light chain mail commonly equipped by the enemy soldiers on the opposite side as long as it is brought close to a certain distance.

Even if the elite infantry on the opposite side formed a circular array to defend against arrows, they suffered a certain degree of casualties.

However, because they are at an absolute disadvantage, they are unable to counterattack at all. They can only accelerate the contraction of their forces as soon as possible, and close the open gaps on the flanks and the rear.

Those human warrior officers have become the spiritual support of this last infantry army. Their powerful combat effectiveness and the previous record of completely annihilating the enemy’s iron cavalry greatly encouraged the soldiers under them. This is also how the elites of Yuchi Yingzhe can resist until now. Important reason.

It is estimated that even Yuchi Yingzhe, who had run out of sight, could not have imagined that the combination of elite infantry and warrior officers abandoned by him could persist to this point!

The reason why the elite frontline officers and soldiers continued to fight was that they didn’t want to become a prisoner and hand their fate to the victor, and wanted to force Richard to retreat by mass killing the enemy!

Or persist until sunset!

As long as it gets dark, the difficulty of the cavalry’s pursuit will increase geometrically. Even if Richard’s cavalry does not have night blindness, it cannot change the cover of the dark environment at night…

Therefore, even if the battle damage has been nearly half, this frontline elite is still trying to continue to resist.

And in order to resist the attack and boost the morale of the soldiers, those human warrior officers naturally stood in the front row!

The thickness of the lowest medium-sized armor on their bodies is enough to make them immune to the intensive shooting of strong bows.

But just as these stubbornly resisting human warrior officers wielded their weapons and fought, suddenly rows of soldiers with different outfits and strange iron pipes appeared in the enemy’s array.

Under the cover of the fifth army battalion infantry, these people lined up in a thin line of snakes and gradually approached the elite group of forwards who had been unable to shoot arrows. Within a distance of 30 steps, they suddenly raised iron pipes and aligned them with shields. Elite infantry of the circle formation.

At this time, in addition to the part of the frontal battle with the field regiment, the elite infantry regiments of the other three forwards relied on the warriors to form a defensive circle. A large shield separated the two sides clearly, and the gap between the large shields was all Bloody spear.

Behind the shield array is a human warrior wearing at least medium armor and soaked in dark red blood. The highest level has even reached the bones and bones level!

These warriors were all recruited by Yuchi Yingzhe at a high price to go around the network and use various means during the war. Although they are not Yuchi Yingzhe’s personal confidence, they are also an important part of Yuchi Yingzhe’s main force.

Yichi Yingzhe can have today’s achievements, these hundreds of the lowest middle-grade skin and flesh realm, the highest bones and bones in the middle stage of the backbone of the warrior have great credit!

However, under the premise of defeat and death, Yuchi Yingzhe did not hesitate to abandon them!

Of course, Yuchi Yingzhe’s order was not to make them fight to death, but to make them persist until the night, and retreat to the nearest city gathering behind.

It is with this hope that the elite front infantry led by this group of warriors have fought to the present!

Although they are afraid of Richard’s cavalry army, they have sufficient confidence in their hand-to-hand combat, and they are equipped with elite armored soldiers who are proficient in the battle formation. As long as the formation is not completely disrupted, even a large group of cavalry rushes. Under the leadership of the warrior, it can be slaughtered!

Even if the Bian Jun Jing rides in the hands of a middle-grade skin and fleshy warrior, he is just a powerful ant…

With the five army camps, the’Warrior Corps’ composed of all low-grade skin and flesh soldiers Richard naturally knew how powerful an army composed of a large group of warriors was, so after the entire army of the first thousand-man cavalry was annihilated, No more hitting people inside.

Warriors are also physical bodies. The reason why they can be invincible on the battlefield is mainly due to the medium armor and even the heavy light armor they wear.

This kind of armor is a huge burden for ordinary soldiers. Even a medium-sized armor is not easy for ordinary people to control, but it is nothing to warriors.

In fact, the medium armor and the heavy light armor were developed by craftsmen based on the powerful load-bearing ability of the warrior!

Under the manual technology, the easiest way to improve the protective power of the armor is to increase the thickness of the iron plate…

Shenjiying Elite uses a single-soldier matchlock gun, but a large-caliber matchlock gun. The ability to break armor at close range is not weaker than the high-quality flintlock with higher air-tightness and faster initial speed of the later generations!

At this point, the elite infantry in the front line had already abandoned their bows and arrows, either they were running out of arrows or their arms were sore. In order to avoid losing the basic physical strength for melee combat, they did not dare to continue shooting arrows.

Even in the face of the projectile from the fifth barracks, it was shielded instead of counterattack.

Therefore, facing this group of enemy soldiers with strange iron pipes, the entire army formation is quietly waiting for the place to approach, and when the opponent is close to within ten steps, it will sprint!

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