From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Volley and slaughter

Lord Hada, who was riding a war horse, was surrounded by Lamaism fighters brought by Bu Haoyu and Lord Hada—the Lama with Iron Rod.

The Iron Rod Lama is a fighting lama in the Lamaism responsible for execution and law enforcement. The worst is the strength of the lower-grade skin and flesh realm warriors. The standard for the iron rod Lama to be selected is the actual level of the warrior.

In order to obtain the strong support of Songtsen Gampo, the Lamaism completely squeezed out other sects in the Tufan Kingdom. Not only did it send the Hada Hada, who had entered the innate realm, but also sent hundreds of Lamas with iron rods.

This is already all the combat power that the Lamaism can deploy. The headquarters and important branches of the Lamaism must be guarded by a certain amount of force.

In addition to hundreds of iron rod lamas, the surprise team led by Hada Hada had thousands of cavalry from the Turpan Guards.

More than a thousand elite cavalry quickly bypassed the battle group on the right wing, completed a battlefield roundabout, and rushed towards Richard on the high platform in the rear!

This scene was quickly discovered by Richard. The 2000 multilateral army who was pressing the Tufan Guards back and forth to slash and kill, immediately separated more than a thousand people and intercepted them to King Hada!

After seeing the chasing soldiers, King Hadahara did not dispatch thousands of Cavalry from the Tufan Guards, but ordered hundreds of iron rod lamas to rush out to intercept the thousands of elite cavalry from the frontiers who were pursuing them!

The right-wing battlefield suddenly lost thousands of frontier elite cavalry, and Richard’s position that had the upper hand was immediately leveled. If Richard hadn’t left some frontier elite cavalry to contain him, the infantry of the Imperial Guard would even be able to Complete the counter-kill and wipe out the five army battalions infantry!

Bu Haoyu saw King Hadafa sending out hundreds of his own lamas with iron rods to intercept, he couldn’t help but give King Hadafa his grades to the point of respect.

Hadafa Wang Mingming has the full command of the surprise squad, allowing the Imperial Guard cavalry to go to the back of the palace as a meat shield to fight with the fierce Richard Dao soldiers, but he chose to let his own iron rod lama desperately!

You know, many of the hundreds of iron rod lamas are personal disciples of Lord Hada!

This is really the spirit of selfless self-sacrifice of the Lord!

Just as Bu Haoyu sighed, their cavalry team had already approached the front of the Shenji Battalion infantry guarded by Richard’s outer array.

At this time, King Hadafa suddenly turned his horse’s head, began to form a team, and ordered thousands of cavalry of the Tufan Guards to charge against Richard’s Shenji Battalion infantry.

No one dares to violate the order of King Hadafa, who was given full authority by Songtsen Gambo, and if he wanted to kill Richard, he naturally needed to eliminate the infantry in the sacred battalion in front of him.

The formation of the iron armored cavalry initiating the charge is still very scary. The infantry of the Shenji battalion opposite seems to be frightened and stupefied, standing blankly without firing until the distance is less than 30 steps…

The earth-shaking roar suddenly broke out, completely scaring Bu Haoyu off his horse!

Bu Haoyu stared at the Tufan Guards cavalry, who had been scoured off by a single layer, and immediately threw the respect that he had for Hadafa King out of the sky.

Compared with the Richard Cavalry, which is fighting with one shot and one shot, these infantry soldiers with muskets are the most terrifying existence!

Regardless of whether you are wearing light iron armor or medium iron armor, you will be treated equally if you hit it with a single shot…

Whether you are an ordinary person or a so-called martial arts master, you will immediately lose your combat effectiveness!

The iron rod lama, who is a warrior, is not afraid to fight personally, but facing an unreasonable massacre like a musket, there is not enough death!

Hada Hadag used the Cavalry of the Tufan Guards as a cannon fodder shield!

The Tufan Guards are indeed the elite of Songtsan Gambo. After being fired at close range by more than two hundred muskets, they were chaotic and not collapsed, and many of them were even relieved from the huge roar. The Tufan Guards cavalry shouted,’For Songtsan, Ganbu! ’Wielding a saber and continue to kill people.

At this moment, the Shenji Battalion infantry once again showed their fearless spirit. They actually fell to the ground in front of the cavalry, ignoring the horseshoes that were about to step on themselves, and gave up more than two hundred shots behind. A volley of muskets!

“Ready Fire!”

bang bang bang…

Puff puff……

The Tufan Guards cavalry who continued to charge did not wait to step on the fallen infantry of the Shenji battalion, and even the body of the horse burst out a series of bright blood. Whether you were a warrior or not, the armor you wore was thick or not. Get it through as soon as you wear it!

Two rounds of guns came down, and the Cavalry of the Janissary Guards was completely stunned…

Hadahara King saw the infantry from the opposite Shenji battalion climb up again, and after filling the ammunition with no one else, he let out a long sigh of relief: “Finally, we have survived the first round.”

Then, he wielded a pure iron staff and shouted loudly: “Warriors of Tufan, in order to win, follow me to attack!”

If this sentence was the first to charge, it would definitely arouse the blood and bravery of the Tufan Guards cavalry, but the deaths and injuries caused by two rounds of volleys, and nearly half of the battle damage, the Tufan Guards cavalry have begun to appear deserters!

The slogans slogans uttered by King Hadafa, who appeared on the battlefield at this time, were more used to gather the defeated soldiers…

But at this time Hadafa didn’t have time to gather the defeated soldiers. When the opposing Shenji Camp Musketeer had filled the ammunition, how many people would Hadafa still have enough to die?

So, King Hadafa rushed to the loading of the Shenji battalion infantry with less than a hundred undaunted guard cavalry !

The infantry of the Shenji Battalion stood upright in place, seeming to know that even if he pulls out his saber, he can’t fight against these iron-skinned elite cavalry, meticulously loading ammunition.

As a result, the cavalry led by King Hadafa was like a tiger entering a flock, slashing and killing the unresistible infantry of the Shenji battalion!

It’s just that this one-sided slaughter not only did not relax Hadafa King’s mood, but on the contrary made his inner fear increase!

The infantry of the Shenji battalion who has not been hacked are still loading ammunition!

It takes time to cut people, and the infantry of the Shenji battalion stand in a dense queue. The cavalry rushed in and couldn’t reap quickly!

Some Tufan jade guard cavalry who did not run far, after seeing King Hadafa’s slaughter, returned with courage, Songtsen Gambo’s punishment for deserters was very severe!

However, after King Hadafa led a team to kill more than two hundred sacred machine battalion infantry, many of the sacred machine battalion infantry had completed the state, and they aimed at the Tufan Janissary Cavalry and Hadafa King who were close at hand!

bang bang bang bang…

The sporadic gunfire quickly became a continuum. The Tufan Guards cavalry who were massacre were screaming and falling off their horses one after another. The Tufan Guards cavalry who were on the way back saw this scene and were scared to death. Turning the horse’s head and fleeing the battlefield without looking back!

Bu Haoyu, who had been prepared for a long time, never joined the battle. After the Shenjiying infantry opened fire again, the cavalry escaped team of the Guards were familiar with it!

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