From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 See-saw consumption

On the land stained with black and red blood, a row of more than a dozen people with color eyes were **** with their hands on the ground and kneeling on both knees. Behind each of the kneeling people was an icy man with full armor.

Richard rode a high-headed white horse slowly patrolling past. The kneeling **** people were either numb, or cursed Richard, or begged for mercy at the people around…

Opposite them is a group of **** and tufans with red turbans on their heads who have had their weapons removed and their faces are a bit unsightly.

“Intent to rebel, cut!”

Puff puff……

More than a dozen sabers fell like a machine. A dozen heads escorted by the infantry of the fifth army battalion rolled to the ground, and the blood stained the land even more.

The Auxiliary Soldiers standing in front of the’military posture’ couldn’t help but utter a series of cold breathing sounds. One of the Red Scarf Soldiers weakened their legs and collapsed without holding up. On the ground, the infantry of the fifth army battalion guarding by the side immediately rushed in and dragged out the fallen Red Scarf soldiers.

In this process, all the Red Scarf soldiers who did not observe the military discipline and made a sound will be dragged out by the other five army battalion infantry!

There are dozens of temporary execution grounds, and there are hundreds of people in each viewing square!

Soon, the Red Scarf soldiers who were dragged out for various reasons were announced in public and joined the death squad for the next round of attack!

Standing in the crowd, Zhao Li couldn’t help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and exhaled for a long time. He finally got it through…

He knew that most of those dragged out were new faces who had never experienced this kind of battle, that is to say, they were all ‘recruits’ who had just been added in the last one or two days.

Unfortunately, they had bad luck. They had just joined the First Auxiliary Corps, they encountered a mutiny, and finally encountered this kind of prestige scene.

Those who were beheaded were naturally the Red Scarf soldiers who failed after participating in the mutiny. Soldiers who committed the mutiny error did not even have the opportunity to participate in the death squad and would be beheaded in public!

After the execution ceremony, Zhao Li took his centurion team to deal with the headless corpse on the ground.

And just one kilometer away from the killing field, it is the city wall of the main town of Shule Army Town!

Richard, who visited the execution ground for a whole circle, naturally would not care about the mood of a group of cannon fodder. He soon came to the big camp outside the town of Shulejun.

After several days of **** battle, the small strongholds and defensive points outside of Shule Army Town were uprooted one by one, and now there is only one lonely main city left in Shule Army Town.

Most of the defeated soldiers who escaped by chance also fled into Shule Army Town.

Because of Richard’s handling of Tufan prisoners of war, there are now fewer and fewer Tubos surrendering. It’s not that the Tubos are more resistant to resistance, but that most of them would rather fight for their lives with a 1% chance of escaping to heaven. , And he was unwilling to surrender to the Red Scarf on the spot…

Tufan tribe warriors all know that there is only one way to survive Richard’s surrender-to join Richard’s auxiliary army as cannon fodder and set foot on the battlefield again!

Therefore, as long as it is not a mortal situation, the Turpan tribe warriors will try their best to escape.

In the Western Regions where they are not familiar with their lives, the Tubo people are naturally more inclined to flee to the cities controlled by their own army.

Richard glanced at the main city of Shulejun Town, and opened his personal panel to inquire.

“Until now, I have accumulated 000 Qiyun Coins. Even after arriving in Shulejun Town, the number of Qiyun Coins has not increased by more than 4 digits. It seems that Songtsan Gampo’s elite has really been burned out and can only be used. There are sufficient numbers of conquered Semu and Tufan tribe warriors.”

Since the 2nd year of King Daming, Richard has led his troops to fight for nearly a month. Under Richard’s offensive, the troops sent by the two sides to the battlefield seem to have degenerate, and there is rarely a real regular army.

Richard can conquer cannon fodder, why not Songtsan Gambo?

Richard confiscated and looted the Semu people in the enemy-occupied areas, but Songtsen Gambo was even more ruthless, and directly forced the Semu population in the towns and towns he occupied.

The offensive and defensive battles between the two sides are extremely fierce, and the dead on the battlefield are 80% of the people of color…

The remaining 20% ​​are all Tubo people!

There were very few casualties among Han people…

Whether it is Songtsen Gambo or Richard, they dare not offend the local Han Chinese gentry class power faction, plus

The Han population in the Western Regions is inherently small, and all the young and young Han who can be fought in the previous wars are almost consumed. The rest are either the old and the weak or the Han who are dependent on the Han gentry and do not want to go to the battlefield.

Of course, Songtsen Gambo, who didn’t dare to offend the local power faction, couldn’t forcefully conquer the Han people.

Richard used the elite soldiers of the system headquarters to press the auxiliary army to death on the battlefield. Songtsen Gampo also followed suit, using a few Tufan tribe warriors to **** the young men and women to the head of the city as a meat shield.

It is precisely because the quality of the defenders is so poor that Richard can conquer the city as long as he is willing to pay the price!

It’s just that the see-saw war of attrition between the two sides has caused great damage to the population of the Semu people and the productivity of the villages, and the areas with intense fighting even appear to be uninhabited!

If the two sides were not concerned about the strength of the local Han Chinese gentry and their class strength, there would be a phenomenon that the entire town and even the county town would be labeled as ghost territory!

I have to say that the strength of the local Han Chinese gentry class has effectively controlled the destructiveness of the battlefield…

Both sides have already smashed their eyes Before victory, they can’t take care of other aspects…

Even in a siege battle, due to insufficient food and grass in the city, when Richard’s people broke through the city, they found that some Tubo people put the old and weak people on the table as food!

But the Han Chinese gentry class in the city are throwing in their homes to enjoy delicious food!

According to subsequent investigations, the Tufan tribe fighters who were hungry and blush during the siege at the time even selectively forgot Songtsen Gambo’s orders and tried to rob the Han gentry and wealthy families in the city, but ended up under the high-walled compound of the Han gentry and wealthy families. I touched my head and broke the blood…

Because of this, the Tufan tribe warriors in that city have a large number of troops, but they have become one of the easiest targets for Richard to capture in the siege…

The local Han gentry who felt the threat quickly established contact with the Licha people outside the city. The city gates were jointly dedicated to the inside and outside of the city. The entire Tubo city did not run away, and all were slaughtered!

That battle allowed Richard to see with his own eyes the force of the Han gentry class hidden in the depths of the city, and a large number of iron-clad Han family members emerged from nowhere, which provided a great convenience for Richard to purge the Tubo people!

Songtsen Gambo, after learning the result of that battle, again issued several orders to control and constrain the Tufan tribe fighters with poor military discipline, and let them know that they must not do anything to the local Han gentry and wealthy!

That is not a bunch of fat sheep, but spiked hornet nests!

Richard looked at Shule Army Town in the distance, full of ambition!

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